Have you tried such a drug? How do we deal with overdoses...

Have you tried such a drug? How do we deal with overdoses? Do you think all businesses should be allowed to drug test their employees? Drug testing seems to have fueled the epidemic of synthetic cannabinoids.



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i smoked a little bit of this drug, twice by accident

thought it was weed first time

tried it again cause i thought i was just being paranoid

same shit happen

never touched that shit again

pretty scary drug desu

An "overdose" usually results in hallucinations and sympathetic nervous system overload, AKA an excited delirium type state.

>IM Ketamine/Haldol/Versed (whatever is your preference and available) I personally like Haldol and Versed.

>Vitals, Oxygen, Cardiac Monitor, IV.

>If the rate is not ridiculous you can do IV benzos to try and slow it down, versed or ativan is what I use.

>Watch temperature and cool as needed, 1-2 liter fluid bolus for suspected dehydration/hypovolumia.

>Support airway as needed

I have yet to have to use electricity, of beta-blockers, but it is not out of the realm of possibility. Most of the people using this shit are young and they can tolerate the tachycardia alright.

The shit is trash. I went to a poison control hosted seminar a few months ago on emerging drugs. Fortunately being in a state that allows the recreational usage of Marijuana we don't see this very often anymore. I was seeing this shit in like 2010-2011 when it was big, not anymore. The only calls poison control is getting for any of the synthetics including bath salts are military bases. The soldiers use it because it can't be detected or tested in a standard 7-10-11 whatever panel UA or blood draw.

Too bad they don't sell midazolam pills in the us. They are fun.

It's made out of whatever chemicals Lee finds under his sink in chink land.
You're better off buying a 6 pack.

No shit, I had no idea it was in pill form, doesn't surprise me though.

Versed is a god send. It is not the end all be all some claim it is, I like variety. I still need Ativan for seizures, Valium for anxiety and pain management when mixed with a narcotic.

I had a guy with a massive skull fracture, half of his face was just much, eye hanging out kinda trauma. Sedated, intubated, paralyzed. He burned through all of my Ativan, Versed, Morphine, Fentanyl, Dilaudid, Succinylcholine, and Vecuronium.

I carry enough drugs to sedate and intubate 3 patients for a period of no less than 1 hour.

Dude burned through all of it in less than 45 minutes. Meth on board didn't help his metabolism.

Had to pull his tube and listen to him scream for 15 minutes. As soon as we hit the ER doors a nurse ran out with versed. Talked to him a few months later as I saw the guy at the grocery store of all places. He had no recollection of the events, thank goodness for anterograde/retrograde amnesia. 15 minutes before and after they don't remember shit.

Not in the U.S. but is sold online. u are a paramedic I take it?

>Have you tried such a drug?

hell no the fuck is that shit anyway looks like it's for retards

Yea ambulance driver, or attendant who holds old ladies hands.

Stay away from this stuff.

I tried it in high school because I could not fail another drug test and I wanted to get high. The first time I took a hit I passed out like ten minutes later and my friends freaked out. I tried it again a second time and I had really bad hallucinations where the devil was trying to get me.

Needless to say I stopped my drug use almost five years ago and it feels great.

Better to try salvia extract, dmt, or 5meodmt

Drug tests would be great if they didn't show positive for weeks after smoking. What does it matter what the employees do outside of work, find a drug test that proves they are intoxicated during work

>drugs that exist because they come out to fast for law to catch them
What could possibly go wrong?

If I'm not mistaken the TCH test actually tests for a metabolite of THC not the substance itself. Definitely is an issue.

I tried Black Mamba, it was just a shitty knockoff of weed that lasted less time and tasted like soggy fish.

Go back to redit or lurk more.

How do you smoke something by accident? Do you suck dicks by accident as well?

shut the fuck up you fucking nerd i'll punch your fucking face in you little cunt

Iktfb I smoked it by accident once, it didnt have much of a negative affect since I smoked a small amount. Some guy was sharing it and it looked like people were just smoking weed. I got really pissed when I found out but it was kinda my fault for not asking what it was 2bh.

someone around where i lived OD'd and died from smoking way too much

>Think something is weed when it's not
Learn to read.

I only ever liked Mephedrone, that was good stuff. You see that documentary on Spice? Some guy had a heart attack in prison lel, he screamed and then collapsed on the floor, some black guy.

Nah, seen a couple vids of prisoners smoking the stuff and freaking the fuck out though

This stuff is garbage. Never do it.

Spice and other THC derivatives are not analogous to marijuana. These products are fucking dangerous, and yes they are caused by drug testing, in particular court ordered drug tests.
I smoked a shit ton of weed in highschool, quit around 18. This shit gets you way more fucked up and a much different high. It is known to cause severe paranoia and anxiety. My ex went to the hospital because she had a serious panic attack. They told her they see people regularly with similar symptoms. It is also made almost exclusively in China. The profit margin was massive when it came out. It was a gold rush for these companies.

pretty much what this guy said

Poison. Needed up getting addicted after buying the pure chemdog they put into that shit AM-2201 and JWH-018.

