Answer me this right now

Seriously. Do you honestly believe anything you say to be true?

All this stupid racist shitposting, do you do it just for fun, or are you reeally this close minded.

Thats right, close minded. The true bluepill.

Think about it. You live in a country CREATED by the labor of the black man and minorities. On land shaped by native americans. On society build by "subhuman Mediterranean moors".

Ha, moors. You wish. They've honestly contributed more to the "west" than any "aryan" every has. Every number on this website is an arabic numeral. In fact, the only bad the arab has truly done is giving "westerners" the knowledge to colonize most of the world with their "science".

If it wasn't for minorities, "whites would still be literally spearchucking in ireland and the causcaus.

You live within 1 square mile of a BLACK MAN like me, and you have the nerve to speak about us as if we are distant subhumans.

I have more family, ethnic, and regional pride than a "white nationalist" could ever hope to have. Why?

Because unlike you, it is I who is truly intellectual.

Pic related, it's me.

Other urls found in this thread:

>you live in a country CREATED by the labor of the black man and minorities
nope, industrial revolution was all whites. all blacks do is commit crime and eat welfare

Excuse me, did you change into a different African American person of colour since the last time you posted? Because you look a lot different mister.

I don't see the difference

> You live in a country CREATED by the labor of the black man and minorities.
All you did was pick cotton in the South. My state on the other hand didn't let you degenerates live here until the 1940s so you didn't build shit. Go smoke some more weed nigger.


Excuse me?

I very rarely post here, my friend.

While I'm on your side the last thing you should do is post your IRL pic on Sup Forums.

But also realize this site is satire. None of these teenagers actually vote for, practice, or do what they say in the real world. No Sup Forumstroll has killed any "nigger", had any slaves, created a KKK club, or anything of the sort.

It's 17 year olds online trolling minorities, too afraid to vote for and do what they say online in the real world.

Calm down m8

I don't say racist things, don't disparage religions, don't use juvenile words like "redpilled" "kek" etc. I just like discussing politics.

Some trolling, some idiots. The core of the 'racist' shitposting here is about the wealth of data which supports the purely rational expectation of differing behavioural traits from race to race.

60k+ years of evolution in vastly different climates- plus the interbreeding that the humans who left Africa did- would be expected to produce substantive evolutionary changes in the mind, as they visibly did to the body.

Doesn't mean youre not an intellectual because you're black. But it does mean that one should expect less black intellectuals, all else being equal.

dont you mean commit welfare and eat crime?


i hope your not nigger with gold teeth. You sound like SJW.

>you are in america when you could be in africa
>Most niggers are shit
>Many cannot work and live on welfare while producing niglets
>You sound like sjw slut

You should strive to do better.

*interbreeding with neanderthals that humans who left Africa did...

Wealth of data? I'd be interested to see it, can you share?

Why do you think that the function of the mind would change from "60k+" years of evolutionary changes


Spending my life on "fourchan" is not doing better..

ugly ass nigger ill knock the fila right off your dome jive turkey sucka

The numbers are not arabic they are from India.

Many useless ad-hominem's coming from a so-called "Intelligent white man"

im black you monkey ass nigga

Troll thread. Sage and ignore

A minority you still hate.

What has the "white man" invented 100 percent?


Reminder: A canadian said this.


Well, I suggest you strive to become intelligent like me.

Until then, it is you who is the "monkey ass n*gga"

Ok so if America was built by slaves aka farm equipment, then how funny is it most niggers are now lazy?

Don't be proud of a race when chances are you're a lazy pile of shit op. We should go back to treating niggers like farm equipment. Would help keep drugs and violence off the streets.

We are being held down by racists such as yourself.

Common knowledge...

claiming you intelligent wont help the fact that your mah dukes regrets not swallowing you

Fuck off nigger lips thats not even you

honest answer: it's 50/50 for me. I didn't date a white girl until I was 23. but the older I get and the more shit I see in the black community and others the more I start to hate you guys. It's not like I believe black people were created from mud or any crazy shit like that it's the fucking entitlement from the black community that I hate. every year it gets worse so every year your people get more and more annoying.

