We need to talk Sup Forums

With what's unfolding right now I must say this is scary.


Other urls found in this thread:


"weather cools" - it's almost winter + "polar vortex" descending on the North East right now

"Island float away" - Brexit

Where is Antartica on this? I'm not sure.

#13 sounds like a deadman's switch.

Is the black flag ISIS at the dome of the rock?

>a bunch of intentionally vague allusions that could apply to a number of circumstances

Was this get confirmed?

And what are 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 17 supposed to mean? The rest are obvious/vague enough to guess.

I've heard that theory

Three branches will become one.

> Executive branch
> Legislative Branch
House & Senate blood red
> Judicial
Trump will make it... BLOOD RED.

I'm not concerned - you are.

Also check my digits?

Oh, it's the "prophecy so vague, it can be applied on pretty much everything" episode.

Weather cools - Wintertime Polar Vortex
3 branches become one - ???
Island Drifts Away - Brexit
Killing Bolt will shine but wont kill - North Korea's shit nuke tests
Star will gorge on clay - ???
Idols will speak and move about - Celebrities moving to Canada after Trump
Black Flag will fly above the dome - ISIS
Belly of the Dragon will drip water - China liquidating US money
Two voices in silence will be heard - ???
A rock on seven hills - ???
Ravens will starve - Scandinavia being cucked? Ravens = Odin = Norse = Scandinavia
Bear will leave cave - Russia?
Rod and the Ring will Strike - ???

The serpent shall engulf itself.

A fire shall rage o'er the wood.

The old mother shall weep, and laugh no more.

>>let's all play!

I'll take it

Killing bolt could be one or more of the """"meteors"""" caught on camera lately

3 branches - see Belly of Dragon - I've heard it could be reference to that one YUGE dam they built

>Star will gorge on clay - ???
The fall of a celebrity?

>Two voices in silence will be heard - ???
Maybe some historic sexual abuse victims that come forward (been ignored for years by MSM but the police listen??)

>Rod and the Ring will Strike - ???
I can only think of those Egyptian glyph's you know the ones with that weird ankh and the rod? idk it's all too vague.

>>rock will stand on 7 hills.
Could be an allusion to 5 star movement in Italy

>star will gorge itself on clay
Israel taking back more land?

That's a good one.

What is the source of this? Nostradamus or something?

>let me just whip out more ambiguous shit and to find relevant

i bet you wear 2 layers of tinfoil


Nothing to worry about since God isn't real. Cant force an imaginary hand senpai

no idea

reborn user nostradamus

>Star will gorge on clay - ???
Could this just mean Trump winning the presidency and gaining control of the US?

Thats some ASOIAF level shit. Beware the mummers dragon.

What is this from, and why should we care?


>Three branches become one

Martial Law

>AN island will drift away

Hawaii leaves the union

>A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill

Trump assassination attempt

>The star will gorge itself on clay

Trump confederacy gains land

>Idols will speak and move about

More anonymous intelligence leaks/public opinion formers can't decide what narrative to push

>The black flag will fly above the dome


>The belly of the dragon will drip water

South China Sea

>Two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear

Nuclear exchange between Russia and USA

>A rock will stand on seven hills


>The ravens will starve

The raven got to close to the sun (nuclear explosion) and died

>The bear will leave its cave forever

Either Russia is finished off by the nuclear exchange or something happens with California

>The rod and the ring will strike


>Rod and the Ring will Strike -
3 branches -rebublicans win
two voices, snowden, julian
rock on seven hills - mecca is on seven hills, meteor rock at the bottem corner of cube, i believe thats the link

>It will happen when the weather cools.
>That's when they'll make their move.
>The plans made long ago, before the founding of America, and older still, will come to fruition.
>They're trying to force God's hand.
It's December. For the northern hemisphere, the weather is cooling. Bunch of bullshit happening in government these days. Some plan is being put into action, no doubt. Plans older than America and trying to force God's hand? Doubt that, but let's look into this a bit.

Now, what about these signs?

>Three branches will become one.
Obviously the three branches of the US Government. Something will happen to merge them into one major superpower. Probably the nullifying of Trump's election, if that is to happen.

>An island will drift away.
Brexit. No doubt about that.

>A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill.
Some major storm of sorts that miraculously results in no casualties?

>The star will gorge itself on clay.
Help me out with this one, anons.