The first few days using, every puff gets you stoned like the first time you smoked weed, no matter how high your pot tolerance is.

Needed up taking hundred of doses worth just to get high and prevent withdrawal (which is worse than any I have ever encountered, even heroin)

Finally quit, lost 52 pounds in the process and could not keep any food down for 11 days. In the group I was with I watched people have multiple seizures/psychosis and extreme memory loss every day. I now have permant cardiac issues and two other heavy users I know developed epilepsy, which has continued years after quitting.

Synthetic cannabinoids, unlike pot have full binding affinity for Cb1, 2 and 3 receptors. This makes them incredibly addictive and stops natural cannabinoids from being produced by the body.

Just wait for the shitshow when they started testing for weed in car accidents and DUI in states where it is legal.

Mephedrone is more fun than coke, ecstasy or meth, but it's terrible for the heart and incredibly easy to overdose on.

he means the spice called mephedrone i think

Well my understanding is that's more difficult as well because they are testing for a metabolite of THC that is in your system for days rather than something that proves active intoxication.

I smoked a few packs of Happy Shaman. It was pretty similar to weed. Stronger than I thought it would be. 7.5/10 would do again.

Cb3 is not a thing AFAIK

Also forgot my friend who was chronic user of Spice brand had three seizures he believes were caused by it. He quit and went back to smoking regular weed and never had another seizure.

I hate shill threads that start like this.

Mephedrone is different from spice, usually labeled as bath salts. It's a suitable white powder sometimes referred to as mkat, or it's chemical name 4-mmc.

6-APB was good, in ways better than street speed

I've been an opiate addict for 2 years. Classic codeine --> Oxy --> H story. Opiates have always been my favorite drug, destroys my depression and anxiety, I have confidence I never knew I had and they literally make everything fun.

There is always a price to pay though and withdrawals are nasty as hell. I pretty much need H to be a normal person at this stage, but I don't actually complain much because I still don't have depression and anxiety anymore because of it,

spice almost ruined my life and ruined the life of 3 of my friends
each bag was different from the last and sometimes had incredibly awful consequences...
that was half of the fun though

I won't fuck with drugs they do in prison, saw a documentary once where they were taking D-Tabs in prison and they turned this totally straight spic guy Alvarez into a homosexuality.

That is my point. When has common sense ever stopped law enforcement?
My brother is a cop who smoked a shit ton of weed in highschool and was chronically drunk for nearly 15 years. He still arrests petty drug users. I have told him four people that worked for me say his coworkers let people off all the time, but he has to be officer by the book.


Shill thread, with a source, and an archive link?

Also important to note it doesn't matter what it is. Bath Salts, Spice, K2, whatever the fuck they call it and whatever form it comes in. The semi-legal synthetic drugs from China are constantly changing. Poison control centers and even the DEA can't keep up. I was told for every new product or tweak to the ingredients it takes the feds 1-2 years to analyze, document and come up with standardized testing models.

No one knows what it does short term or long term and there is very little known about the pharmacokinetics or dynamics.

All care for use and overdose is merely supportive until the body processes the drug.

In many circumstances the fact that most in addition to whatever they do to the brain cause systemic sympathomimetic symptoms the damage to organs can be irreversible.

The only good thing to come out of the use of these drugs was how many organ donors probably came out of it (I don't have stats to back this statement up). Literally at the raves it was a race to stabilize to essentially save organs from going into failure, most of the time these kids were brain dead from high temps, hypoxia and poor perfusion.

Best "snap shot" of a patient who had taken "something synthetic" was a 16 year old girl who snuck into a rave.

>Temp 108 degrees F oral (later would find out rectal core temp was 110 degrees after we had her covered in ice.
>HR-210 initially, 160 after sedation and 2 liters fluid.
>BP 50/nothing
>Blood Glucose-30
>Respirations prior to intubation-50+.
>End Tital CO2-70 (vent couldn't be used as we couldn't get a setting fast enough to assist in blowing off CO2, bagging at a rate of 30+ we got it down to 50.

That is fucked.

She died 3 hours later in the ICU.

Shilling for what? No one bar underages smokes this shit as weed is just as easy to find

I can confirm this. I've seen people fall flat to the ground after a hit and be completely unresponsive and shaking for about an hour per episode.

Not sure if it's actually, epilepsy though, or something that mimics it. I watched users have multiple of these episodes per day and keep on using it that ways for months.

Once took a puff of pure AM and woke up on the pavement with a cracked skull and blood everywhere.

It's funny as fuck, shouldn't laugh but I do seeing people freak out on drugs. I've tried a lot and tend to hold shit together pretty well. Shit gets too much I'll pop a zopiclone and sleep.

Agreed it is a better than coke, e and meth. Although I do like MDMA in moderation (haven't done it for a year or so now).

Nah mephedrone is different it was a powder you snorted and it smelt like shit but the high was nice, rushing and intense. Made me a lot more talkative than coke ever does and it lasts longer.

