What do we think of her?
Huma Abedin
Dem bitch has the crazy eyes
I think the saudis had big plans for her to infiltrate our government way back when she was a kid.
>What do we think of her?
Would fug
She's so fucking hot though.
i want to fuk the goat
Fish mouth. Dirty Arab snatch licker.
I want to put my weiner in her scandal
She's a mongoloid and mongoloids are very inconsistent in front of cameras so I'll have to see her in motion before I make a ruling.
Tits or GTFO
Every single part of her body is slightly disproportionate to the average human being.
best feet of 2016 obv
No kidding, there is something about her being a total fucking cunt that is so hot. Would absolutely bang.
This woman looked at Anthony Weiner and thought...
"Yeah, this is the one."
Hillary then looked at Huma and thought...
"Yeah, this is the one."
I tell you it's a chain of dumb bitches all the way down.
Are you serious? She's fucking disgusting. She looks like a horse.
She had a nice funeral
Rip Hillary Girlfriend
Sup Forums has a hard-on for any broad that's skinny. she's fug
Saudi Arabian spy who almost got in the WH
Silly drumpfkin. Electors don't vote till the 19th
>President Abedin
I don't know, it has a ring to it.
>mfw when Huma will never chastise me with her arms on her hips
typical DC arranged marriage. he was a big deal, a young NYC congressman, looked to be next mayor of NYC. she was just Hillary's arab slave. hillary pawned her off to anthony
Sad for her kids
No way to grow up, mommy is a cannibal, dad cant stop chasing teenage pussy
Like all Arabs and Jews (Semites), she should fuck off back to the desert.
She's Killary's lesbian lover.
Who is this Cum dumpster? Anyone have the noodz?
she probably doesn't have a clitoris considering her mother is a major FGM advocate. probably why she's so uninterested in sex, and why Weiner is stepping out on her and she doesn't care.
Yeah, no kidding. We really dodged a bullet. Fortunately, her career is probably completely over, given that her only real-world experience was with Hillary. I don't imagine she has many transferrable skills, and I find it hard to believe that people actually like her.
bump 4 nudes
Would Russians deliver
one can only hope.
>shrek feet
no thanks SIDF
Married a cheating Pedo for her career, lost it all at the last post, probably feels very empty inside in quiet moments. I feel a little sorry for her.
you mean a WHORSE
I'd fuck the Democrat out of her
Has probably eaten a fetus.
She's a Saudi spy , or an insider at least
It would make too much sense
>Saudis love pizza
>Saudis also help fund Clinton foundation
hillary is a retard
>oh look this spy really likes hanging out with me for decades
or she knows, and takes all that saudi money willingly
Anyone has the fake nude of her with the big black bar?