Why are the British genetically predisposed to have jagged teeth?
Why are the British genetically predisposed to have jagged teeth?
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They are genetic fuck ups, cursed by god to be eternally beady and miserable.
Greater brain mass crowds the jaw. The smaller brains and craniums of nigbeasts, then, is also why they have better teeth. In other words, jaw evolution didn't keep up with the runaway intelligence of anglos.
because their genes
Inbreeding dummy
the teeth girl
Because the constant infusions of Aryan Blood has allowed us to become a greater race than mere Homo-Sapians
The Eternal Anglo's beady eyes allow him to see an Aryan's heartbeat over 40 miles away and his crooked teeth allow him to easily rip into the neck of an Aryan attempting to escape from the refineries and extract every drop of blood from them
Because you can have technically "healthy" teeth that function well but are ugly in appearance.
In America we consider the superficial appearance of the teeth to be an element of dental health, and therefor get discoloration and crookedness corrected as part of general dentistry.
In Britain they have NHS which means treatments that don't actually improve dental health like whitening and braces are a tax drain, they also don't have the social pressue that we do to have a perfectly white, aligned smile so they don't bother.
I think its changing a bit, younger Brits seem to be more likely to bother with the aesthetic stuff more than older ones.
>brits look retarded
>americans, australians, and canucks are chad tier
I guess all of the betas stayed behind
>Tfw had good teeth but got the front two cracked in a fight
>tfw have good teeth but face is shit so doesn't matter
Because of a high wheat diet.
Why are Amerifats genetically prediposed to getting their teeth whitened?
It is a stereotype and you have been suckered by it. I don't notice anything off-putting about people's teeth round here. Contrary to what you heard, children in Britain are routinely checked and get free orthodontic treatment and NHS patients see their dentist every six months. Basic treatments like polishing and fillings are free. Honestly, we really do have better teeth than Americans. Your poor go under and get trampled, and your sick end up on the streets; it's part of your system. Dog eat dog. That's why you all hate each other and shoot each other. We have a welfare state and our country does not forget its citizens. We might not have the power of the U.S. but we are definitely more privileged as a people overall. Our upper classes are completely deformed though, I will give you that, but I wouldn't be a fucking yank for love or money. You suck. Cheers.
This tbqhwyfam
toothpaste doesn't count as getting your teeth whitened faggot
Yep this. I'd still like a gun though
>Because you can have technically "healthy" teeth that function well but are ugly in appearance.
A lot of this came from Hollywood. When people started watching silent movies everyone wanted to have good looking teeth, which in the end isn't necessarily a bad thing.
Japanese people have horrendous teeth that would put the Bongs to shame, but like England the younger generation is starting to give a shit about how their teeth look.
> tfw you lived in Japan and everyone complimented you on how well you're teeth looked
Tea also stains your teeth.
Source on that anime
for (you)
This desu.
End teeth bullying!
evolution is the result of pressures including environmental pressure.
The English that were able to bite and chew chestnuts gained more weight, survived winters, and bred more. it's that simple.
t. evolutionary scientist.
the teeth girl
they aren't. it's from all the sand encrusted on muslim dick
We Americans have always loved our braces.
Also Americans smoke less than Britbongs and Eurofags so our teeth generally aren't as yellow.
the teeth girl
the teeth girl
Tea is bad for your teeth
I've noticed that some races have small teeth and small mouths while others have large teeth and large mouths. When races mix you can get large teeth + small mouth = shit mouth. I think the British are the result of such a mix.
Dentition is one of the clearest hallmarks of race (and region). Even more than skin color.