Congratulations America!
You now have your richest arseholes running your country. Bravo, well done!
Congratulations America!
You're right - they should all be transgender Muslim atheists who have never worked a real job in thier (zers?) lives.
Thank you. We've got some amazing people in our country huh?
wtf i hate money now
>Trump's cabinet worth more than the net value of all of Clinton's voters
shut lebo cunt
Who cares if they're rich? At least they're not politicians. Wealthy individuals are less likely to be bought by kikes
Do you listen to yourself or just open your mouth and parrot this nonsense? You don't get rich unless the Jew wants you to get rich. How fucking new are you?
It's like these kikes are still campaigning.
success-hating, envious leftists must go back
>poor loser
Look I think we are all aware of the disproportionately large influence of Jews in the economy, but its a bit of a stretch to say they control literally every market on Earth.
Most people are wealthy because middle class and poor people gave them money in exchange for their product.
>having money is bad and being poor is good
>that's why the people who have money should have it taken away from them so we can have money
>implying your richest arseholes don't already run your country
Stop projecting.
You have to go home Ahmed
I'm not a dirty socialist faggot, so I don't see the accumulation of wealth as indicative of poor moral character.
>Do you listen to yourself or just open your mouth and parrot this nonsense?
The sky is blue as well.
I know I know, It's nonsense in your mind.
That makes sense
Last thing you want is some guy who will flake for a couple million dollars
Good. Private industry CEOs actually know how to accomplish things of value, unlike faggots with political science degrees who get elected by pandering to niggers.
he did it. the absolute madman
hating the rich is a communist thing
we like successful people
OMFG well known rich white men running the country instead of a cabal of shadowy jewish bankers no one knows the name of. You're right Ahmed, America is fucked
We now have the most successful people in our country running it. Wow really made me think
>T-The ebil Russians hacked the election!
>W-We must discard the ideological underpinnings of capitalism, despite those very values leading us to victory over the Soviet Union during the Cold War!
Fuck how do we bribe them? I guess we could just threaten to kill their family? Sounds good.
>Sup Forums 6 months ago
>Sup Forums now
obamas a fraud tho
You know why I love this?
Becuse the only people who think that having money is evil are Leftists. So by having a rich guy as president, they are all instantly outed.
They just can't turn off their jealousy for one second. Their envy. Their covetousness. They HAVE to remind you that they're jealous leftist cumdrinkers, which means they can't pretend to be real Sup Forumsacks.
Enjoy your future kleptocracy, burgerfriends
Can i please redpill some of you worried faggots? I've done a lot of work for many different types of people. Rich people are rich becaus they are good at something. I've worked with these 'just give them a chance!' minorities and sub-par workers and they suck. Rich people got rich by providing value to others. They are skilled and talented. You want as many rich people as you can create in your country. Why doesnt anyone understand this?
Those numbers make you really think, huh?
Literally not an argument. You got completely, unequivocally BTFO by and you have NO answer to it.
Only Leftist cumdrinkers hold your opinion. We aren't. This is a pathetic /leftypol/ attempt to spread their disgusting ideology of theft and jealousy to our board.
And? I'm not defending the cabinet, but you have to first explain how and why affluence is bad to actually have an argument.
Too many "arguments" these days presume something is negative and then assert facts of the matter.
Yes. You posted the facts of the matter... and?
Not an argument.
The kikes Trump hired were disowned by Goldman Sachs for supporting trade protectionism, They're actually one of the strongest assets for defeating them.
They are the kikes........
Trump and Bill are long time friends.
Hillary was just along for the ride at his wedding.
Normal people are not bothered by other people having more than them. Fuck off /leftypol/
also monarchy > democracy
>Successful people can NEVER serve in government!
t. reddit
Youre all stupid as fuck
Theyre sliding the board hard as fuck
Youre helping them
Lol so quick to defend the (((bankers))). The collective amnesia is lit. Goldman Sachs bet against the economy in 2007, got filthy fucking rich, and then cashed out on the bailouts written by their former CEO Hank Paulson, who was appointed by Dubya right before the bubble burst.
You people are so fucking stupid, it is astounding.
Who is? Kike lovers? I've noticed Sup Forums hasn't complained about Trump hiring kikes, fucking hypocrites.
>BREAKING NEWS: rich people are richer than poor people
More at 11.
>I hire niggers
>that means niggers control me
good try retard
There's something a lot more honest about these people actually stepping in the mud and doing this themselves rather than just puppeting a frontman to do it.
There's no fall guy in between them and failure if things go wrong, they'll be on the hook themselves.
Thanks for telling me stuff I already knew.
Are you suggesting we should have voted for Hillary, who was literally funded by Goldman Sachs instead?
Still no solid evidence of Trump being a hardline Goldman shill. Still no argument.
Oh it's not him being controlled, it's that he is friends with kikes, Sup Forums is so retarded for ever believing this charlatan.
>A handful of rich people are richer than millions of the poorest people in the country
hmm, really gets my neurons ready to rumble........
>im friends with niggers
>that means niggers control me
good try retard
I don't care that they're successful. I care that they are literally criminals who should be in jail for the crimes they committed. Do you understand CDO's and Credit Default Swaps?
Imagine this. I take out an insurance policy on my house. I burn my house down to collect the money. This is known as fraud.
Imagine this. Bankers are bundling subprime mortgage debt into CDO's, and then using those AAA-rated CDO's which are full of shit as collateral for other loans. Imagine I'm Goldman Sachs and I know these loans are full of shit, so I take out an insurance policy (Credit Default Swap), so that if my assets default, AIG has to foot the bill.
