>tfw millennials have caught on to how boring sports are and are refusing to watch this outdated form of entertainment
millennials aren't all bad!
>tfw millennials have caught on to how boring sports are and are refusing to watch this outdated form of entertainment
millennials aren't all bad!
NFL needs to die
People are really bad at judging the millennials, there are plenty that like sport, they're just ignorable jocks that no longer have mainstream TV to tell everyone they're cool.
These are digitalised people, not people from an entirely disparate culture. They're more like Marx's vision of a socialist culture, but not quite since they're still capitalist.
They simply don't feel obligated to follow the mainstream and are more likely to form their own mainstream amongst their friends. No more.
Look at ms smell lkd PDE. DDP nbcbv
Millennials love NBA. That makes it worse because they all worship boneheaded niggers instead of White sports like MLB and NHL.
agreed. sports don't do shit for you if you aren't playing, the only reason why athletes get rich is because of the morons that watch the sports
Nope senpai, millennials are just too weak and gay to enjoy a good match of anything except social media.
Fuck off beta gook. Hockey is the white man's pastime.
I've never liked watching sports honestly. A majority of them are fun to actually play, but watching I don't see appealing at all
It's like those people who watch others play video games, what's the point if you aren't doing it yourself?
Millennial here. I still enjoy watching a good game of baseball, though I don't follow Major League Baseball nearly as closely as I used to.
>White sports like MLB and NHL
>Mexican League Baseball
>White sport
Watching people have fun instead of actually participating is pretty degenerate.
I WEAR a snapback of local team cuz its cool but usually dont waste time watching it, is that good enough
like porn, or watching some guy play video games on youtube(wtf)
only sport I like is MMA tbqhfampai
millenialls and Gen Z'ers have larger brains/more intellectual capacity and thus require esports, not brutish sports of the past, for proper mental stimulation
I'll watch something if I'm drinking at a bar, for background noise if anything. But getting excessively worked up over a team is fucking retarded, especially now.
I'm gay so I hate sports. Well except diving ;)
Maybe in your country poofta
Aye mate thats why I go out for skids in the commie if theres no Bathurst on
Shut up you low test faggot. Sports are awesome
>Watching Donald trump win the election instead of winning the election yourself is degenerate
Whatever m8
it's not about "watching people have fun", it's about watching men compete at the highest level with high stakes. you can still have a game of football with your mates in the park, but it's not exactly the same as watching athletes who dedicate their whole life to it.
>>tfw millennials have caught on to how boring sports are and are refusing to watch this outdated form of entertainment
Yes, only watch tv with a political agenda. Watch endless adverts.Develop type 2 Diabetes. Watch someone mock you for being non different now different is the ""new normal"". And most of all don't cut the cord and keep watching cable.
>wow the black guy in the local sportsball team threw/kicked a ball through a hoop/net
>I'm a cuck that likes to watch overpaid niggers throw a ball around
Only the best goyim enjoy watching the NFL and NBA
The only reason people watch sports is to place bets, I can't think of any other reason
Thank fuck. Although I know quite a lot of people my age and younger who like sports.
>tfw millennials have instead turned to watching fucking video games as """"""""""""sport"""""""""""" instead. also giving up sport (and other physical activities) in the process
they are the worst generation ever conceived
>watch hockey for the heck of it a few days ago
>Canadians vs whoever
>dude skates into CH goalie
>goalie loses it and starts beating the guy while a teammate holds the guy down