If you are true a race realist and pro eugenics, why don't you allow superior white men to impregnate your partner? Think of the joys of raising a superior child.
If you are true a race realist and pro eugenics, why don't you allow superior white men to impregnate your partner...
Other urls found in this thread:
>true race realist
>pro eugenics
The only genes I want to see propagated are my genes. Because I have the best genes because they're mine.
wtf I love cucking now!?
Ok, britbongs have 3 parent kids now so anything goes
Ubermensch rising
But you know that can't be true.
But that's clearly not true. You're on Sup Forums.
Im not a cuck my mission is to pass on my son.
I would help a racial comrade get a girl but ill still get mines.
But there are plenty of men superior to you. Passing on your genes would be selfish, especially if you're goal is to save the white race.
Fuck off cunt, I want to pass on as many of my phenotypes as possible to a healthy child.
Impregnating a white woman is the best chance I have at doing this.
I don't give a shit about Chad's genes.
So you don't care about the survival of white people, and by extension the human race? Why pass on your flawed genes?
Not really, i was born to propagate myself and thus the race, eugenics should only be used if it destroys their line and he cant survive.
You just easily dismantled the whole race realist shit pol has been going on about lately. I'm impressed.
If I can survive which I am my genes are not "flawed" i do my purpose propagating the race.
My genes are mine I want them to successful.
If you ask me to choose between letting my lineage die and have a very slightly better white race from one chad getting my hypothetical wife pregnant, I'm choosing my genes every time.
The white race will survive regardless, and I will pass on my genes.
Not really, it is against the race to kill a member that lives.
Bro what the fuck
>Ur litterally sweden tier if you raise another man's baby
>not believing your genetic makeup is the pinnacle of human evolution to date
Sounds like you faggots want your brother to fuck your wife.
>tfw Chad
Line right up boys. It's a burden, but it's my burden. Show me to your women.
It is against the race to kill the race understand?
OP go be the biggest cuck of all time, but don't rope Sup Forums into your faggotry
>denying your biological imperative
>being a cuck
With this level of garbage tier shitposting, I'm surprised they haven't offered you Canadian citizenship.
Is that a law or something?
Its logic, youre killing a member of the race and thus you are killing the race.
Kek has chosen you to impregnate OP's wife
But why stop at race? Why not forbid all manlets and low t men and men that make less than a million a year? And if you're one of those and you truly believe the survival of humanity is the most important thing, why not let the superior male impregnate your wife while you agree to raise him so that alpha male can go on and impregnate other non alpha's wives?
Superior aesthetics.
Superior genes are those that get passed on, not the ones you think should be passed on.
>only a select group of men makes children
>humanity becomes a bunch of inbred club-footed drooling retards
Was destroying the human race a part of your plan?
Then just make it enough so there's no inbreeding. Why do you keep deflecting my question? Why stop at race? Are racists eternally BTFO? Looking for just 1 ONE one One good counterargument.
He didn't dismantle it, serious eugenicists would agree with him. Not much to do with race though.
She has a really nice wrist.
I'm not proud of this but I need a source for that pic.
Pics or you aren't really a Chad.
Why would you only have superior men do it? Why let them breed with inferior women? Wouldn't it make more sense to only have to top men AND women be allowed to procreate?
me on the left
Well, it would make sense to improve every race separately.
Because the more women these top men impregnate, the more healthy children come about. A lot more than if just a chosen top men and women were picked to mate.
lol look at this mad fuck.
"hurr durr I'm the best"
what a dumbass.
thats one attractive lad, no homo
THat faggot's hands are so huge, wtf.
Too late for me. I have beautiful blue-eyed daughters but cannot seem to produce a son. Maybe I will adopt one but I have a feeling healthy white babies are nigh impossible.
>mfw I am the superior white man
But there's no good reason to separate people only by race. You know how many numales you'd get amongst the whites? I mean white men are where they are today not because of everyone else but because they themselves were truly shit.
But you're keeping the inferior genes of certain women.
In reality all people deemed inferior should not be allowed to have children. Sterilize them and send them off to live out their lives in their own little societies.
That doesn't really make sense. You need both parents to be top tier. Also, you don't need that many people. Even if they have two kids that's okay.
Life is about brains now so than beauty. Jews and nerds rule the world sorry.
More chad genes having babies are produced overall. Also you will need the beta men to provide for more future chad babies.
eugenics is bad mmmmkay
Eugenics doesn't just mean picking only the best to breed. You can fertilize 100 eggs from your wife, put the zygotes under the microscope, see which ones will perform better in life, and choose which ones your wife becomes pregnant with.
It's still your child but the best versions of what your kids can be.
you have been demoted. yea you defend nigs far to often. even conservatives in many cases defend nigs.
what master race could be that stupid. your empathy is your weakness. the cold calculating machines aka chinks will take it from here. its for your own good
If 20% of men only get to spread their genes amongst 20% of women. It'll generally be 1 to 1. If chad were permitted to impregnate 80% of women, there will be a higher produce of chads.and there would still be a good ratio since its 50% for the remaining 60% of women.
Pretty sure life is about propagating your genes and the worst person of the race propagates your racial genes.
>we don't
Do that's what this whole race thing has been to you? A support group? Fucking white people and their gibsmedat
kek nigger detected
Is this how you cope?
Fact is, if you are here, you are a dumb pale aspie.
We are biological collectivists not individualists
Not your married partner you stupid idiot. You marry Christ. And a man. And make babby with surrogate who knows child
i'm not pro eugenics because that is racist
Really not an argument, huh? Gonna have to revoke your breeding card, inferior male.
How would that be racist?
Its pretty retarded to actively kill your own genes, breed with what you can not ebforce something over someone who hasnt been given a chance to prove his worth in this world.
Are you retarded?
All of the rqce have the same genes, just some are lucky.
everyone who brings up eugenics wants a white only society
i don't want that
do you think these ppl are happy deep down inside?
is there a way to have a jaw like that? I have a semi square jaw but that's some superhero jaw right there
If I'm white and breed a white girl, white genes survive tho
eat clen, pin tren.
The spartans actually did this where if a spartan thought another spartan was superior they would sometimes ask them to impregnate their wife.
White only has nothing to do with eugenics.
There is a clear line between being pro-eugenics and being a cuck.
If you think you have terrible genetics, then do not reproduce.
If you are at-least above average, than you are encouraged, because by doing so you are helping improve the average.
There will always be someone taller, someone smarter, someone stronger. But psychologically we are designed for self-perpetuation, and 99% of the people raise their children better if they know they are their own. Alpha men in special cannot stand being cucked.
But if you don't mind being a cuck and would raise someone else's children as your own, go ahead and find someone you consider genetically superior to impregnate your wife.
they did this in SPARTA so may be we should