Hopefully Trump has common sense
I hope someone massacres your ass you stupid faggot.
Day of the Rake when.
What the fuck is your issue
What the fuck is YOUR issue?
you don't care about your own politics because your own politics are completely irrelevant.
day of the rake sys
This isn't massacring anyone.
>pass some laws
No, fuck off you cockbite.
From a rooftop, or inside a hole in a car's trunk?
Fuck you too faggot
>Hopefully Trump has common sense
You and I both know he doesn't.
Rake yourself
It is already against the law to murder. Why are there still massacres??
You'll die soon enough by a gun if there's no gun control
It is sitting on a table, at home and on the range. It even gets dirty when I go up to the desert.
It hasn't used it's two legs to get up and kill anyone. Hell, it isn't even a handgun which is the biggest killer in America.
Nope. Sorry Picard, but I have a God given natural right to terminate the life of absolutely anyone coming for my own using the most efficient and practical technology available.
Don't like it, don't fuck with me.
Statistics show that gun violence in America is getting worse and worse. Your time will come eventually
You're a pussy, you need a gun to do your dirty work. Fight like a man.
Hot him but I'm a 5'0" woman. Am I just supposed to "fight like a man" when every single male is larger than I am and I would stand no chance?
My Glock makes up any difference.
All the statistics I'VE seen show gun violence has done nothing but drop
The only way to stop mass shootings is to completely ban guns.
Anything else is just a weakening of the 2nd amendment, with the goal of abolishing it.
If somehow every gun in America were gone, we'd still have the internet.
>google "how to make pipe bomb"
Even more deadly school BOMBINGS happen.
Internet is banned, since the precedent of banning shit has already been passed and we no longer have guns to protect against the tyranny of a government that RULES OVER US rather than SERVES US.
So yeah, that's where that probably leads. Lol.
...In cities.
You know where I DON'T live? Where I NEVER visit?
Cities. You know why? Because cities are prisons. Prisons full of worthless pieces of trash. I love the murder rate in Chiraq. I wish it was 10 times worse, not even kidding.
You don't need to kill anyone. There are several none lethal methods you can use to protect yourself just fine. Killing should be a last resort.
>Let me fight this criminal with my bare fists
>Oh he has a gun that he bought illegally whoops guess I should've fought even manlier
Such as? And keep in mind they need to be 100% effective and useable at a safe distance.
but what happens when people need a little bit of massacring ?
>Gun violence is getting worse and worse
low effort bait, you need practice.
Says the leaf where such non lethal methods of self defense are illegal.
No peperspray, no weeaboo martial arts weapons like kubotons, no tasers...
>Hey guy, just beat them up eh
Name them. BTW, there is no non-lethal defense as effective as a gun. I'll let you name some though so we can all laugh at you.
Taser, pepper spray, mace, shall I go on? Knowing that most Americans have trigger fingers and opt to shoot first and ask questions later I wouldn't expect you to consider any of rose options though.
You'd change your mind if you had a nigger and spick problem, leafboy.
Tasers and mace are not 100% effective. Tasers have to stick properly and are stopped oten by clothes. Mace will just piss a druggy off. Also both are close range only.
So I'll give you one more try. Give me a self defense option that:
>100% will stop the assailant
>Can be used at a safe distance
>100% effective
>Pepper spray
>100% effective
>100% effective
I am not going to lay my life on a dice roll because you feel bad when a rapist or serial killer gets shot.
Massacre is already illegal, end of discussion.
You care to actually cite your bullshit?
Please. Show me how increases in legal gun ownership effects violent crime. Please, show me stats on murder rates of legal gun owners.
Show me crime rates in areas of increased ownership.
Molon Labe, lying faggot
I already have you them. If you want another one, how about calling police and let the professionals who are trained with guns protect you. It is their job after all.
>pepper spray/mace
Are Canadians the master trolls of the US, or do they really believe this shit and just stroll onto Sup Forums?
