What would you do if your daughter became inhuman? pic related


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>It's the day of the rope now

fuck her

right in the pussy

It depends on what power she gets.

She wouldn't.
Plan and simple.

That chick is an easy 10/10 if she didn't have all that meme shit going on. What a wreck

post abortion.

Wonder where the Terrigen Mist came from

It's sad to see a beautiful woman go to waste like this. Alas, there is no coming back from this patchouli nightmare. To the rope with her.

Smoked weed every weekend
sucked mexican and nigger dicks
studied every kind of cheap spiritualist book
had so much sex without protection she actually had to take antibiotics many times

Would you still marry after if she promises to be conservative?

>tfw no gf

It's just a phase.

>tfw free from women

She would never promise such thing

accept her as a person and move on

Fuck her friends

Blonde is the most acceptable shade of pale jellyfish

Imagine the smell.

I probably would because I'm ugly enough that I can't afford to have standards

Shave her head and enlist her

Divorced, 14 years don't see the kid
>dad, dad look at how beautiful I grew


Don't talk like that leaf. Find an ugly but decent woman. Only allow yourself to marry a "ex" degenerate cutie if she demonstrate daily regret for her past.

Start acting like I'm into it, behave like a hippie dad, ask cringeworthy questions about it. She'll find a different way to rebel right quick.

Make fun of her

Turn 360 degrees and walk away

i'd seed that...

>360 degrees

There is a guy in Brazil who said "Everything that started in laugh ends up in genocide"

that's what I thought when I read your comment.

yeah i'd rather try to marry up, genetically speaking, even if it means having to accept degenerate past behaviour. Let's be honest, most chicks have 10+ kills by the time they are 25 and looking for more serious relationships.


sic the SJWs on her.

Equip her with the Godhand and go fight Sin.

lol I think I fucked this chick

Im black btw


I imagine the core of that monstrosity she so proudly displays smells like patchouli, American Spirit yellows, multiple dog's farts, and layers of cum from her full moon ceremonial bukake parties.

I have more confidence as a father than to entertain such a hypothetical.

Festi skanks are hot as fuck

me too nigga haa

underrated post.

Mind control her with LSD and start an incest cult.

t. Austrian

You forgot garlic and apple cider vinegar as these bitches prefer to go down the 'homeopathic remedy' route when it comes to yeast infections.

dreads are inhuman now ?

methinks it is you who is unhuman.

So many sad angry jealous people here, triggered by a picture of a girl with a hairstyle.

kill my self


Why are hippy stoner girls with dreads so hot? I remember getting with one when I was a goth teenager and she was a completely no bullshit girl

Man I miss fucking these hippy sluts.
Just have to take them to the lake and bam, innit. just don't get her head wet.

>Implying I wouldn't abort my daughters before they are born

I do believe people can change and you have to give them the opportunity. However I don't know if I would even date a girl if I knew she was a hippie or a communist.

When the negative signs start to manifest cut her off from daddy's money.

That will put her back in line.

never mention it but make sure she knows I'm disappointed, break her down from the inside out