Also imagine that millions of middle class Americans lost their homes, and none of these fuckers went to jail.
Trump campaigned on draining the swamp, and now you fags are perfectly content to suck the shit out of their assholes because your daddy trump can do no wrong.
I was gonna give him a chance. But he's already fucking it up. He's not going to destroy the establishment; he IS the establishment.
A cabinet filled with successful people sounds much better than a cabinet filled with political leaches
>America hired people who know how to run businesses and make money to treat America more like a business and make money
You fucking cunts are doing to Trump exactly what middle-of-the-road liberals did to Obama after 2008. Oh good, our guy won. Now we can go back to sleep for 8 years. Oh, he's appointing people from the Banking Industry to regulate the Banking Industry? Whatever.
You fucking fucks
The recession was caused by the government. Its foolish to blame the profiteers.
Goldman Sachs would not be nearly as successful if the government didn't make the financial industry the fourth branch of government.
Don't blame the players, blame the rule-makers.
>implying our riches assholes haven't been running our country since before 1776
Oh UK, you of all people should know this
Well put user. Big banks are fucking evil and would gladly bankrupt the planet if it lined their pockets
Okay, now show me which members of Trump's cabinet are guilty of this.
how about the fucking ceo of goldman sachs idiot?
Implying I did not know trump was going to do this.
Implying i wanted him to do the right thing.
Fuck no.
I only voted trump so that he could cuck the existing elite -> shillary, the bushes, romney you name it. they all got cucked
i.e. i have already won. nothing he does now will ever bother me
Can't put a price on family
Who makes the rules? The government. Who lobbies the government? The fucking banks, you idiot.
Why does everyone always think that one or the other is the problem? They're all bad, they're all fucking bad.
Student Loan Bubble is going to pop sooner or later. Default rate is down to 11.3%, but nobody is talking about the fact that income-adjusted-repayment-plans have allowed a huge portion of borrowers to be paying so little that they're not in default but they're barely paying principal. The amount of money being repaid has HALVED since 2010.
citation needed
So basically GS's only crime is that they engaged in some predatory behavior?
I really don't understand this argument. It's not like GS was holding a gun to people's heads and forcing them to take out subprime loans. These stupid fuckers agreed to take out these loans, knowing full well they would never be able to pay them back. Why should I have any sympathy for them? They enabled the recession.
I fail to how a voluntary action can be considered a crime. At what point did GS engage in fraud, exactly?
>how about the fucking ceo of goldman sachs idiot?
Who, Lloyd Blankfein? He's not on Trump's cabinet. He hates Trump.
Are you retarded?
Because GS didn't just engage in predatory lending, they then repackaged those shit assets and sold them to investors and then BET AGAINST THEIR OWN ASSETS.
Holy shit guys, it's worse than I thought;
Steven Mnuchin is the Secretary of the Treasury:
Mnuchin's first job was as a trainee at investment bank Salomon Brothers in the early 1980s, while still studying at Yale. After he graduated in 1985, he started working for Goldman Sachs, where his father had worked since 1957.[3][10] He started at the mortgage department, and became a partner at Goldman in 1994.[11][12] Until he left the company in 2002, Mnuchin held the following positions as a partner:[13][14]
November 1994 – December 1998: Head of the Mortgage Securities Department
December 1998 – November 1999: Overseeing mortgages, U.S. governments, money markets, and municipals at the "Fixed Income, Currency and Commodities Division"
December 1999 – February 2001: Member of the Executive Committee and co-head of the Technology Operating Committee
February 2001 – December 2001: Executive Vice President and co-Chief Information Officer
December 2001 – 2002: Executive Vice President, member of the Management Committee, and Chief Information Officer[15]
According to the 2001 Goldman Sachs Form 10-K, Mnuchin served as a member of the development board of Yale University, as board member of the Riverdale Country School, as member of the national board and senior member of the non-profit youth organization Junior Achievement, to which he had donated money, and as a board member of the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden.[14][16] He left Goldman Sachs in 2002 after 17 years of employment, with an estimated $46 million of its stock and $12.6 million that he received in the months prior to his departure.[11]
"he hates Trump"
wake up wake up wake up you've all been played it's literally so sad lmfao
>17 people in cabinet
>still less net worth than Shillary's king
>ad hominems
>not an argument
He is going to want what is good for his friends.
Not hearing an answer to my question.
Whoopie doo, they bet against their own assets. Call me when they start murdering people.
I couldn't care less about the shenanigans of the banking elite. My primary concern is the giant institution that enables them to have such a disproportionately large influence on the economy, with literally nation-wrecking power. Remove the state from the equation, and the banking industry has just as much economic power as any other private institution.
Attacking Goldman Sachs is a waste of time. You're just attacking a symptom of the problem and not the actual problem.
I was all in for Bernie during the Primary, and I really didn't want Trump to win, but I hoped that his anti-establishment rhetoric would take hold and people would actually question the real people in power.
Now he's won, and all these bluepilled trump cucks are so happy to lick the boots of the criminal bankers who destroyed our economy (WHO ARE LITERALLY ABOUT TO DO IT AGAIN). So fucking sad.
Be less fucking ignorant. Sorry for fucking raging, but you need to be more skeptical. We're fucked unless ya'll start paying attention.
Watch this and tell me they weren't engaging in fraud. Except I don't need you to tell me that, because they got fined a lot for it. They should have gone to jail, but they did get fined.