Inb4 jidf
Disprove this, dipshits on/pol/
Other urls found in this thread:
what do you call that round circle?!
everything is perspective
LEave your front door open everyday then
Disprove what? There clearly are borders in that pic, mongo
Look up the definitions of border
I don't see any barriers around your asshole that would prevent me from sticking my dick in it.
Lets see the China side.
Nobody is saying we can't have a one unified world you stupid commie, we just can't with so many stupid people that want to destroy everything that is rational
I don't see land borders or buildings either.
I'm moving into your basement you fucking cunt, make space. Wont be paying any rent eihter.
Yes we are human and some collectives of humans govern themselves.
>its just a line in the sand dude
I don't see any round earth, do you?
Fuck round earth,
We are all living on a flat earth.
>falling for the spherical Jew
Some earthlings are better than others, and it's in humanity's best interests if the best earthlings are allowed to flourish unimpeded by the lesser earthlings. This means that the superior earthlings should pick a plot of land, declare it their nation-state, and act in the best interest of the the 'tribe' so to speak. 'Acting in the best interest' includes anything from defending the borders of that nation-state from lesser earthlings to exercising economic protectionism in order to keep your nation state wealthy relative to others.
>what is Pakistan/India
>what is Best/Worst Korea
you can't actually see the great wall from space.
you still haven't disproven his point.
Idk, he's got a dick in his ass, that's pretty disproven.
w-which side is which?
>What are oceans, deserts. rivers, mountains, jungles
Natural borders exist retard
Came here to say this.
No there are borders and muslims and jews are not welcome inside of mine
>borders are an artificial concept created by humans that have no foundation in nature and should thus be abolished
>The state is an artificial concept created by humans and thus doesn't have the right to coerce against the natural property of its citizens
choose both or choose none.
protip: both are retarded
But Trump's wall will be.
Globalism only works when everyone on the planet is willing to work together.
Convince the niggers and sandniggers to work, and it might be possible.
I don't see any borders, do you?
Fuck Nationalism
We are Solar Systemings
Pretty sure you can see the GREAT WALL Oaf CHINA from outer space
>Literally anything that can't be observed from a universal perspective just doesn't exist
>Sup Forums absolutely BTFO'd how will they recover?!?!?
By this judgement humans don't exist. Or anything on earth made by humans.
Zoom in a bit and you'll see the fucking borders.
I live on an island. The border is where you have to swim... The seas also belong to us.
With no edge or limit.
>rivers arent borders
>implying there isn't a border of ozone keeping you safe
fuck off, shit thread
here is picture of nigger. Do you want endless supply of these coming into your country from africa?
Yes you can, you can see it under optimum conditions in low earth orbit.
What you can't see it from is the moon.
Fucking ocean you retard animal.
>posts webm
Do you allow homeless people to come into your house and sleep and take food whenever they want?
If you said no then you believe in borders.
Yes. You can see the Great Wall of China from space and also the natural island barriers.
solar system separatists are destroying this union, we have to accept refugees from the Virgo Supercluster.
>No Pluto
I'm so glad we voted for Trumpdadumpf the XVII of the Uranus Biome 1008 to kick all the Plutonian's out.
Does that mean I can come into your house, eat all your food, and sleep on your couch?
We are all niggers
In Italy? We kinda already knew that
Planetary atmosphere is a border. You can't breathe outside it. Want to try holding in your breath? Try walking out into the black void. You can't? Gravity? Gravitational border.
Mexico is the civilizated part, the dirty desert is the land of free
It is disproven through any functional form of science you child.
If we were all the same, why is there a massive disparity in genetics, environmental conditions, cultural developments, societies.. etc
Are you a 3 year old, or just a liberal?
>1 post by this ID
Just stop fucking responding to these threads holy fucking shit! You are being played like damn fiddles!
We have your greatest general's leg in a second rate museum in the Midwest.
idk you can see the border around my country pretty easily
I don't see any borders, gwai lo, only mountains
It's selfish and racist of those who live there already to try and stop us Chinese Earthlings from living in this place
Larry Foulke pls go
Whoops guess thousands of years of human history mean nothing guys, there is absolutely no cultural, societal, or genetic differences between a group of people in Argentina and a group of people in Siberia.
Shut up mohammed
This pic is obviously fake, these white circles around the sun don't exist.
Obvious bait but just for fun OP why don't you let some third world muslim family invade your border and live in your house? I'm sure it will make you feel charitable and fulfilled.
So why did you wait 50 posts in and only after being called out to reappear?
Even though we're all brothers and sisters of humanity, it's practical to group ourselves together geographically and culturally so that we can effectively govern ourselves. Even without borders, we'd still have some form of government. And if we didn't have borders, we wouldn't know where one territory ends and another begins. So, one leader wouldn't know which people it was his responsibility to take care of. This would inevitably lead to conflicts between governments or groups of people.
If we didn't have borders, people would take it upon themselves to make new borders.
whats that blue stuff?
Earthlings still prey on other Earthlings.
The sense of unity that you might feel with others isn't a universal thing.