>Idols will speak and move about.
That video of celebrities calling for the electoral college to stop Trump, probably. Celebrities can be considered idols, right?

>The black flag will fly above the dome.
Something to do with ISIS. That church in Istanbul, maybe? Perhaps the Capitol Building in DC?

>The belly of the dragon will drip water.
Definitely involves China, but what about them? Rising tensions in the South China Sea because of Taiwan?

>Two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear.
Trump. Pence.

>A rock will stand on seven hills.
Fuck if I know.

>The ravens will starve.
Look to Edgar Allen Poe. Got a gut feeling it has something to do with that poem of his.

>The bear will leave its cave forever.
Stumped on this one.

>The rod and the ring will strike.
Nuclear War.

Help me figure this out, you guys. I'm struggling here.

Like it

Weather cools - Wintertime Polar Vortex
3 branches become one - Republicans win everything
Island Drifts Away - Brexit
Killing Bolt will shine but wont kill - North Korea's shit nuke tests
Star will gorge on clay - Trump taking US?
Idols will speak and move about - Celebrities moving to Canada after Trump
Black Flag will fly above the dome - ISIS
Belly of the Dragon will drip water - China liquidating US money
Two voices in silence will be heard - Snowden and Assange
A rock on seven hills - Something to do with Mecca?
Ravens will starve - Scandinavia cucked
Bear will leave cave - Russia or California?
Rod and the Ring will Strike - ???

>Two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear.
Trump and Putin
>The bear will leave its cave forever.
Something to do with Russia.

>Bear will leave the cave
That's it! California leaves the union!

>A rock will stand on seven hills

this reminds me a lot of st malachy's prophecy about the last pope

>In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock amid many tribulations, after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people. The End.

the apostle peter was called so because his name means "rock" and he was the rock upon which jesus founded the church

"peter the roman" has been interpreted as referring to francis because he is of italian heritage and the son of a man named pietro

>a killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill
pic related, the lightning bolt that struck when ratzinger resigned

Don't fall into fear like OP in the original prophecy thread. There is nothing to fear. We will rise. We will truly ascend into the celestial beings like our true ancestors.

The Darkness before the light is coming.

Odin's ravens symbolize his mind and his thoughts.
Maybe its about decadence nowadays

The (((star))) will gorge on clay/land greater Israel.

Weather cools - Winter

Three branches - Centralization of federal power from the exexutive, judicial, and legislative in to one

Island drift - Brexit

Two voices - This could reference Revelations, where there are two Christian prophets during the tribulation

Rock on seven hills - Seven hills of Rome? The rock could be a reference to the Catholic church as in Catholic doctrine Jesus said unto Peter, "Upon this rock I shall build my church" and Peter is considered the first Pope.

Bear leaving cave - Something to do with Russia. Perhaps meaning it will expand its influence into Eastern Europe

IDK what everything else means though

What are you talking about """"meteors"""" being caught on camera?

>A rock will stand on seven hills.

I feel like that has to do with Rome

Yeah I think this is it for sure. Otherwise too much about trump.

It's all about cuckolding, dont you faggots see. Thats the key to everything.

Cuck yourself. Get yourself a BBC to fulfill your woman and everything will be just fine.

holy shit fuck off you fucking braindead cunts

>A rock on seven hills
Doesn't Constantinople have seven hills?

Weather cools - Wintertime Polar Vortex
3 branches become one - obama martial law tomorrow or house, Senate, and prez are now 1 team
Island Drifts Away - Brexit
Killing Bolt will shine but wont kill - attempted trump assassination
Star will gorge on clay - Israel taking land in the middle East
Idols will speak and move about - Celebrities moving to Canada after Trump
Black Flag will fly above the dome - ISIS
Belly of the Dragon will drip water - China liquidating US money
Two voices in silence will be heard - dead assange/Seth rich leaks
A rock on seven hills - something to do with Rome, not sure
Ravens will starve - can't even come up with a guess
Bear will leave cave - Russia joins the fight
Rod and the Ring will Strike - nuke or cern

Reminder that Brexit isn't actually fucking happening so this entire thing just got BTFO

So does Mecca and Rome apparently

Yeah, but the Rock at Mecca has been there a while, I don't think the prophecy is talking about Mecca.

the star gorging on clay is pretty obvious
what celebrity do we know that got elected leader of a whole fuckton of clay

>gets to 7th line
Tavalu becomes ours confirmed


Look niggers.