No you didn't so you've got two wrong answers. So you're new answer is "Call the police". Would you like to answer how I am supposed to get my phone out, call the police, tell them where I am, all while a man is raping and stabbing me to death?
>Excuse me Mr Murderapist, can you just hold off for ten minutes while the cops get here?
Now you're not even trying.
Jesus christ, gb2/troll school
>response time of a few minutes
>Trigger Finger
>Near instantaneous response time
Good plan, I love the idea of bleeding out while the cops arrive.
The example you use is unrealistic and would probably never happen to you. Show me one case of a man raping and stabbing a women so quickly that she couldn't reach her phone.
>that she couldn't reach her phone.
And call the police, explain where she is, and WAIT for the police to arrive.
All you need to do is press 911 and the phone button, it takes half a second. Police can track your phone to find you.
Somebody's TRIGGERED. Go back to tumblr fucking leaf
Literally every raping and stabbing in which the victim had a phone you fucking mong.
And you'll be raped and dead by the time they get there.
Hot damn, you're sure willing to try amirite?
This is now a crypto-/k/ thread.
And use it as a beacon to accurately deep strike on that position, yes?
that is denmark my dude
All she needs to do is call the 3 digit emergency number, takes half a second. Nothing else is involved. They will track her phone.
America is 3rd world country tier
>And you'll be raped and dead by the time they get there.
The vast majority of gun deaths in the U.S. are just low-IQ nigger subhumans slaughtering each other in random chimpouts, no loss. Besides, our heavily armed citizenry is the only reason that (((our government))) hasn't managed to turn the U.S. into a massive third-world refugee camp, as is currently occurring in Canada.
Oh yes and they arrive instantly because the police have teleportation powers.
Post murder rates in general.
Fucking trigger happy Americans. Ever tried solving a problem like a decent human being instead of just shooting at it. I am convinced that most Americans are mentally ill, they should have their weapons repossesed.
It gets a shit tone lower when you remove the niggers from that stat.
>chicago has very strict gun control laws
>chicago has more gun violence than any city in america
really activates my almonds
So answer this, in Canada do the police teleport to your location the second you call them?
haha you can repossess them one bullet at a time mate
The fuck? The US has imported many times more refugees then Canada has. Get educated.
>Listen Mr.Sociopathic Rapist, you seem like an upstanding guy; yeah you know I get that you want to rape me, but this Leaf, you know, he told me I can just talk out my problems. So maybe we could work this out in a fair compromise?
And those refugees behave because they know that Americans will shoot them if they don't
Except that refugees in America have caused more death/violence than the refugees in Canada have.
And guess what, we don't have guns. I see a direct correlation there.
I'm sorry. Maybe you missed where I asked you to actually cite any proof of your accusations.
So far, you've just made infantile, uninformed comments.
Please, stop making yourself look like a dipshit
Men invented guns. Men are the only life form on earth to invent, and fight with guns. Ergo, fighting with guns is by definition fighting like a man. QED.
Answer my fucking question
Add a Sig stock to a sbr and its still a pistol.
>Ban guns
>Still get shot
Just like South Africa!
You literally just said that gun violence is getting worse and wrse and that "your time will come" and you're telling her that protecting herself roperly is wrong?
Not even someone in toronto is as daft as you. take your fucking proxy of and stop shaming my fucking flag you cock sucker.
The only thing that will be massacred is leafs from Sup Forums.
Why the fuck is my country full of fucking faggots?
>more laws will stop crime
>criminals break new laws because criminals break laws
Gun control doesn't work. Note how nearly all mass shootings take place in gun control areas. Also you live in a country with gun control so what the fuck do you care?
>Getting this triggered by a flag
Fucking pathetic desu
I hope your asshole gets massacred by Dekw'an and his nigguhz you filthy tripfag
What do you think numb nuts?
>rake yourself
I came here from reddit last week and I'm just shocked at the delusion of some posters here.
I can kinda see why he uses it, a lot of burgers see the flag and are triggered automatically. But yes he's a stupid nigger.