Why is male circumcision not banned, but female circumcision is?
Why don't feminists give a fuck about baby boys being circumcised?
How can women ever think they're oppressed when this situation exists?
Why is male circumcision not banned, but female circumcision is?
Why don't feminists give a fuck about baby boys being circumcised?
How can women ever think they're oppressed when this situation exists?
women are fucking retarded
"female circumcision" is completely cutting off a chicks clit, which leaves sex basically pleasure-less for them.
male circumcision does't leave sex pleasure-less.
kek confirms
but seriously, it's like a pseudo-castration at birth to let you know how much west civ needs men
because it's not the same thing, male circumcision makes it look better and makes it more sanitary. plus it doesn't make it any less pleasurable. female genital MUTILATION makes it so the woman can't experience any pleasure. i'll let this one go buddy but frankly i'm ashamed you even made this sexist argument.
I need to see the nipples.
I saw Stefan Molyneux comparing male and female circumsion with no context all the time, even though hes supposed to be really smart and honest. Can someone explain to me why the two are comparable?
It's still genital mutilation. Women are left in tact, for the last 50-60 years men in America have been largely circumcised. Nobody gives a fuck.
See Neither are ethical. Point stands that people care about women's rights and not men.
>seriously, it's like a pseudo-castration at birth to let you know how much west civ needs men
This. It is fucking disgusting, it's like getting your dog fixed. Parents in the USA are fucking shitty.
no, if males were to have the equivalent of female circumcision, males would have their dicks chopped off
The more comparable version of mutilation then is removal of the labia or clitoral hood which are both not practiced in the western world but are in the islamic and are done for the same reasons as circumcision so OP's arguement still stands
Im not even interested in defending it as ethical, I'm just asking how they are similiar. Like for example if one accepts that female genital mutiliation is unthetical, why does that necessarily mean that male genital mutiliation is unethical
>"female circumcision" is completely cutting off a chicks clit
>Assault is chopping off someone's hand
It is still a human rights violation.
>no roasties allowed in islam
I see no problem with this
To be fair, female circumcision wasn't illegal until 1997.
That was only 19 years ago, so a girl who is just 20 now could have had it forced on them.
You realise you don't need to remove the clit for it to count as female circumcision right?
Male circumcision and clitoris excision are both the same in that we were created in God's image and therefore shouldn't cut off parts of our body for no reasons
>inb4 Jews justify foreskin removal it's a "sign of evil pleasures of the flesh"
>"female circumcision" is completely cutting off a chicks clit
There's more than one type of circumcision for females. The one equivalent to male circumcision is the removal of the clitoral hood yet it is still seen as barbaric and illegal in the western world even though both male and female forms are essentially the same.
>male circumcision does't leave sex pleasure-less
Speak for yourself. I'm a cutfag and sex for me is more work than pleasure.
I would still have my foreskin if my stupid brother didn't knock my balls loose, needing me to go to the hospital to have them fixed where my parents also decided I should be circumcised because I had phimosis on top of that. God fucking damn it
where is the picture from already
Phimosis is like the only time where circumcision is valid but not removing the entire foreskin
just the stuff that prevents movement
I'm not anti semitic at all, but in this case it's literally because of (((them)))
sure okay leaf everyone will make sure that gods image still has the stinky cock skin hanging off fine dont worry pal
I still have the frenulum at least
It wasn't started by the guy that owned Kellogg's in the 50s to prevent boys from masturbating. Dunno if the Jews are actually behind this one.
Even worse is that kykes are allowed to lie about circumcision
>le disease prevention
Bullshit, no goddamn way is a lack of foreskin protecting you from STD's, and even if it gave you a 10% protection buff (which I highly, highly doubt it would) that's not enough to make it worth the hassle and just gives someone false confidence.
>le cleanliness
Do kyke-dicks never wash or something? 30 seconds of cleaning a day is a small price to pay for having a part of your dick that belongs there.
>le women prefer it ;)
Yeah, because you keep telling us they do. But pretending for a second this is true, can you imagine the bitching if women had to undergo a non-consensual operation that removes a part of their body and men's response to it was "so? I think it's way hotter!".
>we were created in God's image and therefore shouldn't cut off parts of our body for no reasons
Didn't god order the jews to do it?
Cut ducks are actually dry after showering (I dislike this). You prevent yourself from getting STDs by not fucking sluts.
Women actually prefer the feeling of sex with uncut better.
it's why changing public opinion on it is fucking impossible though
Nips are never going to arrive, are they?
Feminists only want equal rights for the good things men have.
Check em.