Has anyone on Sup Forums seen the new Star Wars yet?

Has anyone on Sup Forums seen the new Star Wars yet?
Is it really just propaganda?

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Did you see todays cancerous stronk wymyn trailer? It should make things clear.

It's shit, just like your shitty life

its not
i liked it

your country was ruled by jew after ww2 we cant take your opinion. for all we know your a jew

I wouldn't call it propaganda so much as pandering and catering to demographics.

But fuck them anyway. Most of the people behind this maus film are regressives who get off on the smell of their own farts.

>Movie starts off with a happy white family being destroyed an an evil Jew
>Main villian is an evil Jew
>Jew gets killed by white man
>Strong woman needs white man's help
>Pakistani guy is an ex-Imperial

At least the lead girl is hot unlike in TFA

>Is it really just propaganda?

Any hints at Katarn's force sensitivity, the valley of the jedi etc?

im catholic like most people here
there are barely any jews in austria, not even 0,5%

Kyle is no longer canon.

I spent my childhood reading EU lore.

Honestly, it's not that bad.
At least it gets rid of dumb shit like the Emperor suddenly having horocruxes, and becoming a force cloud, or Cade Skywalker who was OP was shit.



I started suspecting Chirrut, Donnie Yen's character was force sensitive. The scene on the beach where the Shadow Troopers show up and begin wiping out the rebel soldiers is a clear giveaway. The Shadow Troopers are killing the rebels left and right and that one rebel soldier gets shot the second he leaves cover.

Chirrut calmy walks to the console completely exposed and the Shadow Troopers miss every shot, makes you think.

>the Kung Fu Icon's character
>force sensitive
you don't say?

Star Wars has always been political, Sup Forumstards are just being pussies, and this outrage basically SJW behavior



Half chick flick
Half children's flick

Think I'll keep my shekels in my pocket

>51% White women college graduates vote hillary

>america white women act like nigger
>dance like nigger,fuck with nigger,become a nigger

>10 million america white women have sex with black/hispanic male

>at least 5million white women have black child

hmm... I wonder why america white women such degenerate whore

wait minute...

These black cock sucking faggot actually enjoy diversity Squadron fuck up evill white male

didn't even know it was out yet

is that Katniss?

I heard pretty much the entire cast is killed.

It's most likely not either. It's just marketing. Media and marketing has regressed female and POC leads to political battles.

No one gave shit about Ripley, Samuel L Jackson, or a good number of other female/minority lead characters in fiction until a few years ago. You overblow the few people who complain and then more people complain because they feel like victims due to blanket statements and join in the bitching.

Now the media has made it a politically charged move to not have a white male lead. It's a promotional tool to motivate people to see the film as a sign of political duty instead of just letting the film market itself. The thing is it tends to hurt movies because it makes seeing them too much of a politically charged statement.

Like Ghostbusters was shit but had they marketed it as just a new Ghostbusters movie it would have probably done better. Instead it was the most politically charged film of the year. Sony's trying it again with Spider-Man, and while Disney avoiding it themselves and tried to push it away the media and the films writer tried to make the movie out to be a political statement.

>They threw away the entire SW Expanded Universe to make this kind of shit

skip to 27:30

The scene where Vader BTFOs a bunch of terrorist cunts at the end is pretty great but that's it.

Don't pay to see it just pirate it.

Cant find it for some reason (youtube sucks) can you send link?

Of course it's propaganda.

Did anyone else notice the Ghost from Star Wars Rebels flying around during the space battle towards the end?

Yes. And Hera is General

Why would I watch a movie that I already know the ending to? They get the plans. There, I saved you two hours of not nearly enough Vader.

I don't see a problem with him going, "Hey, why not?". However, I can see the problem when they go, "We need to "properly" represent society."

Just went to the theater tonight, saw it was playing. Didn't know it premiered tonight. Went to see Moana instead.

If I'm watching stronk women. I'd rather they be in cartoons.