>three branches
Executive, legislative, judicial. Simple enough.
>killing bolt
We are here. Nothing obvious quite yet. Possible assassination attempt, failed missile launch, something of the sort.
>star gorge on clay
A country with a star will take land. Chinese or Arabs
>Idols will speak and move about
Unknown at this time. Celebrity endorsements?
>the black flag, dome
The Jihadist Black Standard will fly over the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem
>belly of the dragon, drip
Most likely the Three Gorges Dam in China will break. Terrorism? Foul Play? War?
>two voices
Unknown at this time. Who could these voices be?
>rock on seven hills
One of these. Probably Jerusalem
>ravens will starve
referring to a ravens traditional role on a battlefield, (no bodies to eat?)
>bear will leave its cave
Russia or California. Probably Russia.
>rod and ring will strike.
Ominous and straightforward. Either serious weapons(plutonium rods and rings) or "The Rod and ring symbol is a symbol that is depicted on Mesopotamian stelas, cylinder seals and reliefs. It is held by a god or goddess and in most cases is being offered to a king who is standing, often making a sacrifice, or otherwise showing respect."
If the latter, representing a truce or surrender

Fucking larpshit nigger and your string of J.R Tolken glossolalia. bend over on a dick and stfu

Bear will leave cave- California leaves US?

>Idols will speak and move about

When I think Idols I think more of leaders than celebrities. Could this have something to do with world and religious leaders visiting Antarctica?

>an anonymous poster on an alaskan comic book forum made a prophecy

>nothing happens


>Rod and Ring
Enuma elish

It means invincibility

Interesting that it says Idols and not False Idols
>speak and move about
I know it sounds silly, but i think of statues moving and talking. The Owl of Minerva was used as a giant speaker, you know.

>two voices that we'll all hear
This may be the most important thing to figure out.


And the 7 hills are the valley of Gehenna, Armageddon

This is very true. I didn't take the whole thing as being linear so that's a piece that isn't here yet.

An argument or disagreement, two voices at odds?
Putin talking through Trump as a proxy?

Weather cools - check
3 branches become one - 3 nations will become one (EU Army)
Island Drifts Away - Brexit
Killing Bolt will shine but wont kill - EMP
Star will gorge on clay - Greater Israel
Idols will speak and move about - New religion
Black Flag will fly above the dome - ISIS
Belly of the Dragon will drip water - China/ south sea
Two voices in silence will be heard - Book of Revelation 11:1-14
A rock on seven hills - Daniel 2:34
Ravens will starve - High death toll
Bear will leave cave - Russia
Rod and the Ring will Strike - Pic related

>Two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear.

Guess the Atlesians and Mer'va are getting concerned.

>The bear will leave its cave forever.

Russia takes it all back?

I interpreted it as two voices speaking together. But you're right, it could be an argument as well.

I'm thinking Putin and Obama. With the way things are going now, it looks like we're going into WW3. The two voices might be the two sides rallying up their people to fight.

>island drifts away

What if it's the Californian earthquake? Or that could also be

>bear leaves the cave

Possible earthquake or California exiting the union

>bear leaves the cave
Like a bear waking up from hibernation? Country/politician/anyone that's been out of the game for a really long time but might change things up? Assange maybe?

California isn't a fucking island.


> weather cools

Polar vortex

> bear

Cubs win the World Series and leave the curse behind forever

> three branches

Republican control of DC

> black flag

ISIS/ aka Israel, they already own the world

> island


I may have gone through this.
What would you like to know?

>A country with a star will take land
American flag has tons of stars, perhaps it is us that will take land?

Star gorging on clay is obviously a nuclear attack creating massive craters.

My guess is Turkey

yep, that's a great interpretation

A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill.

Could very well be an EMP blast or series of them. At night. Would be pretty fucking visible.


Do not confuse true prophecies of God with Satan's lies


Take a stab at interpreting these:

>It will happen...

This is probably the most important part. I can see two ways to interpret it. The bible says that once the gospel must be preached to all nations before the end of days can come about. "Forcing God's hand" implies that "they" will try to end the world before the appointed time. How is an open question. Nuclear war, maybe? If we accept that the prophecy is real and not just some asshole writing it up for shits and giggles, anyway. Now the signs.

