Aus Thread on gun laws in Australia

Aus Thread on gun laws in Australia.

Why is it illegal for law abiding citizens to carry and own a gun for self-defense? you cant even have pepper spray for self defense here.

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So because one guy kills a bunch of people millions of people have to turn their guns in.

Thanks a lot dickhead

What a glorious photo. I'm so happy I voted Howard.
We don't have school shooting like Murika because we don't hand out guns to any old idiot.

i want a gun, to many niggas in melbourne.


He's cute

Jesus Christ, what is wrong with you reject Englishmen?

I know it's bait, but baka. Smh.

Sweden has had an explosion in gun crime.

You just need more diversity, mate.



do you get raped and robber by said niggers?

you should just train fighting cassowarys and drag them around with you. from what I've seen those are high capacity assault birds

In the 18 years to 1996, Australia experienced 13 fatal mass shootings in which 104 victims were killed and at least another 52 were wounded. There have been no fatal mass shootings since that time

>Why is it illegal for law abiding citizens to carry and own a gun for self-defense

Because you put up with it.

Aussies got cucked by the EU. Haven't you heard? See Europe for another example.

This will be fun.

There is a lot of data on it. Swedish cities are much more unsafe then they ever used to be.

If it actually was a retard pulling off SAS level shooting, then yeah, fuck that guy.

Shut up you fucking leaf

He makes a good point you illiterate baboon.

They banned that lever shotgun the other day.

But everyday on the news it's another shooting here and another shooting there.

We never did just hand out guns to anyone. The government was trying to disarm the public for years because they saw revolution on the horizon due to their massive widespread incompetents and their insistence on making Australia multicultural being heavily opposed by all Australian. You people don't remember this but it used to be in the big cities everyone was white and there would be like on neighborhood of greeks or chinese that stood out. The government exploited the first massacre conducted by a deranged psychopath that it could to ban everyone's guns so they would have the monopoly on power in this county. They paired it with brainwashing students in the schools and older people with tv.

The truth of the matter is martin bryant didn't even have a gun licence. He bought all of gis guns illegally the previous laws were fine. The problem was some small town gun shop owner got greedy when a mentally ill man walked in willing to pay cash so he never even asked for id and took the money off the books.

The previous laws were fine as long as people obeyed them.

>There have been no fatal mass shootings since that time


okay, but most on that list are stabbing, arson, and murder/suicides... my post was about random mass shootings. not a guy who killed his wife then himself

look at all those
>deadly assault weapons

why does it matter how they get killed?

It's also worth noting that back around ww2 there wasn't a man in the county that wasnt able to ride a horse and an experienced shooter. This gave men the ability to quickly form an armed force should war occur... and now... well the population is weak and it would take weeks to train men to shoot well enough to form any kind of resistance against an invasion and even if you did manage to train men to shoot on time.. which you wouldn't... but if you did, half the men would immediately surrender to the enemy because guns are so icky and killing invaders is mean, can't we like just work for them abd pay them taxes or something I'm like a designer or some kind we should like embrace our multiculturalism one race the human race right gang yay gay rights, you're not a feminist what do you like hate women? .... basically the male population has been purposely sissified through brainwashing since the mid 90s. China should seriously just invade. Nothing would stop them. They would just have to slaughter the the last half million white men with balls in this could and it would be done. Most people would just quiver and fear and beg forgiveness from their attackers or offer their services to the new government.