Is he dare I say..................................Our guy?
Justin Trudeau: 'Globalisation isn't working for ordinary people'
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Only when they are severly threatened globally do they even begin talking about making humane consessions to the people whose collective permission and tax money allows them to even exist. Hmm...
it's a token statement to bolster his popularity after a damaging scandal
He isn't against globalism. He's saying that there isn't enough trickling down to the people; currently only elites are benefiting.
His solution will be more niggers.
He's in shit and wants to see how the Trump strategy will work.
If these fucks try to change sides,
they better have some statistics.
Take the bleach or the seat. Yes?
Holy fuck, we just went over this on Reddit.
He's saying it doesn't benefit the middle class, but benefits the upper class and corporations instead.
Nothing about this is out of character for dudeweedman.
I think it's clear (((they))) are going to give globalization another go in 30 years aka the next gen.
So we won the battle, but the war is probably lost in attrition.
>Poll numbers dropping hard
>Literally everyone in Canada that isn't a SJW saying he is a cuck
>trys to say something that gets people on his side
This is exactly what that bitch in South Korea tried
Something big is happening.
Some great turning is taking place.
Can you feel it too?
Trump will turn Weedman into a based prime minister
Unlikely. You can tell he will be subservient though.
Both of these are correct.
the trickle down scheme is total bullshit.
Equality of opportunities should be guaranteed by the government itself, because if left to do its magic, capitalism fucks anyone in the way
>This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by CTVglobemedia Inc
These guys are FUCKED
>This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by CTVglobemedia Inc..
Shame, I'd been looking for it too...
>no longer available
a shame though, the guy actually seemed to have progressive ideals, but hey, not a single powerful person ever got so far by fair playing
Yes cuck
You need to go back
No. He should be tortured to death with a blowtorch like the race traitor that he is.
when people have good jobs, they can provide for themselves, and don't need mother government to guaruntee them anything.
>Globalisation isn't working for ordinary people
it's working fine. it's globalism that's the problem.
Brought to you by $1,500 bribes for chinese banks to steal our pensions and do road works. Because this makes sense. "From Pacific (scandal), to the shores of old DC. The LiberalConservatives are what we always see. We fight for Airbus battles and for cheese and fromagerie. We'll pee in your sink and kick up a stink against the NDP. Here's a pool for me and the interest for you and good old briberyyy! We'll peddle in contempt and scratch the other's back for this is dynasty."
Trump and Brexit have scared PM Weedman shitless. He also probably believes that Putin will hack his ass and some really degenerate shit will get out.
LOL where'd you get this ideology graph
From the same place that memed the anti green quadrant meme into existence
opinion discarded
I think he just betrayed the leaf.
Raise your rakes my Canadian brothers!
>Is he dare I say..................................Our guy?
Nope. He's still a Communist Chinese plant.
Sorry Justin, just like Merkel, you're not worming your way out of this.
He's a fucking Echo-Borg.
Literally a pretty face, a human being with no personality, personal opinions or any sort of qualification for the role (I mean, he makes Trump look experienced) who was plucked to front the cameras and vocalize his handlers policies in a pleasant, non confrontational manner.
of course it is working. factories in china pollute the air and water thousands of miles away, while we westerners get mountains of inexpensive goods, which are practically free.
well, that's him suicided then
Here's another upload.
download it before they
All those cucker mcuckersons in the comments
yea but who mediates for 'everyone' to get a good job?
don't get me wrong, theres nothing J hate more than retard spending on subsidies for the poor and public jobs where there's no need for, and I can account for the last 12 years of this shit hole I live in, where millions got money for nothing and retirees never saw a penny for their lives work.
So, back to the point, a smart state is whats needed, where whenever it puts money on the table, it actually tries to envision and form that money into something productive where people that barely survived every month get a chance to thrive.
political compass
Google it, it's actually pretty cool
Everyone but me got to learn
So Canadians going to the vote soon? Merkel is pulling the same shit.
I only watch the mulcair parts
You totally aren't trolling
in 3 years
No, it's like when Merkel, Sarkozy and Cameron said that multiculturalism is a failure.
No, but a recent poll showed a 10-point drop in Liberal support
It's so embarrassing. Canadian politics is like a watered down version of Australian politics, and you could fucking swap Trudeau out for any number of our progressive politicians who all have the same bullshit skeletons in their closet. Our (not elected then thrown out) first female prime minister just prior to Based Tones peddled the same progressive crap - Turns out she was funneling millions of Australian tax payers money straight into the Cilnton Foundation's coffers, and landed herself a swank post-getting-btfo gig with one of their offshoots.
