Trump chooses "far-right" ambassador to Israel, NYT PISSED

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Israel needs breathing space

>a Jew who is more Jewish than the average Jew is considered "far right" in America

Lol we're fucked

Don't you fuckers hate the (((Jewish global conspiracy)))?


more lebensraum for the judenreich


I don't even know anymore, but I certainly hate the leftist Jews running the mainstream meteor.

Right wing Israeli nationalists are based and they would wipe every mudshit off the face of the planet if given the chance.

Leftist Jews are the fucking worst on the planet though.

Am I supposed to upset? The image makes him sound pretty rad.

This is quite true. If the israelis wanna do their mudshit cleansing then I wish them luck. Its the globalist jews we need to be careful of

Help stop Jewish tyranny.

>has likened left-leaning Jews in America to the Jews who aided the Nazis in the Holocaust

I'm not sure how to feel about this

There were Jews who aided Nazis in the Holocaust?

>He has said he does not believe it would be illegal for Israel to annex the West Bank.

Nationalistic Israel will grow larger.
And Sup Forums would do well to realize that the "world opinion" of Muslims can be determined by Israel's response to them. The more Israel pushes against them and Palestine as a whole, the more acceptable it will be elsewhere to push against Muslims.

When Israel finally evicts the Palestinians, see that as the signal for the rest of the world to evict their own Muslims.

Mazel-Tov. This is a great victory for the Zionist agenda!

>Who is George Soros.

He's talking about people like George Soros. Right wing Jews are our allies. Lefty Jews have no loyalty or honor and seek to destroy everything.

>has likened left-leaning jews to those who aided the nazis in the holocaust


Just this evil fuck

>mexican owned newspaper doesnt like anything trump does


>Mr. Friedman did not back away. “They’re not Jewish, and they’re not pro-Israel,” he said, according to the people in the room.

lol lefty jews BTFO

With Britain banning the criticism of anything Jewish and/or Israeli related, and now America appointing hardcore Israeli shills in government, is any Western nation not shackled by kikes?
What Western nation will not be an omega cuck and actually destroy Israel and the global banking system once and for all?

Veritas video has some douche talking about them

daily reminder about the jyt


>newfags itt unironically shilling for Israel

So does that mean that he's accusing George Soros for aiding the Nazis in the Holocaust?

Oh wait.

kike: the president

I'm really starting to think that Trump has allied himself with Nationalist Jews against the International Marxist Jews.

I mean this guy de-personaed left wing Jews.

oh shit. Trump was the Jews plan all along.
Well... this is going to do it.
This is where my support for Trumps falls out

Jewish politics is so fucking retarded

You are #mentallyHill now right?

Sadly most Sup Forums users are newfags from r/the_donald and (((breitbart)))

>enable the Jewish Right

>frame them as fascists once they fuck up Palestine even more

>cut diplo ties to fascists

>autistic Jewish screeching from Marxists and Zionists alike


They should be fucking pissed you retards. I hope your sons go die for Israel you fucking nu-con queers.

Alt-Right/Zionist alliance is real, now they literally cannot stop us.

why did i just have to look at the picture to know thats a jew?


What the fuck does killing every muslim do for me? All Europe needs is a wall not kikes killing muslims for no reason. kill yourself you fucking kike

When did Sup Forums become so pro-Israel? I feel like I'm in a bizarro world.

It means "LIBERALS AR DA REAL RACISTSSSS". This board is becoming a neocon shithole

no, Killary was psychotic.
but Israel is an an unacceptable burden for the people of the United States at this point. Its fucking beyond me how much we're asked to sacrifice for them

It's in your efficient deutschen blood to sniff them out.

Sup Forumscucks will defend this, and also finance / die in kike wars, lmao



Is that you Gabe?

Fuck off. The best thing that has happened to the world is that Hezbollah and other Muslims are an actual threat to Jews and Jew power.

>When did Sup Forums become so pro-Israel?
JIDF has just adapted.
This place has become the Mossad of CNN

When reddit found the board

any true white nationalist supports jew nationalists.

Next we'll need to deport the jewry to israel
They need the bodies for greater israel after all.

>Has likened left leaning Jews in America to Jews who aided the Nazis in the holocaust.


Its JIDF. No one likes Jews here.

Shekel-master Ben Shapiro will be pleased.

Saw this posted in another thread


>any true white nationalist supports jew nationalists.
At least for now. It's very hard to argue for white and/or Christian nationalism while being against other groups having their nationalism.

If you're into white nationalism, youre better off just accepting Israel until in a better position to criticise it

kill yourself

Israel is fine, I'm just tired of sending them tens of billions in "aid" every few months.