No you're being held down by yourself. Stop making rap music or using slang calling your self niggers. Then I'll consider not using the word. Until then, fuck you.

It is.

Interesting..I am currently dating a white girl.

pic related

Not very happy with said relationship. She seems airheaded to mine and her own troubles.

I think I will have to try Oriental women. Black women need to change.

But I dont make rap music..

Same way you dont kill black men in the streets or run a business.

One man is very different from one race.



We are being raided by ctr

Same bread

Don't fall for this shit

this is an ANONYMOUS website with A LOT of DIFFERENT people with DIFFERENT opinions that often contradict each other. are you asking if i, personally, believe what i say to be true? yes. yes i do. now that gives you exactly fuckall in terms of information because you have no idea about opinions that i personally hold. congratulations, genius.

>Ha, moors. You wish. They've honestly contributed more to the "west" than any "aryan" every has. Every number on this website is an arabic numeral. In fact, the only bad the arab has truly done is giving "westerners" the knowledge to colonize most of the world with their "science".

Europeans expanded science and maths better than Arabs did. And look at Arabs now, they're all living of welfare from EUROPE and killing for the name of Allah.

Also pure words do not equal truth in that argument, prove that I live in a world that I rely on minorities. The computer I post one was made by whites, the internet was created by a white person.

that is the same guy in the photo

he must be dedicated to spreading his message..

Western Bombing is a bitch..

I'm talking since Renaissance.

Well I'm only 50 percent serious. It's Sup Forums. I don't feel bad using the word nigger as a white guy because your people don't care about not calling each other niggers. So I don't listen to your people's needs to a degree.

Obviously, I would not support violence on your people or want slavery again. Expect trolling dude. It's the internet. In real life, this shit isn't a joke. I grew up in a small town with no racism. Oh wait yes I did. Blacks calling whites crackers. Lol I could care less. It's all hypocritical dude.

They also had a negative reformation, and were closed off by european colonialism (not to them, but it overpowered their economic dominance.)

I refrain from both the word n**ga and *racka...

Bigotry is bigotry, and holds human beings down.

Can you inform me more of this "negative reformation" that you are referring to? And Europeans founding colonialism is a proof that they are superior to Arabs with their naval technology?

Don't waste your time with racists.

Google who Bilal was or Mansa Musa (THE RICHEST MAN IN THE WORLD)

We really were kings. He bought WHITE SLAVES WOMEN.

Unfortunately you're just one man, on the internet.

I honestly feel America needs to take all gangs, drug dealers, even the kkk, and send them out to sea I'm body bags.

Your tongue is not a source of knowledge.

Get back in the gas chamber

>And Europeans founding colonialism is a proof that they are superior to Arabs with their naval technology?

No, it proved they were more racist and violent. Inhuman to a certain degree.

A arab scholar in the far past said numbers work the work of the devil. Downhill since then.

Hence the google

I think the schools should teach about this great man (mansa munsa).

His wealth is superior to men like bill gates, and the rockefellers.

Black Men are ripped, muscular SEX GODS who sweat pheromones like waterfalls and make white women ovulate within a 1000 miles radius of them. They possess the ultimate weapon of conquest, which can claim even entire races without a single bullet having to be fired - the BBC!

When white bois see a Black Man coming, they naturaly lower their gaze to the ground in submission, knowing full-well how completely and utterly powerless, pathetic, meek, mentaly ill wrecks they are in comparison to a Black GOD.

No matter how much you autistic cuckolds here on Sup Forums bitch and moan, natural selection already dictates that whites get weeded out of existence by more evolutionary fit Africans!

moors weren't nigger, you daft nigger.

Nice try. 0.01 Shekels have been deposited to your respective accounts.

Did you vote for Trump? If not then there's no fixing you. Your community which is as American as anyone has been ruined by the democrats. When you wise up and start voting for self reliance and strong communities your standing will improve.

While phrased crudely, from a scientific perspective, this isnt entirely false.

