Will There Ever Be Another Industrial Genocide?

Seriously, what would it take for humans collectively to say, "Fuck it, start stuffing fuckers (probably Muslims) into ovens!"?

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What do you mean by "Another"?

It's more likely Muslims will try to genocide whites. It would most likely be roving gangs with knives in the streets that the authorities turn a blind eye to. The first the Muslims will kill are Jews and anyone commonly mistaken for a Jew but is clearly not Islamic, like secular Arabs, Greeks and Italians.

Next it'll be regular white people because they're "weak."

No arguing, this wouldn't be the first time an Islamic group ethnically cleansed their immediate area, especially when they're killing Jews and effectively Italians. Somehow the tall, handsome Italian gets more hatred than the short, balding Greek.

White people will never agree to genocide. Expecting them to is either an extreme ignorance of recent western culture or some sort of false hyperbole from left wing extremists who hate white culture... No allusions to Marxism here at all.

If you want to see some real crazy, mix Islamist regression with left wing apologetics. That's our current Orwellian future to avoid.

I assume the scenario you outlined applies to Europe. I can't see a roving gang of Muzzies lasting 15 minutes in the U.S., especially if they are actively murdering people.

>What do you mean by "Another"?

Concentration camps, mechanized slaughters, gas chambers, ovens, etc.....to a scale meeting or exceeding what the Nazis did.

There's never been an industrial genocide though? The only genocides that have happened were by roaming gangs of people or rebels

>There's never been an industrial genocide though?

The Holocaust? Granted, it wasn't a 100% success, but it was a good try.

>fell for the holocaust meme
Mate this is redpill 101. There is more than a mountain of evidence showing the holocaust as it has been described did not happen

I suspect if they try the same thing in America they'll attach to BLM and the Panthers. Both groups have called for racialised violence and gotten away with it, so it's understandable if a Islamic group wants to ride that precedent.

Armenian genocide, holocaust and holodomor come to mind. Most genocides are just roaming gangs that get lost in history until people outright deny it, but some are government sponsored or government tolerated.

Why spend the money and bad publicity rounding up all the high IQ white men who keep taking the good jobs when you can simply create precedents that violence against them isn't a crime?

Of course there's some effort to keep the white man down, but due to the circumstances surrounding it then it might be subconscious since it's likely it's just resentment. People don't like people who typically turn out successful or don't seem to struggle at their jobs. People refuse to take a realistic outlook on life, especially if it reflects badly on them.

I digress, if you're still making it twice as difficult for white men to pursue happiness, you're making it twice as difficult for them to start families, lowering their fertility rate and thus being a form of light genocide.

Why is anyone surprised that the left wing would attempt a form of genocide when they're tolerant of Marxism?


If that's true then there is much less reason to respect the Nazis.

There will if the cucks and white genocide apologists get their way. US whites may be the first to go.

Not much. Some intolerance, misunderstandings, unrepentant aggression. And it all goes up in flames.


But the Holocaust literally did not happen.

The NSDAP were the good guys. They didn't need to genocide the Jews. They just wanted the Jews out.

>mountain of evidence showing the holocaust as it has been described did not happen
Funny how I never get to see that mountain. The bits of it I manage to see are easily debunked.

But what I really want to know is why I never see holocaust deniers on Sup Forums acknowledging these pics imgur.com/a/PSmeN

>The nazis was one of the most efficient societies to ever exist!
>They invaded Russia because they were running out of oil! The nazi war machine was struggling for resources!
>They had enough oil to bus 6 million jews to a few camps, feed them, clothe them, and enough lethal doses of chemicals that could've been used for artillery & mortar shells, but instead used them to gas them over and over!
>And then they used the fuel they didn't had to burn the bodies to ash!
It didn't fucking happen mate.

>Funny how I never get to see that mountain.
Holocaust Revisionism

>Seriously, what would it take for humans collectively to say, "Fuck it, start stuffing fuckers (probably Muslims) into ovens!"?

That's impossible. Even the holocaust was kept a secret from the general populace. Basic human morality doesn't allow for an open genocide. That's why all of them have happened either in secret or away from the general populace and the country of the perpetrator.

>But what I really want to know is why I never see holocaust deniers on Sup Forums acknowledging these pics
They're all bullshit. They've been refuted. Fuck off kike.

Is that everything you got? There's more in the link I gave than what your pic's discussing about

>can get arrested for denial or questioning the NWO narrative.

God bless you

>the Holocaust
Hello, Reddit.

>Is that everything you got?
No, that's just all I'm going to post.

It's clearly useless to debate you so I'm not going to waste my time posting dozens of images that you're just going to dismiss out of hand.

>There's more in the link I gave than what your pic's discussing about
And I posted a link with thirty plus three hundred paged books, dozens of hours long documentaries, dozens of websites and dozens of articles. All of which prove the Holocaust didn't happen and are much better evidence than your shitty infographs.

A link which so far you've ignored.


>Implying the Holocaust actually happened.

You newfags are getting off topic.

>Basic human morality doesn't allow for an open genocide.

>He has literally never heard of the Philippines

Small caveats yes, but effectively an ongoing public genocide with huge approval from its unaffected populace.

Actually, I'm playing devil's advocate here. I saw those pics in imgur and wanted to know what deniers have to say about them because they seem pretty convincing to me.

I'm not going to dismiss anything, post the rest if there's any. You'd be redpilling a fellow Sup Forums user.

>Implying a holocaust is bad

>Actually, I'm playing devil's advocate here.
Sure you are.

>I saw those pics in imgur and wanted to know what deniers have to say about them because they seem pretty convincing to me.
They're nothing new. They've all been refuted. They're bullshit arguments anyway.

>I'm not going to dismiss anything, post the rest if there's any. You'd be redpilling a fellow Sup Forums user.
*sigh* Fine. I'll post what I have.








There. That's all my refutations that I've been able to collect.

Doesn't matter much though. The real evidence that proves the Holocaust didn't happen is in that pastebin.

Ok. Thanks man. I didn't ignore the pastebin.

And after the industrial genocide a tribal wickerman like one to keep the gene pool clean. Like in the olden days.

From what I've gathered, the holocaust happened, but they made it overly dramatic and changed details to make people cry and support the state of Israel.
Like they probably didn't use Zyklon B (which represented the idea that Germans really thought they were "killing vermin"), but other deadly but safer gasses, and the death count doesn't seem very realistic for the capabilities that individual camps had.

Also, the death toll has been reevaluated numerous times and several so-called eye witnesses either admitted that they weren't there or that they exaggerated details to make the pain more relatable.

>Armenian genocide, holocaust and holodomor
There was no Armenian "genocide" and the so-called holocaust wasn't a holocaust because the whole systematic extermination in gas chambers thing never happened.

Some kike who coined the term genocide pitched it as an international crime to the UN and cited the Armenian example and the holohoax. Prior to WW2 this very same kike pitched the very same crime to the LoN citing the Armenian example and called it barbarism back then.
In truth the Turks were killing Armenians and the Armenians also were killing just as many Turks. The Turks deported Greeks and Assyrians too as well as Kurds but only the Kurds really remain. They did population transfers with Greece. Armenian were having none of that so they got all militant and apparently this is somehow a genocide. Ethnic cleansing maybe but ethnic cleansing continues on even today and nobody cares. Nobody cared about Germans being ethnically cleansed from Poland after WW2. If that's not a genocide then the Armenian thing isn't either.

I don't know much about holodomor to make a comment