Why do you trust Moscow more than Washington?
What makes you think Russians are your friends?
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because i know cucks and libs sure as fuck aren't
They're really good at killing sandniggers.
You don't have to be friends to not be enemies.
Putin's Russia is the last bastion of white Christian conservatism and white Europeans.
haha manlets
It's alittle hard to explain.
I'd trust a Russian more than some sneaky wetback.
The Russians have not blown tens of billions of dollars trying to convert the world to the American religion of niggerloving and homosexuality.
not only are they not our friends, they are in fact our mortal enemies. If there was a way to nuke all of russia including all of the civlians without retaliation the US should do it. Sadly, we can't do that without being nuked ourselves.
Imagine all of the hot gay sex those three get on a daily basis. Umpf.
What's funny is one of our top operators could take down all three of those guys simultaneously in under 30 seconds.
>The burger sees muscular men and automatically thinks of faggotry.
How is this healthy in a combat situation?
I can understand CQC but digging a bullet out of those pecks would cause immense blood loss and offers a larger target for opposing shooters.
Russia is a foreign country with its own motivations and lifeways. Beltway Elites genocidally hate us and are moving aggressively to endanger our lives, take all our property, and erase all our accomplishments.
Like this guy?
>Dominican talking about niggers
>pot calling the kettle black
Not friends . But id rather have peace with them than cold war 2.0 . Unless you want to live with the constant fear of being nuclearized
I only trust Mike Cernovich and Milo
Cuz Russians ain't taking my money to give it to spics and sand niggers
I don't trust anyone.
But objectively, the Americans broke the peace that they were winning by staging the coup in Ukraine.
So in this case they were both wrong and stupid, and wrong and stupid needs to be pushed back.
Russia banned rothschild banksand IMF control in Russia.
That's a huge red flag that they are allies against the jew.
Sup Forums's ultimate allegiance is to anyone and anything that can destroy the jewish race, we care nothing for ideology or nationality really, we just want the jewish race exterminated or severely weakened.
Cia analysts or whoever who think we're Russian agent helpers are retarded. We don't give a shit about Russia or any country, our true allegiance is to national socialism, and to the white race.
He got MK Ultra'd.
We are overrun with Haitians because you faggots would invade us if we exterminated them.
I'm ambivalent toward Russia, and distrust the people who want to make me Russia's enemy.
I'm a little wary of any cause that American liberals [pictured] take up in the name of "patriotism." They've done nothing in the last eight years which permits me to believe that they have the best interests of the nation at heart.
>staging a coup in Ukraine
Oh all legit things you could of have said. You just gonna try to make up fake shit?
i dont but i also dont want nukes flying overhead
Big and clumsy, they are not suitable for millitary.
There are major city's in Russia that are barely functional. Think of Detroit. Now take away running water and power. That is what you get.
Because Jews hate them.
The people on this board are mostly young, not the brightest, and they are bombarded with media and news stories that give them the impression the West is dying and America's armed forces are all trannies and niggerlovers.
Very effective tactic for propaganda. The "conservatives" eat that shit up. To the point they are willing to abandon their country and values because Russia, in their eyes, is a jew-free, tranny-free heaven on earth for white men. Russia is based, comrade! Putin put a bounty on Soros! Why would you defend the US, they're liberals! Us right-wing conservatives rather be Russians!
It makes you ponder, exactly, whose side are they on. What they perceive to be "white" nationalists, or the very country they inhabit? Are they more loyal to someone because of the color of their skin, or because of their shared culture and common values?
The answer is, sadly, the former. These people are willing to abandon the US because they think it is controlled by jews and liberal nigger mexicans or whatever. They are willing to align themselves with a foreign power because of the color of their skin or their Christian religion. Now, that sounds really familiar... What other peoples in the world hate the government they live under and proscribe loyalty to a religion or a skin color?
And how!
>we dindu nuffin
try again mongol shill
>Are they more loyal to someone because of the color of their skin, or because of their shared culture and common values?
>They are willing to align themselves with a foreign power because of the color of their skin or their Christian religion
How is the Christian religion not "shared culture and common values"?
Aligning with someone for his skin color and aligning with him because of Christianity are two entirely different motives, yet you lump them together like they go hand in hand.
>a bunch of civic-nationalist nonsense
The average American objectively has more in common with the average Slav than with the twisted kikes which currently dominate the American political, media, academic and corporate establishment.