People smuggle them in chocolate bars and make a shit load of money smuggling drugs into prison.

>literally cutting a mars bar open and stuffing mini mobile phones into them and small wrappers of heroin/coke

Ok so there might be a CB3 isn't so far

>Have you tried such a drug?
>How do we deal with overdoses?
let the dumbasses weed themselves out of the population
>Do you think all businesses should be allowed to drug test their employees?
that should be up to the owners, not the government. personally I think it is none of their fucking business what people do outside of work in their own homes.
>Drug testing seems to have fueled the epidemic of synthetic cannabinoids.
yes. and china keeps making new ones faster than we can ban them.

legalize everything and let the fucktards that can't deal with it screw themselves over. don't take a chunk out of my fun because you are personally irresponsible and fuck right off with the MUH DEGENERACY.

What bothers you about my thread?


I loved the smell. Unique, I've never smelled anything like it before. Almost kind of a fish smell.

Years after the ban, I still remember that smell.

You liked that smell? I do agree though the smell was unique.

I think I came to associate it with the high. Also, the later bullshit like pentadrone didn't have the smell, so you could detect the real stuff easily.

i smoked a 10g pack of that JWH derivative cannabinoid shit.

you are waaaaaaaaay better off smoking weed.

I'm 28 and have never tried any illegal drug even once, not even pot.

>inb4 mormon baby
I was a latchkey kid that grew up ridiculously poor and had druggy parents.

Oh right, yeah Hexedrone and all the other shit was shit.

>tfw no Cathinone high anymore and can't even get Khat because Theresa May is a diabetic old cow with an ugly rotten face that's almost as rotten as her fungus filled fanny.

I can't imagine that shit is good for you in any way.

Anyone know anything about kratom? It's legal in the US for the time being

> be me in japan
> go to store, where they sell this shit
>they sell 1g and 0.3g rolled as spliffs.
>ask staff which is the strongest
>ask how much i need for 1 dose in strange japanese
>hes says 0.3g
>i buy 1g
>go outdoors into tiny park in middle of tokyo.
>roll joint with 0.3g, light it and inhale only twice.
>onset really fast and hard
>realise its too much, can't control thoughts anymore.
>panic! think im gonna die.
>feel like brain is flatlining
>slowly regain consciousness lying on my back between bycicles, 8 meters from where i sat before.
>covered in bruises. think i had a seizure.
>nihonjin asks if im ok
>really fucked up for another half hour.
>worst trip ever, fucking potent stuff
Warning!! this shit is very potent dont touch.
it baffles me how they could not just change a law to make it illegal for shops to sell it.
They were never sold here due to legal reason, why not there.

Honestly it didn't do much for me and I did quite a lot of it. It wasn't very nice to swallow either, I'd save your money and get something else. Valium is better imo or a few tramadols (something stronger if you're an opiate addict).

Did this shit often, like 3-4 times a week, when i was in the military because it doesn't make you piss hot and we were piss tested an average of 2-3 times per month. The original stuff pre-january 2011 was actually pretty good and enjoyable. In 2011 the DEA banned JWH-018(the cannabinoid that was originally used to make it) so the producers started using different chemicals, thats when things changed for the worse and you started hearing about the increase in calls to poison control centers. After a few bad experience on the new stuff i stopped using it altogether and just stuck to alcohol and mushrooms until I got out and could smoke real weed again.

>Start smoking JWH-122 and JWH-250 in 2011.
>Start smoking grams per week.
>Move on to other synthetic cannabinoids, but nothing is ever as good.
>Until 2015.
>Go without for a week, as I've done many times before.
>Cleaning cans and smoking resin.
>Suddenly, I'm communicating with Gaia.
>Realize that something is either very, very wrong with me biochemically, or I'm ascending to godhood.
>Ask Gaia to "Take it away and never give it back."
>Finally get some more.
>Take one hit.
>Suddenly, I get a sensation that's like Smell-Taste-Thought, sort of like cold waxy lemon calcium.
>Infinite, tireless, restless energy.
>Feel super strong, but fragile.
>The normal darkness behind my eyelids is replaced by a dim red.
>Perceive the cells of my body as a race of people descended from an Adam and Eve.
>Feel like a wax candle in a black space filled with other candles, some red, some blue.
>Time ceases to exist, and I lose my fear od death and gain an intuitive understanding of spirituality and physics.
>Realize that God is a man, and that man is me.

Fluorine is delicious.

GFs cousins use to smoke this shit daily. She'd get high AF off it, have a couple of seizures, then she'd go in the bath tub, put her feet under the running water, get high, have a seizure, pass out with the water running on her feet, wake up and repeat. She claimed the water on her feet would give her some kind of sensation. She ended up going to rehab, busted out, now she's running around sucking and fucking for meth at random motels.

Usually, because of legal structures, the chemical banned must be defined. As soon as that is banned, the Chinese tweak the molecule and send out new shit.

Some countries blanket ban whole classes of drugs, but the rc chemists just make something out of a different class that mimics the effect.


wow you were doing drugs and you felt funny things good 4u