Political Compass thread


Does your score match up with what you expected?

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I'm more libertarian than I expected, apparently.


How do you self identify politically?

Get on my level

nigg u just got 1up'd

Neo-con faggot

According to this test, ancaps would actually belong near the top of the purple square, if not in the blue square. This test thinks that wanting to exclude people from private property is an authoritarian position.

Literally is the definition of authoritarianism jej

kill yourself fast

But a basic principle of anarcho-capitalism is that private property ownership includes the right to exclusion. Is that really any more "authoritarian" than a government forcing people to integrate or hire people they don't want to?


Am I to intelligent

Both anarcho-Communist and anarcho-Capitalist believe in a utopia that is unreachable.

*Am I too intelligent?


Not an ancap myself, but acknowledging that a hypothetical unreachable world with specific policies is good isn't useless.

oh yeah baby

First question:

"If economic globalisation is inevitable, it should primarily serve humanity rather than the interests of trans-national corporations."

This quiz is stupid. Nobody is going to disagree if you take the question at face value.

I assume the rest of the questions are similarly leading


t. ancap

I'm above your level

I used to be libertarian, then Sup Forums happened

WTF, I did this test a year ago and was further to the lower right almost at the edge... some of these questions assume thoughts that mean nothing politically...

i put disagree because lets assume econ globalization happens, serving humanity would mean the control of the free "global" market and i am against free market regulation (i think this is what the question is talking about)

i agree tran national corporations dont sound nice and the question is total shit however you have to think how this would reflect your result after the test... but most people dont do that

This question for example:
>A significant advantage of a one-party state is that it avoids all the arguments that delay progress in a democratic political system.
Yeah, it is a significant advantage... I don't think anyone can argue with that, now is it correct because of that advantage? does it have more disadvantages than advantages? those questions would be important...

I would hardly call the an-cap world a "utopia", it basically acknowledges a return to the natural order and hierarchies, and intense division among mankind. It's just acknowledged that everything works best, and humanity plays out as it should, when everything is privately owned.

I get at in the middle of where the don't tread on me sign is.

And this one:
>What's good for the most successful corporations is always, ultimately, good for all of us.
This is wrong, which doesn't mean I would agree with regulations... It's like saying:
>Banning slavery is always good for the white man
It isn't good for the white man, but it might be good for other people, jesus...


Am I God tier?


I don't understand this one.

>I'd always support my country, whether it was right or wrong.

Does this mean you'd always support the government? Or something more general about supporting the land?

How'd I do?

All these questions are shit like that. Makes me thing it was made by a europoor because they're the ones with the tendency to conflate nation with government. I took it as government, because if you think about it, the question is referring to actions of the government, like, waterboarding. AMERICAN people didn't waterboard Allahu Yuckbar, but those working for the government did.

Why am I so low

but like... anarchy

Are you me?

Would you support the US if it unjustly invaded Canada?
Or would you want the Americans to get killed and pull out?

That's how I think about it

>Be like me
>Be anti leaf

You look at mine We're literally the same

If you answer "strongly agree" to the proposition "there is now a worrying fusion of information and entertainment", the test sees that as authoritarian. But isn't that kind of silly? What if I support the freedom of media to say what it wants, but still believe that our culture values political "humor" and shitshows like john oliver too much?

This compass weirdly confuses attitudes and opinions with a desire to control.


about what I thought

Liberaltarianism is the only sustainable path
>free markets
>socially libertarian
>acknowledgement that decent welfare redistribution is necessary to maintain political support for free markets


Greetings, comrades.

Something to consider: doesn't being so socially libertarian lead to a decay in moral and social values, and that's what leads to shit like acceptance of multiculturalism? I mean your description basically sounds like Sweden or Denmark



wew lad

This is what I don't get, the founding fathers were racist as fuck by today's standards and also hated homosexuality and thus this test would rate them as being rather high on the authoritarian scale

Northern European countries like Sweden and Denmark are probably the closest to the "liberaltarian" notion to free markets + government safety net... whether or not socially libertarian policies like open borders etc. cause a decay in morals, I don't worry too much about it. The focus of politics should be to help people.

the test has a cuck bias, most of these compass images are just taking the compass at an objective value

The test has a modern bias.



Centrist master race reporting in.




I have no strong feelings one way or the other.

the jokes are better here

The correct result

I came to say: Go Pinochet, Based Pinochet.

I've been here longer than you kiddo.

He used the correct 'to'.

So where exactly does this put me? I'm not quite near any of the balls?

Oh, I'm literally Hitler :(


hey can you link me to that test

That is a cool square you got there buddy

I'm surprised to see so few purples in here


I guess so.

Half the questions on this thing are bullshit anyway.



Absolutely degenerate.


Huh. Not what I was expecting


I tidied up user's edit from the thread earlier.

You are not good enough for Canada.

You must work on improving your leftism and liberalism if you don't want to be sentenced to death by the Social Justice Tribunal.

I believe this test is biased in favor of the green square. It would only put you in the red if you were socialist and racist (which pretty much never happens) and it pretty much always puts you in the blue for any kind of conservative view.

Even if you are very pro free market answering yes to a question like "some people should stick to their own kind" will label you as authoritarian.

wtf am I

>i've been here longer than you haha you FAG

That's not how it works, kiddo.

whats the blue/black ball with the I?

its egoism and intellectualism


Noticed another mistake.

lol wtf happened, I consider myself right-wing but landed on the commie square :O

That's around where I tend to score even though I usually think of myself as more conservative than that.

Score and my beliefs match up well. I'm about 3000 pixels down under the bottom edge of the chart.

I've seen this test so many times across different forums and hardly ever see anyone in the top left.

It really is a shit test and no one should see them as accurate.

this one. For example, I answer many questions from the standpoint of an Estonian nationalist, but the questionary seems to consider it a leftie thing to be Estonian nationalist, because I am "trying to preserve or protect a group of people".

Fuck this shit. It landed me on the commie square Isn't there any better kind of political compass around that isn't so america-centric??

Between user and Green Party

>Rich person caricature
>Fat greedy asshole
Let me guess you are a >muh 1%


>Reddit right next door to American Patriots

Made me reply to this bait you faggot


I think it's pretty good. You can go a little higher, like mid authoritarian centrist - where I was last time I took the test. I think that is perfect balance for a prosperous happy civilization. Not bootlicker per say, but highly conservative and nationalist.


Fuck anyone who is less than -0.5 on left/right though.