Israeli nationalism is fine. Israeli blood sucking and subversion of America is not.

>implying the JIDF didn't morph into Trump supporters and harness the power of useful idiot shitposters to elect the candidate most likely to help them win gains for Greater Israel

Shit. If the Jews start to expand their wall aggressively under trump, we're going to see terrorist attacks on US soil like we've never seen

Sonderkommandos BTFO

>(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Right wing Jews are our allies))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
thanks for your input david

>has likened left-leaning jews in America to jews who aided nazis in the holocaust
I love it when jews have infighting like this its hilarious. Like when that guy raged at Anthony Weiner for having arab wife

>Can't understand these gets...

>Far-Right for Israel

for fuck
I don't know if that is more Orthodox or Zionist

hate to agree with you. Its unreal how we have to pay for Israel with our treasury and our blood.
If Israel is going to exist it should fucking do so on it own.
Its not our fault if Iran and every one of their neighboring countries hates them and wants ti annihilate them, is it?

No you just underestimate this birds stupidity.

They never know what to believe half the time

we are so fucked.

You should try being a little less obvious next time

I think you underestimate your own stupidity. It seems like you've mistaken the absence of a unanimous, board-wide consensus on every given issue as cognitive dissonance, a mistake made only by retarded Redditors who don't understand this board is not one person. I know you're from Reddit because this attitude is bred there by mods stealth banning dissenting opinions on each board and dissenting posts being hidden due to down votes or just deleted by a mod.

no. this board is spewing truth from every orifice.

Liberals at their ground level are emotionally driven mindless goobers who seek equality, and fail to heed what will happen when those they try to uplift have gained "equality". Either nothing, and their effort is wasted, or they are trounced underfoot and claim it is a great thing that is happening.

At the top of the chain are a bunch of fuckers who are willing to burn society to ensure their status is protected. Black Americans have gotten it the worst, but now that they are starting to sway away from their former slave owners the liberals have decided to destroy our seed corn and attack the youth, turning them into characters as seen on youtube, like the self hater, or the cuck.

Its not an emotional statement, just one based on observation. These people are not productive to society.

wtf i love the left now

>I don't know if that is more Orthodox or Zionist
for real

either way it means more muzzie refugees going do europe

Please go back to NRO you fucking retard

Jews in Israel are all good. Jews pushing mass-immigration and degeneracy onto western nations need to be gassed.

I think I'm going to become like the George Bush hating anti zionist liberal I was 10 years ago.

Third temple when?

Where were you when Trump found someone too Jewish for the Jewish elites? I dont even understand anymore.

LMFAO trump is going to unleash jews on the palestines to finally let the whole world see what disgusting genocidal sociopathic pieces of shit they are

this sounds awesome

Am I the only one not surprised he'd choose a Jew to be the ambassador to Jewland?


... is that Steve Bannon in a fat suit with his hair bleached?

Looks like Brendan JUSTer to be honest

Shitlibs are the real racists though.

how does it mean that at all you nervous kike

I am a long time post-Zionist and Menckenian anti-Semite. I spent years reading about Israel for nothing. Just like all Muslims are actually "fundamentalists," all the important Israelis are what you could call "hard-liners." Indecisive pussyfooting a la Obama is completely pointless. You either fight them, hard and for a long time, in which case you wouldn't even send an ambassador, or you do this, send them the ambassador they want, to work things out and maintain the connection. This is a perfect move and not even from the question of bowing and scraping to them.

Ben Shapiro is right, the real jews are right wing jews

I concur, I'm asking why fags here are freaking out that he chose a Jew


This is fucking awesome, honestly. They are going to reward the FUCK out of Trump, and our nation will prosper enormously.

Pretty sure that large sections of the Israeli far-right believe that Jews do not belong in Europe or America and should all relocate to Israel.

Sounds like we could work out a deal.

Hell Yes
I won't even hate jews any more if they just move to israel and kill muslims

SA kike detected

>a jew who's had enough of leftist jewish tricks

doesn't seem to bad desu

apparently there are 2 types of jews. there are ones that just want to ensure the existence of a jewish country at all times, and there are the hollywood/wallstreet globalist fuckers

>Right wing Jews are our allies
hahahahaha you'd better be JIDF, you can't be this dumb

Israel still controls the west, a greater Israel would be even more harmful for the west as Israel would be even more powerful and have even more control over us

Until it's time to vote on censorship laws, then suddenly there is one type of jew sans a few.

This, I'll never understand why Jews love censorship.

>Boo hoo someone said kike, take everyones rights away now!