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so they could make neat little road to new mexico
Texas got cucked
Texas wanted to keep their slaves, so they gave away some of their land to meet the parallel.
I would rather have Colorado boarder Texas to be honest with you fampai
Toll road between Texas and Kansas is the main source of state income for Oklahoma.
Benin :DD
because fuck Colorado
Why not?
otherwise it wouldn't look like a pot
Panhandles are cute
I want to believe.
I wondered the same thing
Isn't three counties as well?
Oklahoma is fucked
Read some history you uneducated cuck
rightful Kansas clay desu
Yes and one of them is Texas county
but he came her to learn the history so why dont you share your knowledge with us
anyone live on the NM, OK, TX border?
The whole state should be split between Kansas and Texas. The okies are causing all the quakes. They cant handle the responsibility of running a state anymore. Not to mention they are some of the slowest fucking drivers i've ever encountered.
Fuck OK
An infamous typo.
Well fuck you too. We're the heartland of the country.
>only state to vote red in every county
are you dare i say it a yankee?
Has that always been there?
no. The geographical center is in Kansas. We are literally the heartland. You just cause earthquakes and enable the indians with casinos and cheap cigarettes. You also arent even fucking allowed to sell cold beer. Its not even an option. You state is just shit. Total shit.
Fix your god damned roads while your at it.
>>only state to vote red in every county
>are you dare i say it a yankee?
You know the republicans freed the slaves right?
Oklahoma education everyone...
Wow good post, faget
Fuck you if you didn't know that. This is common knowledge after taking any history course.
Pretty close. I live in Ratón, New Mexico.
That panhandle area is full of meth cookers.
Just for lulz
well now the democrat party elects niggers to office for 2 terms so things can change
lol. And your states bantz are shit. Who would have figured. The 2nd most mediocre state in the union cant talk shit...
no. fuck you. i hate you and everything you represent. border gore is beautiful.
Fucking ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((kikes))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
> Restricted Diamond Area
We just passed cold beer, I'll concede that though. You should be happy, we serve as an Indian containment zone. We should actually rename Oklahoma back to Indian Territory to draw even more into the containment zone.
so you can handle the pan, duh
how else are we gonna fucking hold it
Obvious penis envy.
t. chief prepping bull proud casino owner
Because this is America. That's why
If you learn how to drive the speed limit you can come to Kansas. But as it stands I can pick you guys out of a crowd of cars without even looking at the plate... You guys are the ones everyone is passing up and flipping off.
Quit being so afraid of speed. I know your highways only allow 60 but cmon man... Its not like that here in the land of 75mph
AHHH good one. Dont feel to bad. Kansas is only just now doing better. Brownback is great at his job. Terrible with the media.
And the libs in Topeka... Burn that place
Only nu males hate sammy "bareback" brownback
and our liberals are in Lawrence and KCK
I love all the random dutch words in this map
>kaukau veld
>twee river
we need to go ask the real questions
look at this
just why
my history courses just covered the holocaust every year, I'm not kidding. oh and maybe something about slavary.
feels bad man
Back in the day, it was literally No Man's Land, I.e., bandit country. Outlaws from Texas and surrounding states could cross into Oklahoma Territory to escape the law and lay low until things quieted down. It was so far away from Fort Smith, the Feds left them alone.
Injuns used to live there.
this is actually pretty fucked up if you look into it
new york is truly evil
West Virginia was all red as well.
to cock block texas
How about this one?
Have been through here. Absolutely terrible place, wind turbines everywhere. Its probably more expensive to keep the area desu.
dont forget the 6 million, goyim.
>india spent money buying areas inside bangladeshi areas for indian citizens to shit in
Has anybody ever been to this little island of Kentucky? Ive always wondered how it ended up being cut off from the rest of the state.
i've driven through its fucking nothing. just some hills and a few farms
wtf michigan
>Slowest drivers
We do it to piss out-of-state yankee cucks like you off.
That was awesome though, that strip was in exchange for the upper peninsula. Ohio realized they made a mistake but got outfoxed by based Lewis Cass.
Because Texas's underwear doesn't sound appealing enough.
wait so Ohio fought for the strip and gave the UP to Michgan in exchange? kek. is there a source for how state boundaries came to be? thats some neat info.
Fuck your goddamn state nigger. Kansas is the flattest, most good for fucking nothing state in the country. All you faggots have are pig farms and ugly bitches.
But Namibia was a German colony... So is it just an amazing coincidence or the similarities between German and Dutch?
...what the fuck?
Any particular reason why Wisconsin didnt get the UP, since its basically connected? Was the winsconsin territory after Michigan already got the UP?
This is bullshit, i've taken two U.S. history courses, and two Texas history courses, and they never said anything about Texas giving up its land.
t. Texcuck
A necessary precaution to keep dude weed Calirado faggots out of Texas.
Who dares travel though Oklahoma in this day and age? It's the worst display of white people imaginable.
54 40 or fight!
my state doesn't care about Texas, we barely covered the alamo
Penetrating syrup land
Texas is a disgusting purple shithole that will turn blue in 15 years tops. I want to say Oklahoma is superior in every which way but then they also have scum such as this everywhere
Texan here. But I had to spend 2 years in Oklahoma City due to work. I never had a bad time in OKC. The girls are pretty, big titted and they like to have fun, party, get naked, etc. It's like they were all raised to just enjoy life. And they don't expect much. Be nice, be funny and act interested in them and it's pretty much a done deal. And.....any girl you meet in OKC from Blackwell, OK, will be the most fun you've ever had.
Just passed by that way not too long ago, here's a photo of the sunset, maybe an hour away from the border in colorado
Things get purty when you make it toward Colorado. Neat, never seen it this time of year.
This one was to get to the Zambezi River so they could come out at the Pacific but then it turned out the Zambezi River was full of waterfalls and the whole thing was a big waste of time.
Sounds like they fucked everything under the sun
Jesus Christ, how do you faggots live with all this flat? Just staring at it gives me a headache.
Fuck that goddamned fucking faggot toll highway.
>sees picture of kansas
guaranteed replies
Wow is that border enforced?
from wikipedia
>When Texas sought to enter the Union in 1845 as a slave state, federal law in the United States, based on the Missouri Compromise, prohibited slavery north of 36°30' parallel north. Under the Compromise of 1850, Texas surrendered its lands north of 36°30' latitude. The 170-mile strip of land, a "neutral strip", was left with no state or territorial ownership from 1850 until 1890. It was officially called the "Public Land Strip" and was commonly referred to as "No Man's Land."
The photograph is facing away from the mountains towards the great plains. If you hate flat NEVER go through west texas, its 10 hours of flat. Kansas is the same shit really. Colorado's western half is all mountains.
please give me some (you)s for this photo i took
They really, really wanted the state to look like a pot.
Highway 35? Oklahoma has at least 3 toll roads I've used with some regularity
Oklahoma has oil and cattle, I assume those make more, but yeah Oklahoma kinda sucks dick economically.
t. Kansan with lots of family in OK
terrible photo, no (you) for (you)
Get in with the comanches and get some of that casino money senpai
The question isn't why is there a panhandle, it's why the border between Texas and NM isn't in line with the border between Oklahoma and NM. Look at it closely... the NM border jumps slightly when going between Texas and Oklahoma. It's a nightmare for those with OCD.
Fuck you, Texacuck
postin some OCD borders
lawl I didn't even know there was a toll road there I just figured that would be a good jackass thing to do
there is a documentary called how the states got their shapes.