Brit/pol/ - Based 1990s Edition tbh

>Antisemitism now illegal in Britain: Theresa May confirms at PMQs today that the guidelines below will now become OFFICIAL government policy for policing hate speech

>Why we need an English Labour Party

>George Galloway: "Stop pretending that in a capitalist society, free movement of labour is anything other than a recipe for driving down wages"

>Tory Councillor who offered to donate "the steam from his piss" to Jo Cox banned from party for four years

>Isabelle Hard-on warns against Fake News™

>Douglas Murray writes on Jo Cox being used for political gain

>King Cuck: Brexit doesn't have to mean leaving the EU

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Why are there no qt celtic fascist girls... They are all leftist cunts and it hurts my soul.

>commies replaced this

>with this

In all seriousness though, there are, you're just not looking hard enough.

how many problems would be solved if we had another Plague?

>show about 1950s killer on ITV, "rillington place"
>show depicts him complaining about "darkies upstairs" and "the neighbours being coloureds"
>look it up to see the butthurt
>there is none
Wew. People actually accepted racism on prime time TV, even if it was "a disgraceful look back at a time best forgotten"

>promoting racemixing
Neck yourself.

There's racism on prime time TV quite often
It's directed against white British people

As if the media would miss an opportunity to suggest that nationalists are murderers

I've heard the plague was good for peasants' rights: there were fewer of them, and so their labour became more valuable.
We could do the same thing with mass deportations.

>tfw too intelligent to believe in the 'you can be racist against whites' meme

I understand exactly how much of a problem racemixing and so called "multiculturalism" is but I still haven't gotten used to other people sperging out at me because I cucked them in some sense of the word, honestly I can't help but laugh.

What's your feelings on sexism against men?

The context was he'd just killed his wife and needed an excuse to say why she wasn't arousn lately, so he said "It's the neighbours, you see, my wife doesn't like them." And the other guy, a random police officer he knew looked confused, as id that wasn't a reason for her to stay indoors, so he said "they're coloureds." And he nodded.

At another moment he'd hidden a dead body under the floorboards and when asked about the smell he said "it's the darkies next door, with their spices."

Felt more like rising damp than a drama, tbvqh lads.

Nige was just on Tucker Carlson's show.

It's real. But there aren't enough non-whites compared to whites in Britain for "racism" against whites to be a thing.

Evening lads

The absolute state of Brit/pol/

Are you one of those people who thinks racism is prejudice + power? Jews are extremely powerful in this country, and they hate white people. There you go.

Jews are white.

Not ethnically English though

Define ethnically English.

we're reaching immorality levels that shouldn't even be possible

>Jews are white.

from this country

>Jews are white

Tekken nerd here. Can I hang out in your thread?

>not maining a mishima

Belonging to the ethnic group known as the English. There isn't another way to define it

Thats so cuck

>Define ethnically English
Sounds like you aren`t.

>not maining Law

How based are AFD? UKIP tier or golden dawn?

You do realise how many ethnicities have left their mark on English over the centuries right? We're one of the biggest examples of a mongrel nation in history.

How is a Jew who can trace his roots back perhaps further than you could not English because "EES NOT FROM ROUND ERE'"?

Neither were the Anglos but they dominate English culture even today.

I like Law, actually. I'm just being a dick

Once T7 finally comes to console I want to devote some time to getting better at DSS, but at least my main(s) are supposed to be S/A+ tier

Kinda butthurt they removed armor king


Is it only a meme though? Is it really?

So the americans want to get their hands on james bond

how do we respond lads?

Lad, Anglo-Saxons are the only ones who migrated in any actual numbers, so we're only a mix between Celts and Germanics, and if we play that game then nobody is white because most of Europe was celtic at one point.

>the English are a mongrel nation
This is a meme. English people descend from only two groups: the Britons (the same people as the Welsh) and invaders from Germany.
A Jew isn't English because he isn't English. He's a Jew, a different people. Simple as that.

Well I was referring to national media i.e. TV, and there's a far greater proportion of non-whites in the leftist media than exists in the general population, and there's where a lot of the racial discrimination towards whites is supported, but also in London and immigrant heavy areas, which are also largely non-white. They want to encourage a culture of white British people in this country being apologetic for their national and ethnic identity, to promote patriotism as backwards and hateful, the make up terms like (((populism))) for when Brits want to take control over their affairs. It's all part of a strong wave of Marxist anti-native rhetoric

jews have been in england for less than 350 years.

king edward 1 lost patience with their behavior and gave them the boot in 1290, didn't come back till the judeoprotestant cromwell allowed them back.

Why do you have a problem with a Jew identifying as English?

>it's a 1/64th irish catholic shits on oliver "under his banner the irish fell" cromwell episode

>show about 1950s killer
> People actually accepted racism on prime time TV

This one?
Is it any good?


>At the time of the film's release, reviews were mixed. Variety's critic wrote "Richard Fleischer has turned out an authenticated documentary-feature which is an absorbing and disturbing picture. But the film has the serious flaw of not even attempting to probe the reasons that turned a man into a monstrous pervert." Praise went to John Hurt for his "remarkably subtle and fascinating performance as the bewildered young man who plays into the hands of both the murderer and the police."[6] Vincent Canby of The New York Times described 10 Rillington Place as "a solemn, earnest polemic of a movie, one with very little vulgar suspense ... The problem with the film is very much the problem with the actual case, which involved small, unimaginative people."[7]

>John Hurt received a BAFTA Award nomination for Best Supporting Actor.

