Encourage Children To Fight Bigotry And Oppression

Shelly Harridan has a few things to say about bigotry and oppression.

> I'm Shelly Harridan. I'm a Trans Activist as well as intersectional feminist, and childhood educator.
> I speak at day cares, and K-8 Schooling as a volunteer to dismantle oppression and patriarchy.


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That's one fucked up person.

In the 50s he would be in a mental hospital where he belongs.


If you're going to fucking transition, don't half ass it by wearing lady clothes and claiming you're a woman.

Like holy shit at least shave properly.

Sometimes I'm not sure if there's hope for your country...

Get em OUT! OUT! OUT!

Gender is over, you bigot.


What a loser cuck he is. So confused from leftist self loathing that he puts on a dress so he can have a victim status of his own.

Aw, now you're not an evil cis scum white man. You can join the rainbow of victims pointing fingers and blaming whitey for their own weaknesses.

What a piss poor example of a man. I hope that photo's recorded in the history books. So that future generations can laugh at the cucked out fags that tried to sell their own people down the river, just to fit in with a bunch of faggot victims.


Ugh. These men disgust me. Even my one libtard friend, who has infuriating opinions on all sorts of shit, hates trannies.

No way I'm gonna give that faggot a view. He probably gets more than enough money from yu tu be. Also wtf is he doing going anywhere near a school? That's sick. Straight up perverse. That kind of shit should never be introduced to children.

In the 50s they were actually kind. A couple of decades earlier this mentally ill man would likely have been tortured.

> No way I'm gonna give that faggot a view.

You coul, it's a new channel with only 4 videos up, whether you click or not won't change anything.


>90% of people wouldn't mind if they found out their gf was their bf

you underestimate people willingness to be lied to.

Fair enough, but its all good I'm a paranoid freak when it comes to metadata and especially that website. Haven't been on it in 4 years. Also, I wouldn't invite a man in a dress in my house, whether in the flesh or on my phone while I'm eating dinner.


what the fuck is that

kill it

>maybe you should be humiliated because you are being silly to the point where you are trying to influence children to cut their penises off because they get sad sometimes..


Kumail has really hopped on the SJW train

What is with this comic? Why do trannys lust over a clean shaven Shaggy with black hair? Did someone literally trace Shaggy for this shit?


Ahhhhh fuck it there's not enough quotation marks to put """"""woman""""""" in without killing myself.

fucking newfags

he's trolling

>intersectional feminist, and childhood educator
I'm more offended that he's indoctrinating the youth into a Marxist cult than I am with the silly dress.

I can't tell if this is a joke anymore.

>90% of people would be okay with finding out their girlfriend is a dude


god help us all


0,5% of the population at most.

Make so much noise and supported by most media outlets you would think there numbers were at 50%

Trannies don't put as much effort into it as they used to.

These guys are just phoning it in.

just means we'll need less zyklon


whoever wrote this is a closet fag

Kek. Made me chuckle.

Its too good for them.

Just typical faggotry mathematics. Like their favourite unchecked statistic; 10% of the world are raging homos. But lately I've heard it quoted as 15%, or 20%. Its like tipping, the amount keeps going up!

In reality I'd wager barely 3% of the world are fags. Maybe another percentage point could be described as 'conflicted.' But wouldn't anymore than that.


>I speak at day cares

i hope not
