Snopes debunked it. Go home

Snopes debunked it. Go home.

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Well I guess that settles it

>Sup Forums btfo

>Donald Trump claims sky is blue
Mostly false

one ONE
probably jewish or globalist website says its not
LOL fuck off OP

>Snopes totally isn't run by liberal niggers with their own agenda to push

Woah, thanks I was worried I might be getting false information.

Heh, stupid republicans are just ineducucated which is why they are wrong.

If they learned as many things as I have in my Unviersity from that nice Professor Steinberg, they wouldn't be so dumb and believe lies like this.

Christ a fucking alarm in their office must go off anytime King Nigger is insulted

>believing snopes

has anyone compiled a complete list of snopes employees/CTR employees, etc?
When we turn things around we will need to know who we're dissapearing.Ameribros will have to act fast too, before these shit stains flee the country.

>less than 2 hours later
Not fishy at all. I'm sure investigative journalism is typically done that fast...

Fuck that was fast

Pretty sure just 2 jews run it.

nice """proof"""

What's Snopes stance on the Moon landing?

remember when snopes only investigated urban legends and creepy email chain letters? i miss those days.

to lazy to figure out the ins n outs of this

but its quite peculiar how they always run to the defense of the establishment

something tells me that this isn't far off from reality

and they say putin has a cult of personality

>it takes a couple hours to justifiably debunk methodical digital forensic analysis by two separate sources

How convenient that this bullshit news story just happens to break when we have REAL evidence that Russia hacked the US election to get Trump elected. Think about the timing here for a moment idiots, you're being manipulated by Russians.

Do they post their reasoning or do they just post "it's fake trust us goyim"?

wtf i love obama now!

at certain times the sky can be observed to be red, grey, black, and various shades of green due to many atmospheric and cosmic factors.

>real evidence

I missed it, please share.

not when you're a husband and wife team with a decade of internet fact-checking experience.

then make sure those two jews get ash-trayedwhen the time comes

Huckabee had a good line earlier saying that if Trump walked on water, the MSM would claim that he can't swim.




snopes hasnt released an article for the newest thing yet

An excerpt from the Diary of Anne Frank. Really makes you think

>August 21st 1942: “Now our Secret Annex has truly become secret. Because so many houses are being searched for hidden bicycles, Mr. Kugler thought it would be better to have a bookcase built in front of the entrance to our hiding place. It swings out on its hinges and opens like a door. Mr. Voskuijl did the carpentry work. (Mr. Voskuijl has been told that the seven of us are in hiding, and he’s been most helpful.) Now whichever user reads this and doesn't reply their mom will get really sick and die. Then Peter cushioned it by nailing a towel stuffed with wood shavings to the doorframe. Let’s see if it helps!”

Snopes is just a guy and his wife, I think.




"Snopes birth certificate" on google shows no results in the last 24 hours from

Without time restriction, the result that comes up is from 2014.

>Last updated 16 September 2016

Ask them if Putin hacked the election

That's pretty funny


>"Number is correct"
It doesn't say that in the website.
I love how Sup Forums literally believes everything then claims normies to be the sheeples.


Snopes is fake news though...

What do you think they'll say?

i was too untillegan to belive that ne whey



Ask Snopes does Yeti exist? Do aliens exist?

>snopes says its false

You can't get any more of a legitimate fact checking source than that folks.

Didn't that sheriff check snopes first?

Snopes also "debunked" PizzaGate


Go check the website, OP photoshopped the date you dumb niggers. The snopes page is talking about 2 years ago.

Holy shit you faggots are stupid.

how would they build a book case door with nazis snooping around?

Is it too late to change my vote from Romney to Obama?

You changed the date, I don't think they've written a new one.

>the certificate actually exists so it's not fake

worthy of a kek

Also Bill Clinton did not have relations with that woman

Simmer done nige. It's just and joke to get us all talking about it.