I saw it. Not a lot of libshit propaganda. Plus the Empire was dope

Wait, really? I never noticed it.

Im at the theater now it starts at 10 est

>And Hera is General
Is she? Is it subtely mentioned at some point?

It's the best movie I've ever seen in the theater. Absolute masterpiece. Anyone who's boycotting it because they think their minds are so weak they'll be brainwashed into liking minorities and women is not a true Star Wars fan, anyway.

Kino. Pure Kino.

should i go watch this even though it doesn't have straight white men in it? i don't want to support the movie but the fact that [spoiler]the main characters die[/spoiler] makes me want to watch it, i hate movies where the main characters get out without scratch or sacrifice

Just got back from watching. Beautiful visuals, but absolutely abhorrent story. The characters are about as stale as 3 week old bread.

>Pic related
Here you are.

All the shit skins and the stronk women get BTFO and killed by the white man's big beautiful battle station. I wish they would shoot it at Turkey.

I saw it tonight and I agree it was brilliant

This. I'm really frustrated by media boycotts. This gives us a leg up. We are smothered in their ideology 24/7 and it gives us a more well roundedness to our own perceptions.

This. It was amazing

>Abhorrent story
To be fair, it was obvious how it was gonna end

>im catholic like most people here
Catholicism has been hijacked by the muslim brotherhood ever since Benedict was ousted for upsetting the OIC. Being a Catholic doesn't make you less of a cuck.

nah its not as bad as the "nazi soldier" in TFA

the movie itself sucked, but it didnt try to push agendas on you

>SW Expanded Universe

Only turbo virgins were into that shit.

I just saw it my mom, the Jedi planet is a desert called Jedha and there is "holy city", the Imperial Army is the White West and the Rebellion are non-Whites and womyn.

Pathetic trolling here. It's a forgettable cluster fuck mess of girl power and dues ex machina

4.5 stars.

Out of 100

Isn't it getting really shitty reviews? I might not see it because it's absolute garbage, propaganda or not.

Mediocre movie but there's no propaganda, truly.

Media trying to spin this in a different way

>Only turbo virgins were into that shit.

Knights of the old Republic broke mainstream success and is considered one of the best vidya ever made.

I hope Disney makes a live action Ahsoka movie

>December 15th
>(you): Has anyone seen this movie that comes out on December 16th?

In the major fighting scene, the main squad of people fighting in the rebels are all male, those guys on the beach fighting conventionally, she literally the only female that fights, and she does very little of that, mainly running around the base.

Also, they all die

>85% on Rotten Tomatoes
It's bretty gud. Really puts the "Wars" in Star Wars.

orange butt cheeks, the embarrassment though, the actress would have to go head to toe in orange paint, she'll look like a fucking oompa loompa

Yet you have obnoxious monuments to those people that dot Vienna. They should be bulldozed along with the Soviet monuments

>this thread full of bitter alt rights pretending they saw the movie so they can say it was horrible in a pathetic effort to further their agenda against Disney diversity

10 minutes til my screening starts. Got muh glock in case some crazy comes in. And my kazoozles.


watched it on the 14th, its when it came out here

overall its pretty much a cashgrab, and lore wise you learn nothing new or of any significance

Replace white/whitest with jew/jewish and show with furnace.

Slight Alt- Righter here. I liked it

He didn't even direct this one.

Its out early in like Europe so people have seen it

Not working tomorrow. I'm tempted to go see it but I think after seeing what that faggot writer posted on twitter and the fact that he has his slimy hand all over this film makes me think I will just pirate it.

I haven't seen it because my girlfriend is going to force me to watch it as soon as she comes back from her religious retreat.
>it was the trade off to not having to watch 12 years a nigger with her

I dunno, guys. I'm looking forward to it. From what I've heard, Darth Vader is a bad ass (not a whiny little faggot like Abram's little emo). And if that fag MatPat is right, then they might actually have them convert to the good guys (the "Knights of Ren")

>too bad that manchild is never right

Don't worry about it. Disney put that bitch in his place after the tweet and the movie itself had little to no propaganda.