>promotes racemixing
>gets called out
>lol cucked you good I was merely prentending

To be expected at 3am brit/pol/

Because he isn't. He has no right to be here.

Cromwell is literally to blame for letting the Jews back in

It wasn't that, it was a brand new showz that's why I was shocked.
It's alright if you're into serial killers. fairly graphic at times.

>responds to a tripcunt

Yeah, I hate him for that too, but if it wasn't for him we wouldn't have norn iron.

What about other white ethnicities, like Italians or Russians. Do you accept them or no?

>promotes racemixing
Where is the proof to back up your claims?
>lol cucked you good I was merely prentending
I feel like we're not on the same page here.

If you think that I was promoting racemixing by making fun of you for liking celtic girls, I wasn't. I was laughing at celtic people as a whole, not just at you for being attracted to them. What I thought you meant when you said that I promote racemixing was that you were mad at me because you correctly assumed that I was speaking from experience in this post hence why I called you a cuck.

Well no, they're not English.
I'm not necessarily opposed to a *small* number of foreigners living here though.

Jews are miniscule in number.

And highly over-represented in politics and the media.

Since Anglo saxons were, "Germanic", would you purists accept a German or maybe even Scandinavian as being "English" since they're pretty much the original stock, according to your worldview?

Okay I'll give you that. But maybe that's just because they're good at it? Why is it necessarily a problem?

The average autist on Brit/pol/? No they wouldn't.
The average Brit? Ofcourse.

t. German

And especially banking.

Most autists would accept Germanics, apart from the bomber Harris banterers.

>cucked for staying within my own race

I wonder who could be behind this post.

Because they use that influence for evil. The politicians advocate immigration and globalism, while those in the media try to control our opinions and morally corrupt us.

>I feel like we're not on the same page here.

>If you think that I was promoting racemixing by making fun of you for liking celtic girls, I wasn't. I was laughing at celtic people as a whole, not just at you for being >attracted to them. What I thought you meant when you said that I promote racemixing was that you were mad at me because you correctly assumed that I was >speaking from experience in this post (You) hence why I called you a cuck.


>"you meant when you said that I promote racemixing was that you were mad at me because you correctly assumed that I was "

Shalom Brother, I too enjoy terrible sentence structure.

late night brit/pol/ is always doubleplusuncomfy
where's the anime-hating slav when you need him

Fuck off it's 3am you cucklord

I hope you mean systematic institutional negative racism.
That's obviously nonsense.

But I think you'll find it you meet enough minorities you will discover a few that are pretty racists towards whites.

It could be argued that whites face a form of systematic negative racism by default wherever non-whites are given a helping hand.

Theresa's latest education funding reform continue the policy of providing more funding for ethnic groups that are struggling the achieve academically.
Yet somehow they manage to move money away from the inner cities.

And the relevant document with the funding by race details:

Anime is literally for children


>promoting racemixing
>calling others cuckolds
so when is your return flight to the german caliphate hans?

What have I told you about giving tripcunts (you)s?

sometimes you just get caught up in the moment

>promoting racemixing
[Citation needed]

Don't bother replying without one you cuck.

lads the west is truly finished innit

yuck desu

>Go to pornhub
>Most viewed videos in the UK are all incest

What does it mean

join the fun

What's that? Hair straighteners or a twin pack of dildos?

you're all already cousins

>"you meant when you said that I promote racemixing was that you were mad at me because you correctly assumed that I was "
>i promote racemixing
>you correctly assumed I was
>correctly assumed

Alright then abdul. Keeping calling others cucks for sticking with thier own races. i have a bacon sandwich for when your done.

No thank you.

what are some based British horror films from any era

all the cool scandinavian countries do it
surely you want to be cool like us, right user?

speaking of incest...
>tfw I find my little sister extremely attractive and I feel terrible about it


Wōden wills it!

I fucking hate the women in porn, I relly cn't understand who likes the women in it, they have spherical tits, they're like globes, they look disgusting, and there's a foot gap between them. And they wear more make up than the slags in Newcastle, it honestly is repulsive.

What are we talking here, lad.


First of all having sex with women of other races isn't racemixing as long as impregnation doesn't occur, second of all you can do something without necessarily promoting it and/or feeling good about it. Lastly your definition "racemixing" frankly isn't as much of a problem when both parties are of closely related races, the Anglo Saxons are a Germanic race and while celtics aren't that closely related, they're not that far apart either. I also couldn't tell you the exact ancestry of the Scottish women I've been with, so for all I know they could be more Anglo Saxon than celtic or vice versa.

>hahahaa keep calling cucks cucks buddy
Sure thing, will do.


>>tfw I find my little sister extremely attractive and I feel terrible about it

The 90's were bretty gud.

Good on you, lad.

>still watching """""mainstream""""" porn with plastic mutants getting mindlessly railed by stunt cocks

the nearest attractive grill to you right this second has probably uploaded footage of her getting effed, it's a brave new world

was wondering this my self desu

Which decade's moral compass would you want us to follow, lads? You can pick other centuries if you're edgy enough not to want the vote.

1930s. A specific country though

A mix between 1812, 1939 and every year in between.

Why this specific year?

it's a tricky question because different places can be so different at any given time. I'd say maybe the 1920s because things were just civilised enough that you could do whatever you wanted but there was enough authority around that you wouldn't get murdered riding on camel-back to the next opium den

You're all just stupid brexit voting RACISTS.
I am European and so support the EU over this wet island.