nah but seriously what the fuck is wrong with chinese people?
Nah but seriously what the fuck is wrong with chinese people?
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They're not human??
desu desu desu desu
holy shit wtf
is that jenkem?
nvm im baked and didnt even open the image
but foreal tho wtf is that
Are they seriously any worse than canadians?
Canada is practically a Chinese colony
what am i looking at
blood succ
A hicky machine
They have Tsaesci or Kuei-jin blood suckers.
Dunno, but lots of those MMA dudes are doing that shit now. Now that they are tested by USADA, they can't take steroids, so they are doing all sorts of goofy shit.
They say it helps muscle recovery.
That does not look like blood looks like wax or something
It's like putting leeches to drain bad blood. Except with balloons.
The practice was outlawed in some provinces or something because it killed people.
it's blood
forgot to say that it's congealed
Being intelligent does not mean being right.
Nice fuckin' gets
Nothing. We've been doing the same thing in Finland for hundreds of years.
Blood cupping
Is this a meme treatment or does it actually work? Never tried it myself.
wtf i hate Finland now
must be a mongol thing
>the one stuck on the side if his asscheek
Oh I am laffin m8
whats the point of this
You tell me
Anything chinks do is inferior. Traditional chinese medicine is all snake oil
Well, Mongolia does border China...
looks healthy to me m8
It's just bloodletting, a meme.
>tfw you relax so much that blood starts pouring out your skin
Chinese culture has been around for over 5000 years and they have never figured out medicine. It's all superstition and homeopathy. Fucking retards
Looks like a crime scene picture.
At least they don't have a tranny epidemic like US does.
Did he died?
Bloodletting was very common in the west in the old days. Blood loss probably just lowers the pressure a bit and helps people relax. I can't imagine the body would want to move around when it's lower on blood, so probably releases something in the brain. Just guessing.
What does this accomplish?
Gov't can't provide real healthcare to 1+ billion so they actively promote ancient medical bullshit.
west hasnt figured out medicine either. none of the medications you get in the west help you at all. they just suppress some symptom with a high concentration of some random chemical only to disrupt other parts of your body and cure nothing.
Cupping with bloodletting
Using only western medicine explanations
>gate theory of pain
Whacks yourself somewhere else to relieve chronic pain
>bloodletting to correct modern ailments
Caloric loss and corrects acidosis common in smoking and alcoholic liver oldies
Not that you'll see me going for it
Yeah, most of it is magic... probably
But i'll give chinese medicine full credit for malaria treatment
Some chinese herb btfo all of western medicine for ~100 years
t. Doc
It sucks out the shitty blood from your system and forces your body to make some new and clean.
>when she give you the succ
So... Nothing then? I'm pretty sure that isn't how blood works
Modern medicine can't fix every fucking problem. Americans are delusional in this regard. Bad genetics or bad lifestyle choices are often beyond the scope of what medical science can address.
If you can't stay healthy despite access to U.S. healthcare resources, the problem is you.
They will create the next supper bug with there obsessive use of antibiotics. Imagine black death 2.0 but no antibiotics will stop it in a part of the world with sanitation issues and population density through the roof.
I went to China once. Got a massage for the equivalent of $8. They started doing this to me. I was weirded out but figured, when in Rome. For the next few days, I swear it's like all the claims Alex Jones makes about super male vitality. I didn't have a GF and was travelling with other men which kinda sucked, I wanted to beat off 8 times a day.
It turns out that the chinks still practice bloodletting as a medical procedure.
You poke someone's back with needles, then place these suction devices over the wounds to draw their blood. It's like what white people did with leeches 500 years ago, except they're still doing it now.
They think coagulation is "bad blood".
I imagine you like pic related.
Ant people
Whats wrong with you, Mr "I keep live animals covered in peepee and poopoo on my bed and on my face"
Regular cupping does little more than bruise the fuck out of your flesh.
This is just combining it with an open wound.
It removes money from your wallet.
Anti-malarial drug Artemisinin was derived from Chinese herbal medicine. They also used liquorice root to treat menstrual bleeding because of its phytoestrogens.
degenerates, then he raped a few childs
They live pretty long, actually.
It's children, ChileNigger
those are koreans
My sister did this shit, it's nasty
Double doubles, double confirmed
it balances out the body humors and restores your chi levels
This is the strangest Sceptile I've ever seen
Koreans have no seoul?
Chin cong Wang medicine is bs if your sick just eat for fruit for like 6 months.
It will cure ya of most things. Or at least go raw vegan.
i wonder why 99% of vegans are liberal faggots , your brain needs meat
You're the only person who got this correct. Massage therapist here. Honestly feels pretty good, like a deep tissue massage but no effort from the practitioner.
they're soulless heathens
sure as shit worked for Michael Phelps.
Same people, different names. I would say Koreans are even superior because they are wealthier and have a better education system.
>Cupping has gained publicity due to its use by American sport celebrities including National Football League player DeMarcus Ware and Olympians Alexander Naddour, Natalie Coughlin, and Michael Phelps
hell, they still cut shark fins off and throw the rest of the shark back in the ocean so they can drink some nasty soup in the hopes their penis will get past 3 inches
>lets do every retarded thing celebrities say
its just placebo
you're fucking retarded, there's people with heart problems who live for years with medicines that regulate their hearts. My granny included,
Of course, just pointed out it's even done by Murican athletes who should know better.
It's not that rare in this country either. I'm pretty sure I could book someone to cup my shit up today if I wanted to.
we should just start an 'all natural' blood letting service to hook idiot fucking champagne liberals into releasing the various 'corporate toxins' from their systems.
They evolved past the level of souls
That's probably wet cupping or hijama, which is what most sandniggers do when they're not shedding blood because "Allahu Ackbar."
>they shed blood because it's therapeutic or some shit
They prick the skin with a lancet a few times, then begin putting something that creates suction. This draws out what they believe is "bad blood".
The Chinks has the regular kind of cupping, which leaves round blackened areas from all the suction. Basically a round hickie. Some Chinks may practice wet cupping too as it's pretty much the same with the exception of stabbing you a few times before they apply the suction.
Most of these places do not follow proper sanitation and sterilization procedures, opening you to the risk of "getting AIDS" and other blood-borne diseases.
Also, you wouldn't want to be within stabbing/slashing distance of a Slime and something sharp.
>west hasnt figured out medicine either
U wot m8?
>had cancer
>western medical treatment of sugery and chemo
>don't have cancer anymore
>ching chong medical treatment, blood letting and powdered rhino testicles
>die from cancer
Wait, what?
Lmao. Go back to breitbart with all the other conspiracy nuts. One thing about medicine is that people with no knowledge at all think their opinion matters.
They already have something similar to that. It's called the anti-vaccination crowd.
Some of that weird shit actually works though.
>hating the west
stop projecting your hatred libtard
I'm white brah, what's to hate?
most spineless white cucks hate capitalism nowadays
i gotcha you dork
gen 3 best
>my granny included
Sometimes I forget the people on pol are real and have families, I happy for your granny anĂ³n