You mean to tell me a half-bonobo apeman from Nigeria is the same as a white Southerner from America because they're both Christians and have the same culture and values?
no, that's not what I mean to tell you
Yeah yeah, more parroted propaganda.
We are all the same, as long as we're white. Slavs and Americans are the same!
>white globalist logic
Well, what then? You think religion is the same everywhere and all Christians have common cultures and values?
There's more unity in nations than religions. This is just a fact.
>white globalism is bad
Globalism isn't an actual ideological movement, it is merely a politically correct euphemism used to describe a kike led conspiracy to benefit non-European genetic trash at the expense of our people.
There is nothing objectively wrong with a European imperial globalism which unites our peoples in a war of extermination against our racial rivals.
>all Christians have common cultures and values?
yes. maybe not all self-professed """Christians""" do, but all bona fide Christians do.
"There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."
Galatians 3:28
And one Russian top operator could take down three Americans equivalent of those guys. What is your point?
Because theyre actions are based on what is neccesary for their country and people and not wasted on degenerates and shills.
You want to do away with the idea of nations in favor of a racial army, a large tribe of sorts. If it were up to you Russia would manage our government because they're white. National sovereignty means nothing to you other than, maybe, a tool for Jews to control your fellow man.
You think with the perspective of an impending race war, failing to see your new all-white globalist powers would crumble among infighting and disagreements.
Because not all white men are created equal. You are a fool if you think otherwise. No better than a lowly nigger or a Muslim advocating for the global caliphate.
because putin is trump-tier leader and if you listened to him speak ever at all you would know this.
cause our government isnt denying emails they just blame russia for releasing them. They are insane
Ted Kennedy trusted the Soviets.
You can't use the no true scotsman fallacy for this one.
It is easier to rally up a people to fight for their country instead of their religion. Because religions are fluid ideas with differing interpretations. But a nation is a concrete thing with borders and laws. It is society itself
I don't trust Moscow or Washington, but I care about Moscow a lot less because I don't live somewhere that is behoplden to their laws and policies.
Why do you trust the US government?
Religion is irrelevant, only race truly matters. We should make no distinctions based on the type of Semitic demon which is worshiped by the subhumans which are colonized our homelands.
>You want to do away with the idea of nations in favor of a racial army, a large tribe of sorts.
Nations should reflect the realities on the ground. One of the great benefits of this globalist age has been the spread of a uniform global Ameri-European culture and of an English Lingua Franca. The differences between European peoples are increasingly irrelevant, we would never kill each other as our great-grandfathers did.
>If it were up to you Russia would manage our government because they're white.
The current Russian government is in no way sympathetic to European nationalism, European-Russians are denied their own distinct identity. Contemporary Russia merely has an older and milder form of the civic nationalist disease which is currently killing our civilization.
>your new all-white globalist powers would crumble among infighting and disagreements.
This is fine, once all non-whites have been exterminated, we can once again begin to compete amongst ourselves.
>Because not all white men are created equal.
So what? The shittiest white man is worth infinitely more than the best of the non-whites.
all Russians look cold angry/empty, makes me want to hug one.
This can't be happening. I just got back from zumba class, and I was going to put my clothes in the washer, and there's a leak in the water heater that the russians made. I didn't actually see them cutting a hole in the water heater, but my plumber has a russian accent, and those soviets hate america. Plus, who benefits from my water heater leaking? That's right, PUTIN's russia does. Let that sink in. It's obvious that russian hackers did it.
Things just keep going from bad to worse. I thought I could fix it by buying a bunch of sponges and taping them to the hole in the pipe, since I read an article saying that they would absorb all the water, but that turned out to be fake news, and now water's starting to flow into the kitchen. I had to make a cushion wall around around the wiring for the lights to make sure they don't get wet.
Why would they do this to me? I don't even know them. This is seriously a huge problem, my world is literally falling to pieces. We seriously need to stop this fake news, it's already ruined my life and it's only going to make everything even worse, that's why we need to pass a law getting rid of the 1st amendment.
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Russian pussy+VSS, libs can't make a better offer.
What are russias gun laws like?
Because the Democrats are desperately trying to undermine everything Republican and will do anything to remain in power.
Vampire Putin has ruled Russia for centuries and has nobody to contest against, he's got no reason to lie and manipulate us as his position is secured.
Fpbp at this point I'd take Russians over any of my fellow leftist country men. Our country is destroying itself with perversion and sick liberal ideas.