This might well refer to the three branches of the American government coming under control of Trump and his allies.
>An island...
>A killing bolt...
This one is more cryptic. It could mean anything from a near-miss from an asteroid to a failed assassination attempt. We'll probably know it when we see it.
>The star...
Israel grabbing more land? The star referring to the Star of David.
Another cryptic one, but I'm guessing we'll know it when we see it.
>The black flag..
ISIS or some other jihadi group will fly their flag over the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem? It could mean they take the city, which seems unlikely, or someone gets it up there in secret. Or maybe it's some other dome.
>The belly...
The dragon seems like it means China, but drip water? Maybe something will happen to the Three Gorges Dam.
The voices are calling out the silence. My guess is that it means a media or internet blackout, with two people (or nations?) responsible for it.
>A rock...
The City of Seven Hills is a common metaphor for Rome, but I don't know what the rock could be.
Ravens are scavengers, commonly depicted eating the dead on battlefields. Some war will end...
>The bear...
Resurgent Russia, starting to project power again.
Signified divine power in the ancient near east. Moloch?

nah cryptic shit like this is useless

WE are the new religion. Praise be to my digits.

The star gorging itself on clay is/are nuclear bombs. hasn't happened yet

>three branches into one
All of them are going to be red
>the island drifting away
>killing bolt will shine but not kill
I feel like this might be a nuclear demonstration
>the star will gorge itself on clay
Maybe having to do with Islam, or somebody considered antagonistic gaining land
>idols will speak and move about
Probably the people popularly known, not necessarily celebrities, but relatively well known influential people making their plans happen
>the black flag will fly above the dome
The black flag of ISIS, as it conquers more
>the belly of the Dragon will drip water
Is China still having a dispute on whatever nearby sea? Maybe developing submarines with larger and more deadly weapons.
>two voices will call out in silence for all to hear
This one I have two theories for. Big guys like Russia and the EU or USA speaking out. Or, two groups that scream in silence as the world looks on. Maybe invaded places or conquered areas as nobody came around to prevent their demise.
>the rock will stand on seven hills
Rome or the pope
>the Ravens will starve
Ravens historically have been ill omens. Are things to become so bad the Ravens will die? They also eat carrion, does this mean that there will be nothing dead to eat? Possibly all corpses are blown away to smithereens...
>the bear will leave its cave
Do or die for the rise of the Soviet Union, a gigantic Russia. If it fails now, it will never return.
>the rod and the ring will strike
I feel as if this implies that someone that used to be in balance or with justice loses it and becomes wild and corrupt

>The star will gorge itself on clay.
Israel taking Palestine land?

Long shot, but what about nasa warning earth unprepared for asteroid strike?
>Killing bolt shines in the night. Doesn't kill.

>Ravens will starve

raven will starve is either cause there will be no deaths, or because the corpses will be completely obliterated with no trace.
so basically REALLY GOOD or REALLY BAD

Belly of Dragon probably refers to... *leans into mic*... CHYNA

Similarly, the bear leaving its cave is a reference to Russia (most likely)

I'm thinking no deaths. These are all signs of whatever thing is gonna happen, according to the prophecy. If the world is so completely annihilated that there aren't even corpses left behind I'm not sure there'd be much left for it to foretell.

>the rock will stand on seven hills
Might mean an Islamic conquest of Rome, with it being the new center of Islam. The rock might be something holy to them (replacing the one in Mecca).

Consider this is a metaphor for love.
Love is all.
It will always represent it all.

I guess I'll try to explain.

When the fire ends.

The self will swing outside to it's only place left.

Self fulfilling, if willing, as two, as one.

God does not want to leave.

The signs:

Three lives become one.
A solo will fall into the ocean.
It will not die, becoming one with the All.
It will eat all of it.
The Truth will be.
The Dragon, the True Killer, does not fear the weight of others.
Two will become One.
The Truth will become Real.
Freedom begins. Chaos swallows infinitely.
The Mother is here.
Love has begun.

Black flag is also the symbol of anarchy

Regarding the ravens one, isn't there some British legend of ravens living on top of Big Ben (I believe?) whose death will mark the end of the British (faggot) empire?

Britbros enlighten an uneducated burger like myself, please.

the mainstream meteor kek

>icanhascheezburger meme
really faggot?

goto sleep Phil

If this prophecy were true, wouldn't ALL points have been fulfilled by now?

The weather has cooled, but we only have two obvious signs to check off the list:
- An island will drift away. Brexit.
- Three branches will become one. GOP control.

The rest are vague and iffy.