Holy shit its not fucking real
Obama Birth Certificate Fake
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This will be cast aside as "fake news" by the media. Honestly as huge as this is, the only thing that will turn us, as a country, around is civil war.
Those fucking digits
I reject this based on a simple premise: It's far too lazy to be a forgery.
The stuff they showed was literally 3rd grade level shit. Drag and drop. As someone that's forged documents before, there's a hell of a lot you can do to disguise the copied elements. There's no reason to leave the angles intact. Why in god's name would you copy all your elements from a single source document? I know Obongo ain't a genius, but this is becoming stupid. Why photoshop anything? The source material is all in Hawaii, you're telling me CIA can't go over and grab some stationary?
This is BS, and not because I want it to be. Besides, they didn't even do a pixel analysis of the elements, some of them definitely have different impression patterns despite the similar outline shapes.
Post yer civil war playlist faggots
Meh I still don't believe it
will anything happen from this...sadly probably not
Gayest shit i've ever heard. Gj.
This is now a Catholic master race thread. All topics, including how the world owes us everything.
This has always been obvious
Lucifer dindu nuffin
> It's real that the fake certificate will be passed off as fake news on the real news
Thank you. 0.02 Shekels have been deposited in your account
MSM aren't covering this.
That means the story is real and they scurred
In the end all shall be one
>you're telling me CIA can't go over and grab some stationary
I reject your opinion based on a simple premise:
You're retarded.
Pop on over to Hawaii and pick up stationary that hasn't been used for 50 years? I'm sure it's just lying around. Gotta find the right typewriter too, I'm sure there's 3 of them left somewhere.
This evidence is shoddy as fuck
Even Gimp 2.0 can easily rotate layers with 2 clicks
As if a fucking forgery expert making a document for a fake president would fuck that up
It must be true.
Defense is that its a blatant forgery?
Oh wow, proven fake right before his 2nd term is up.
Like it matters now.
>As if a fucking forgery expert making a document for a fake president would fuck that up
Remember when Hillary's IT guy fucked up because he asked "how do delete emails????" on reddit? What makes you think the US govt isn't overpaying retards to do hack jobs that you could more easily pull off? (((they are)))
This. Not everyone gets government positions because of competency.
Sheriff Joe is controlled opposition and they are trying to derail Trump by doing this
Ignore this Birth Certificate shit
yep this is pretty much retard bait being forwarded to discredit any alt right outlets that run with it as purveyors of fake news
checked and bumped against the slide threads
it would matter.
he would be disgraced. a proven liar
the stink of it would stick to other Democrats int he midterm elections
Getting the exact forms used during that time and the exact type writer would actually be really hard.
Also youd need to use people that wouldnt rat, so its not like you can just get any expert out there.
Used photoshop curves on the white house Obama certificate and a Johanna Ah'nee birth certificate off google. Posting results.
Obama 1/3 (default)
Obama 2/3 curves 1
Stop it with this copypasta, you fucking faggot
Obama 3/3 curves 2
Johanna 1/3 (default)
Copy pasta. Get outta here!
calling obongo resignation tomorrow
Johanna 2/3 curves 1
I reject this based on a simple premise: It's far too lazy to be a forgery.
The stuff they showed was literally 3rd grade level shit. Drag and drop. As someone that's forged documents before, there's a hell of a lot you can do to disguise the copied elements. There's no reason to leave the angles intact. Why in god's name would you copy all your elements from a single source document? I know Obongo ain't a genius, but this is becoming stupid. Why photoshop anything? The source material is all in Hawaii, you're telling me CIA can't go over and grab some stationary?
This is BS, and not because I want it to be. Besides, they didn't even do a pixel analysis of the elements, some of them definitely have different impression patterns despite the similar outline shapes.
Johanna 3/3 curves 2
Hillary and her team were passing out amateur-tier photoshops of her rallies in order to make her look more popular, I don't know why this is so shocking.