>No, it proved they were more racist and violent
How so?

>A(n) arab scholar in the far past said numbers work the work of the devil. Downhill since then.

How can I verify this "Arab scholar" is not a person fabricated by the mind of you, so you can take advantage of me thinking that I'm a "dumb" European.


Do it yourself, you are the one making the claim, not me.

I dont support any major party.

I know their truths.

The only candidate I have ever supported in my life is ross perot.

Yes, we need to educate these racist fucks early on in life so they don't become the cancer we see here : Did you know that a Blackman ruled over Egypt as recently as the Ottoman empire. Google that shit. 80%-90% of African slaves were MUSLIM Moorish Nobles

Please refrain from lies and racist words in memes.



It's late where I am, not doing much digging user

Stefan Molyneux has a couple easily digestible videos on the topic. Here

If you want to go deeper, a refutation:

Deeper still a refutation of the refutation:

That can get you started... look up the back and forths in IQ research, athletics, violence and crime, etc. Also look up archaic human ad-mixture with Neanderthals... every race has varying degrees of Neanderthal DNA, blacks have zero though. If you think its smartest too assume that fact would have no behavioural impact then, go right ahead :)

He lived off of slavery, which you scrutinize heavily, I assume.

I personally am just here to roleplay as a racist as research for a book I'm writing.

But I find this community fascinating.

>not being a bigot

lmao, it's the current year. get with the times, faggot.

Seems you have frogotten the dances and music your kids and peers love in 2016..

I hear ya. Any rate. There are racists everywhere on all sides but I'd take a solid conservative black friend over a progressive numale white. Color doesn't matter. Actions do.

There's a difference between black people & niggers bruh. I don't think that black people lag behind because they're inferior like stormfaggers think, but because right after Jim Crow's liquidation came the Great Society welfare programs which made you dependent on dem gibz. You're partially responsible though, because blacks vote ~90% Democrat

I dont.

I dont vote.

Ive only supported ross perot, thats it.

Still reading the articles which I provided you?

You didnt provide me with any article.

I feel you man, before The Donald I voted for Ron Paul twice. I know what it's like to vote for a lost cause. That said, you can't pretend that black America doesn't have a serious problem on its hand, & its not due to racism. Being in'orant is a virtue in black neighborhoods man, good honest blacks can't keep pretending it's not a problem

I am aware it is a huge problem.

My main case is that actual racism makes it worse, or at least not better.

Look at this post I made

But real racism is a modern day bogeyman, white supremacy is an ideology with 0 power & a minuscule number of adherents.


why don't niggers kill themselves? I fucking hate all you hairless monkeys.

he bought white woman hahahah even that nigger didn't want to fuck your ugly stupid high test apes. the only good thing ever done by niggers is killing other darker chimp niggers


Snowniggers where literal barbarian subhumans

Even the fucking mayas were already civilized while they were just spearchucking savages trying to fuck up Rome

>But also realize this site is satire. None of these teenagers actually vote for, practice, or do what they say in the real world. No Sup Forumstroll has killed any "nigger", had any slaves, created a KKK club, or anything of the sort.
what about dylan roof?


That's that Australian slam iggy azelea and no fucker of with an IQ over 50 would get a mouth full of gold fucking teeth.
You know why? Because it's a walking advertisement for being a fool. Plus your white bitch has got a major receding hairline

poasting in a b8 bred

Your a the worst kind of idiot, a fool who thinks he's smart.
Africans are still selling Africans to other Africans today..just like they always did do..wasn't it Africans who taught whitey how to be slavers.

>this dumb nigger again

Shitty bait.

If I stick with my beliefs I am close minded and if I consider others and still stick with my beliefs I am a bigot I think lefties should go get gassed.

ahh yes, another america is made of cotton thread. refreshing.

Affirmairmative op is a Jew LARPing tyrone

>Think about it. You live in a country CREATED by the labor of the black man and minorities.
stopped reading and sage

dumbass, this country was not built on the cotton industry. Have you ever heard of the industrial revolution?