We'll build one then.
>round earth
nice shopped image
I don't see gravity in that picture either but I'm planning to start floating around.
I see oceanic borders you fucking sped.
I don't see any laws of any kind. So I guess I'm free to steal and rape til my heart's content because someone posted a drawing of the planet.
you know what else wont know or care anything about borders.
bullets, lots of bullets.
>I can't understand abstract concepts
>I can't see the law, it must not be real!
We all now that you're retarded OP.
Globalism has never been tried before. The closest we've come are the empires of the past that have managed to engulf many other nations. The British empire, the Ottoman empire, the Roman Empire. Even the Russian empire.
They are the closest scale we've gotten to anything 'global'. And what history has shown time and time again, is that no one, none of the people governed by these Empires from far away, were content with their large government that ignored their borders. From the Zulus to the Boers, to the American colonials, Hong Kong, India...all of them revolted in spectacularly bloody ways against the British Empire, preferring their governance on a much smaller and more local scale and reinstating the borders that they cherished. These large scale distant governments could not, and did not serve the needs of the governed.
We would have it easier to communicate with a distant government today, since our communications are instant. But even if we could communicate with it, would a global government address the needs of every demographic the same? Would the islands of Tuvalu be willing to be consumed by a large global government? Would we not be stepping on them unwillingly, to force them to become part of the new world order? Changing forever, their culture, their autonomy and their freedom.
Globalism...well..that's what they rebel against in Star Wars. A large, distant, unfeeling governmental machine that assimilates all the small governments in its path..tearing down borders and making it all 'one'. Government is by consent of the governed. Thus its highly doubtful you will get anyone but the most evil people, to willingly give up their freedom and their nations, in exchange for an empire that rules over all the world. Like we've seen all 'empires' before, consuming of borders can be done only with bloodshed.
would the part where your on earth and the part where your in space be a border? isnt a border a "line of delineation between a and b" is there not a border between earth and space?
Nice meme bro
>round earth theory
2nd post best post
Let's go ahead and remove those pesky locks on your doors while we're at it.
Your country is literally surrounded by natural borders.
The stupid people, let's call them that, will take all of our things, out-reproduce us, and leave us with a race of stupid people who don't know how to work the machinations that control everything, until we build ourselves back up for 400k years.
The film Idiocracy was flawed in a few ways but it was also right about that. It just didn't show everyone as being darker skinned and ghetto acting. Also, technology still worked.
His point is retarded.
It boils down to anything that is not entirely physical and/or can't be seen from space does not exist and by extension does not matter.
This is dumb because it also applies to things like law, art, mathematics, and history.
It is self defeating in that his opinion is also one of these things, and as it states itself, is irrelevant.
The borders are in fact there, you just have to zoom in
Who leads whom?
>doesn't see borders
>literally two huge fucking oceans
Borders are nessisary for a healthy world. Without borders, what happens when:
- a death cult takes over, like south korea 2016
- a murderious leftist comes to power and starts genocide, like philipines 2016
- The democratic socialists of North Korea, any year.
- China, any year...
I could go on, but anyone who knows anything about history knows that eventually when one group of people goes bad, the bad they do is proportionate to the power they hold. Limiting the size of countries protects humanity as a whole.
True. But neither do I see any human rights.
i 100% agree with this
the problem is:
people with some bad ideologies tend to concentrate around the same parts of the planet.
so before we have convinced the overwhelming majority of earthlings to not be cunts
we will have to try to treat them differently lest their backwards ideologies that project that they should be the ones ruling, ruin our earth due to our negligence.
we should progressively get rid of borders.
but while it's nice to leave doors unlocked in a neighborhood that we made so safe that it's possible to do that, you wouldn't do the same in downtown detroit.
same here.
Easy a cute
Even if we manage to get rid of borders they would eventually come back. You would have to rewrite human nature to permanently get rid of them.
>Till it's EDF vs Red Faction.
There are at the least natural borders. What the fuck do you think the line between the blue and green is?
That sets precident for bordered societies. The rest is up to us.
Get fucked.
Even monkeys have borders, cunt.
what is sphincter
keep going
Okay, when does Israel start accepting Palestinian refugees?
Disprove what? It isn't an argument. He says that because borders are not physical landmarks, nations shouldn't exist? That isn't an argument at all, it's a non-sequitur. Nations' existence is not contingent on the existence of material borders.
I don't have to disprove anything, he hasn't said anything that requires disproving. This would be like if I showed you a picture of a crime scene and said "I don't see any laws, do you? FUCK LAW ENFORCEMENT, WE ARE ALL CRIMINALS"
Would that be an argument? Would you have to "disprove" what I said?
>Oceans separating one landmass from another
>Shorelines separating land-dwelling creatures from sea-dwelling creatures
>Atmosphere separating entire earth from space
>250x241 border separating thumbnail from the rest of the webpage
>720x695 border separating expanded image from the rest of the webpage
>Recycling Bin window separating this picture from the rest of my files
Hey, I don't see any viruses or bacteria: fuck having an immune system. We're all just cells.