Checking this to help stop the sliding
This. I've worked on historical documents as part of my previous job, and the analysis they did is pretty amateur. Theres software out there that would allow you to zoom in far enough to see minute details in stamped documents that would make such a forgery obvious. As well as ink and paper composition etc.
Not saying for certain that the birth certificate isn't fake, but if it was, whoever faked it would have much better tools at hand to beat the level of scrutiny these guys have given it.
Inb4 shills 4 shekels.
Nice pasta faggot SAGE
to think I would fall for your jewish tricks
> I...I....
If you are trying to detect changes with an edge detector (essentially what you are doing) you may want to take the logarithm of the image first. That way subtle differences are easier to detect. I dunno if photogay allows you to do that.
Catholicism a shit since Vatican II
nice meme Schlomo
Fuck you.
>whoever faked it would have much better tools at hand to beat the level of scrutiny these guys have given it.
Podestas password was literally P@ssword, why do you think these people are always evil genius level masterminds?
they're fucking dumb
Is this in case Obama run a third terms and beat Trump in a land slide?
>birth certificate in 2016
I can't into graphics. What does photoshop curves do? What's the point of these pics?
Actually, it was Runner4567
Not sure if you've noticed by now, niggers aren't the smartest criminals in the world.
Death to the Jews
Didn't they say the Obama document had been rotated about 1degree first? When, they unrotated the document that tiny bit, that's when all the angles lined up and such
>discovering this 7.999 years after he took office
It's a little late, guys.
Stop being a jew.
All your arguments are just insults
and your evidence is shit tier
If you are buying shit this weak, you are making decisions based on political bias, not facts
I agree, but it's not like Obama was making a forgery himself. You'd think he'd have access to people who are good at this type of thing, wouldn't they?
Certificate scan looks clean. Low fuzziness near words. Colors don't seem unusual. Might be "too clean" to be scan.
Certificate scan looks dirty. High fuzziness, dots near some words. Colors seem off in some spots. Fuzz/dots might be evidence of editing.
Not sure what to make of it. Any input would be appreciated.
Does it make less of the crime?
>You'd think he'd have access to people who are good at this type of thing, wouldn't they?
Like the guy who was supposed to clean Hillary's server?
You'd think he had access to his own birth certificate
Don't blame you for being skeptical but these people are absolute retards. They can't figure out how to keep anything secure or secret, they have nonstop scandals.
Thats actually another one of his secure passwords
Remember (((they)))) will be sliding. Reply to every thread
Some dude on youtube proved it was fake many years ago.
Nobody gave a fuck then, why should they now?
I just told my parents and at first they were like
"That's not fucking true CNN isn't talking about it right now"
Then they looked it up online and went
"Sheriff Arpaio? That guy's even too crazy for Fox! This is total BS."
>Muh consensus, 97% of forgery experts, fake news, russians
You realize now that Kanye can run as the first american born Black president hahah
bump for Kek
good meme
What do you expect from people who fuck and murder children?
Not exactly the safest or smartest lifestyle, and ppl who do that always eventually get caught and executed.
what about the i-talians and the other dud3s who apparently know what theyre doing
I think I believe it at this point. I'm not a lefty but I always saw the birthers as the right wing version of the Russian Hacker boogeyman.
It is pretty sad though if this is the best forgery they could make, and it is in fact just that.
it doh mannah if ee bown ee oh not ee a goo boy
>the government can't make it's own documents
lol, why the shit is the "birther" thing coming back?
You idiots can't explain the birth announcement in Hawaii either.
top kek stupid goyim thinking the revolution will be televised
No shit. I'm sure Sheriff Joe didn't just stumble upon this tonight. I bet he was sitting on it because it gave him power. Now he's on his way out and down, so he's taking Obama with him.
Responding to these should get you banned
Go back to r.e.d.d.i.t
Really? Next you'll be telling me that today is a day that ends in y