Or, they could just hire an American Indian actor.



>The scene where Vader BTFOs a bunch of terrorist cunts at the end is pretty great

>Hallway to the escape ship goes dark.
>You hear the breathing. Then you see the red.
>Rebels open fire.
>Vader block/reflects lasers.
>Crushes people with the force
>Takes their weapons, slices bodies in half
>[spoiler]The rebels barely make it out with the Death Star Plans [/spoiler]
>[spoiler]With Leia on board [/spoiler]

It was gewd, there was only one time I noticed them try and shove the fact they main girl was a strong female character, when she was beating up the storm troopers and the other guy stopped shooting and did literally the same thing when Finn saw Rey beat up those stormtroopers on Jakku

American Indians in leads don't fill theater seats.

It's not. It's as neutral as it can get. Except for the strong womyn hero.

But no. Can't qualify this movie as propaganda. In fact, it's much less progagandist than TFA.

And it's far better aswell. This movie shows how band TFA was.

They said a similar thing to Paul Anderson when he made the first "Resident Evil", the final film is releasing next month.

>Darth Vader is a bad ass (not a whiny little faggot like Abram's little emo)

Vader in full bad ass mode at the end of Rogue One

Its the entire end of the movie



it's same garbage if not worse than VII

>Its the entire end of the movie

Thanks. Now I don't have to watch the whole thing to see the one thing I'd want to see.

why not? it's just a camrip of the last like 3 minutes?

>im catholic
you can't be more bluepilled than believing in old grandpa creating world

Exactly my point. If I'm gonna see Vader be the badass motherfucker he is, I want it to be in high quality.

great movie, ties in a lot of A New Hope in very subtle ways. The end of Rogue One and A New Hope are chronologically separated by mere hours.

Checked most of the boxes I expected about Jin.

Really expected them to check the Jin is Mara Jade (or new composite equivalent) box after they revealed some of what I expected them to reveal.

Hopefully the extended cut will be good.

it was blatantly obvious way before that tweet

Star Wars 'fans' are fuckin goobers and social justice has infested any and all Star Wars talk from the time Disney bought it.

I am the biggest TFA hater and Rogue One was actually pretty good. Just got home.

>I've never been more enraged than when what looked like a battle planet from Shadow Raiders turned out to be ANOTHER FUCKING DEATH STAR. And worse it could split it's beams in half. AND WORSE every goddamn planet was in the same system and Rey and Finn could see it from a planet's surface with no time delay.


Even my most normie and leftie dipshit associates came out and said "it was just okay"
And haven't spoken about it since

People are going to burn out on star wars so very quickly

And think, we still have "8", "9", the Han Solo trilogy, the Boba Fett film, the upcoming EA and Lego games, the rest of Rebels...

This shit isn't going to end

What's it about and should I be mad for reasons other than "diversity"

You know theaters show that shit early right? I saw it 4 hours ago.

>kyle katarn

user, i have bad news for you...

>And worse it could split it's beams in half. AND WORSE every goddamn planet was in the same system and Rey and Finn could see it from a planet's surface with no time delay.

That's just a byproduct of JJ being scientifically illiterate. The Star Trek remakes have even worse examples that severely shatter the immersion of anyone who has at least a middle school education. He makes fun movies, but he really shouldn't be allowed to direct sci-fi.

What are you talking about? They only ever made six Star Wars movies. The series is over.

It'll be fine if the movies don't completely suck. Marvel's worst film was Incredible Hulk, and that was a long ass time ago.

If you want to be that way, I would go as far as to say they only made 3, and they haven't been released on blu-ray yet.

>Vader incapacitates a rebel by forcing him onto the ceiling
>Nonchalantly slices the rebel's side open as he walks past, not even sparing a glance
>Lets the rebel's lifeless body fall to the floor