So Sup Forums...
Which doll did you buy for your daughter this Christmas?
So Sup Forums...
Which doll did you buy for your daughter this Christmas?
>buying her a doll
She's getting a machinist's kit and she's going to learn how to fabricate tools.
So is the boy.
I think Sup Forums and feminists can finally agree on something.
A bike
>implying I didn't abort her
We need to ban companies from producing these whore dolls, dolls should show fundemantalist Christian values
nah b, she should be learning cooking, tailoring, cleaning, and the bible. everything beyond that is just a waste of time, like video games.
After all, you are celebrating Christmas...r-right Sup Forums?
What about dolls that still emphasize being feminine and attractive but also encourage an interest in science?
Hope you enjoy cleaning up the mess when she snaps from years of self-contradicting, anti-human Jewish programming (A good analogy for what's happened to Western Civilization). Raise her to respect the Masculine and Feminine Ideal, the way things were in Europe before the Kikes took over.
Unless your daughter is really intelligent just stick to being feminine and attractive
Nice try.
The current generation of degeneracy is a result of the removal of the bible from schools.
Ever hear of the New England primer? Kids were taught English with bible verses. The generations it was used in were some of the best generations this country ever had.
We're already cleaning up the mess left behind by non believers like yourself, who can't own up to the failure and project their well deserved guilt onto others.
>tfw your 5 year old daughter gets scalped by a milling machine
Those are both horrifying. I got her Lego mindstorms
>having daughters
jejs its almost as if you enjoy having niggers fuck your wife
Shit forgot pic
>tfw I will grow old and die in agony never having given birth, suckled a babe at my breast, or seeing my children grow into fine young men and women
As someone who went to a Christian school I can safely say that having the bible taught in school didn't change shit.
All the biggest chads/sluts/parties wete from the Christian schools in my area
>the way things were in Europe before the Kikes took over.
I suggest you to read some History books because I think you have the European timelines very fuck up.
the one on the right, I saw the left one steal a car stereo.
I shit you not, the Jews are behind that one.
>first netflix episode
>"I'm part of N-OV8, a (((global) girls only group. Yes, girls do really run the world."
I counted at least three jewish names in prominent positions in the credits.
also, the girls aren't smart at all, they're just really pretentious.
>the girl who represents chemistry is a cook, oh sorry, a "culinary chemist". She writes ingredients as if they were periodic elements and mixes them in flasks at the school lab...
Don't even get me started on the "if we wear shirts with atoms and pencils on them, we're smart xD" thing these girls have going on.
Duplo and a baby piano.
She is 18 months old.
I actually like this doll and will remember it when it comes time for dolls.
Of course, the psychology of Princess Eyes is something to be aware of.
Brilliant user. Then when she rebels she'll go max feminine.
that thing is pretty neat but too easy to knock over, and when your slutty daughter is humping its face on a periscope stream she might fall over and hurt herself
My son is 19 months old, So I bought him some clothes and a teddy bear.
My other son is 5 months old, So I bought him some clothes as well as a rattle.
> Not having a vidya daughter
That would suck. I just threw $600 bucks at some PC parts and she'll have it put together and running before 10am.
Thank you for conjuring up the image of a loli smoking whilst grinding a nice, tight radius onto a brazed carbide tool blank
left: women that try
right: women that don't even try
Bought my 3yo niece an Elsa doll. She has blond hair and blue eyes, so I wanted to get her a doll like herself (while they still make them).
The reasoning behind the switch is dumb, yet I much prefer the right doll.
Dolls used to look like realistic little girls for little girls. I dont want my girl to be playing with her dolls and think "I should paint my face and look stupid like this."
Id rather she wear more modest clothing and not paint herself like a whore, the way the second doll is.
2/3 aint bad
I'm no babe, but if you show me them, I might just suckle those breasts.
>machinist kit
>both kids
The digit 0-1" micrometer at Harbor Freight is pretty good. So are the the split beam gauges. I calibrated both in my shop against my Starett tools and they were both accurate. The only thing to watch out for is Harbor Freight shit is hit or miss. So open the boxes in the store and check. I've used my Harbor Freight micrometer for 5 years now. It would be perfect for your kids.
For actual machines, I picked up a USA Craftsman-Atlas lathe on Craigslist with a bunch of tooling for $800.
If I had to get my daughter a doll, i'd grab those monster high dolls, since it's unlikely she'll develop some kind of self image complex over a sexualized werewolf or frankenstein. Preferably i'd just make my kids play with legos, though.