Canada, the U.K. and Australian politics pisses me off so much.
Did you even read the article, you cuck? The key excerpts:
>"What we’re facing right now – in terms of the rise of populism and divisive and fearful narratives around the world – it’s based around the fact that globalisation doesn’t seem to be working for the middle class, for ordinary people, and this is something that we identified years ago and built an entire platform and agenda for governing on."
>"We’re being able to show that we get people’s fears and there are constructive ways of allaying them – and not just ways to lash out and give a big kick to the system."
>"Quite frankly if we can show – as we are working very hard to demonstrate – that you can have engaged global perspectives and growth that works for everyone … then that diffuses a lot of the uncertainty, the anger, the populism that is surfacing in different pockets of the world."
In other words, he loves globalisation. He just thinks the rest of the world needs to employ the Canadian model.
>You just know some shady shit was behind this cluster fuck:
>Australia, Israel, Mexico, the Palestinian Authority, Russia, Taiwan, and the United States offered international assistance in battling the fire, though the offers were turned down by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Trudeau said that while the offers were appreciated, they were unnecessary as firefighters from other Canadian provinces were gaining control of the situation.[47][48] South Africa sent 301 firefighters at the request of the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre at the end of May.[49] The firefighters were trained during the month of April at a boot camp, in order how to learn to use special hoses instead of the leather padded wooden sticks known as "firebeaters" they typically use in their home country due to a lack of water.[50] Less than a week after being deployed the South Africans went on strike over a wage dispute and were demobilized. Alberta Premier Rachel Notley vowed to address the issue and ensure that the firefighters were paid a minimum of CA$11.20 per hour as required by the province's labour laws, rather than the CA$15 per day allowance specified in their contract with their South African employer.[51]
How does he keep getting away with it?
What really pisses me off is the blatant question dodging combined with the fact that nothing's going to happen since it's a liberal majority.
>globalist career politicians poll numbers tank
>say a few token lines that go against what you're doing
>poll numbers normalise again
>see weedman, merkel,
>on Reddit.
I know it's political compass. I was going to say those parties are skewed to the right, but it turns out that's the real graph. Honestly surprised me.
Don't forget - The conservatives won't hit him too hard, because if they're anything like ours or Britains they are doing exactly the same thing themselves.
Not a week goes by without both sides accusing each other of being Chinese stooges and claiming the other is playing fast and loose with immigration and foreign investing.
God I hate that Rona Ambrose bitch so much
you mean the Canadian conservative party also lobbying for some other Chinese giant?
Then, all there is is a massive finger pointing towards the liberals, also being a great opportunity for hitting poll numbers, rite?
Im curious why australlians would care about Canadian politics?
I always thought Canada was just a joke to the rest of the world.
reminds me of pic related
I like that she goes fucking savage on justine
They are the exact same shit. Chinese investors buying up all the property was as much an issue under Harper as it is under Trudeau. There's not much choice in this country; it's either shit or slightly more palatable shit.
wow he folded quickly
did the syrian "refugees" benefit the middle class?
did mass immigration? (which he supports)
caring about the middle class is out of character for leafman
>we just went over this on Reddit
wow, they don't even try to hide it anymore
no, the pull-quote is just a slight concession to the public in reaction to the new political tide. In context, he's still saying the same shit.
Has bigger balls than you and you feel emasculated? Just guessing.
Theyre trying to hide this shit.
I have the full video as webm format, with sound, but its 27 mb... i cant upload it to Sup Forums. Any suggestions?
Trudeau gets hammered and dodges every question... by giving the exact same answer. 6 times. in a row. while his voice is shaking. its pathetic
any ideas how to share the 27 mb webm?
load load
OK one moment. will upload now
MP4, not webm o well
Regardless, Trudeau is a shitty liar their trying to cover this up hard
The question is, who's making him say this, and to what end?
thats what I was wondering..
The best explanation I came up with is follows:
>Trudeau's Adviser
"Trudeau, theyre going to grill you out there. they got a lot of evidence supporting their claims.... All you need to do is keep reassuring them that there are rules, and tell them you follow said rules... if you say it many times in a row, they may just beleive it"
>Right wing.
>Any of them.
>At the same time he's pushing for trade deals
What did he mean by this?
>Our guy?
fuck off redit