Why do millennials spend 90% of their day on the internet?
Why do millennials spend 90% of their day on the internet?
because minorities and drug addicts threaten them and ruin their fun if they ever try to do something outside.
I use to go to the beach just to hang out and occasionally make little drift wood huts for fun.Tweakers would burn them down the next day.
We are addicted to information. That and it's the path of least resistance....easier than leaving the house.
Excuse me, I don't spend 90% of my day on the Internet. What am I, a savage?
I spend roughly 92% of my day on here.
Tbh i forgot that life outside the internet even existed until you mentioned it
no Sup Forums irl senpai
so.. are you afraid of black males?
because browsing Sup Forums high on cocaine whilst there is a major happening underway is the greatest goddamn feeling on earth
The alternative is painful boredom. Before the internet I filled time with vidya games I played until I hated them. Before I had those I just teased my sister for entertainment or just rode around aimlessly on my bike feeling sorry for myself. The truth is without having to hunt or forage for your food there is an insane amount of free time in a day that need you need to keep your mind occupied or you go crazy.
Because a very tiny minority made a fortune talking to their laptops, and now everyone of them thinks their dumb fuck opinions will make them rich and famous
Get a job?
I'm only 20 so I'm not a millennial, but I spend all my time on the internet because this is where the anime is and 3D whores aren't worth working for.
I'm socially incompetent and have nothing to do with my free time.
God why would you use a straw that large. So much fucking waste, and it doesn't even insufflate correctly with that long of a straw. Whoever made this needs to be hanged. If you're gonna make internet look like cocaine, at least have some attention to detail.
When they group up which is almost always and I'm by myself then yes you would do well not to relax
I wonder.
They are waiting for the hot new spicy memes to come out the oven.
Because the alternative is real life.
Eh it doesn't matter because the whole world is becoming virtualized anyway. It was more of a problem back around 2003 and you were a freak kid if you used computers all day like I did. Nowadays even my 75 year old grandma is online all day.
what else is there to do?
Because this place exist and its great. Also because they can access it on their phones so its not like they are at a desktop all day. They check FB, instagram, Sup Forums, and then get back to life.
this. you can say "haha ur scared" all you want but things are just different now. your chances of being randomly murdered by blacks and drug addicts are much higher than they used to be (outside of NY and LA, they cleaned up a good bit).
if anyone wants my advice go onto your favorite piracy site and look for e-book megapacks. read some shit that isnt one off Sup Forums posts, its a lot better for your attention span.