Why was Ancient People so fucked in the head?

Didn't Ancient people know about empathy or respect for the human life?

If you read about Ancient Torture it makes waterboarding looks like pussy game.

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Why were Roman emperors so fucked in the head?

They did really crazy stuff

Christianity did a good job of stopping people from acting like niggers.

But you only have to look at the narcos of your country to see that it didn't do a good enough job.

No cable TV.

According to Herodotus, the image depicts a method of execution only used once.

To execute its designer for his cruelty in designing it.

>Didn't Ancient people know about empathy or respect for the human life?
not really

I bet people were happier back then though.

Makes sense. Since the creation of HBO there has been no world war.

>Didn't Ancient people know about empathy or respect for the human life
no and neither does the average person of any other time period unless they need to pretend while being observed by the public

Meh. This one is worse

Read about Torquemada

You're right, hanging, drawing, and quartering is a much more humane way to kill someone! Thank you, Christians.


>why was

>narco facepeelers calling ancients violent.



Think about it. Today, some guy dresses up in full body armor that can protect you with damn good certainty from most small arms fire. You stand hundreds of meters away, never looking the enemy in the eye, killing them cleanly with nice little packets of lead. You usually barely see much blood. A statistically negligible number of your buddies die. You usually only see so much combat before you get sent home.

And people still come back fucked in the head.


You stood in a line. You marched forward, straight towards the enemy lines, staring at them the whole time. If you're lucky, you're wearing heavy as fuck bronze or iron armor that barely protects you and just makes you slower. More likely, you're wearing a leather jerkin that offers no protection whatsoever. If you are in the front lines, you are statistically more likely to die or not. When you get there, you have to get face-to-face with the enemy, looking them right in the eyes, not just pulling a trigger and seeing them go down. You slash, hack, disembowl, desperately struggle and grapple with an individual, watch the life drain out of them, smell them as they shit and piss themselves calling for their wife or mother. Then you get stabbed in the back. If you break and retreat, you will certainly get cut down by cavalry.

If you get fucked in the head by modern war, just think about what old times war would do to you.

And the worst part is it's not just a brave few. Old armies were conscript armies, massive. The majority of men in a given society would be irrevocably fucked in the head.

All of the world was composed of shell shocked, mentally fucked societies.

Did nothing wrong.

We're far worse now
is.Sup Forums.org/gif/1481858539017.webm

>christianity stopped barbarism

But christianiry IS barbarism.

Yeah dude the new testament tells you about all those things and how its totally okay for Christians to do it it's totally a Christian behavior to do all those things

Kill yourself

>All of the world was composed of shell shocked, mentally fucked societies.
Or it literally never bothered them because they were used to it. Just like no one ever heard about restless leg syndrome or autism decades ago.
>Oh my goodness how did people live back then, they must have been sad all the time

degenerates go on a cross.

Because you don't even try to understand them.
Modern humans are as cruel (if not more) than ancients.
And you can't prove me wrong.
We are the same scum with more technology and methodological consensus on how to get serious intellectual knowledge.

hard mode: they wrote ancient books and the elites-in-training of today read and transcribe them

>he actually believes this

Are you retarded? This is how the argument went...
>Christianity did a good job of stopping people from acting like niggers.
>No it didn't, Christians did shitty things too like hanging drawing and quartering.
Doesn't matter if Christianity told people to do this or not...
Got it? Good.

Savages... well they be savages, and humanity is nothing, but savage. We forget that sometimes, the ever privileged few, in a privileged and anomalous time.

Christianity fucking burned poor old womans claiming they were witches.

screencapped for future war threads.

>tfw too intelligent to live

Thank you for finally allowing me to use this pic.

They didn't have water filters back then

Didn't Descartes think animals were basically soulless automatons who cannot experience pain?

>that was a reasonable belief
>imagine what they thought about people they didn't like

It absolutely matters. People still act like niggers despite Christianity.

Saying "well Christians do bad shit too thanks Christianity" is a stupid fucking statement.

Christianity is a net positive on the world and has helped end a lot of the barbarism that plagued the world. Christians still do terrible things, yes. But that is not a result of Christianity. Dumbshit

All religion is barbarism and the Soviet Union proved so is lack of religion. That's the human condition. Barbarism is inherent to humans and it's utterly inhumane to dismiss it. It's part of who we are it's part of the natural order it's degenerate to reject it.





>A few isolated communities with little to no outside influence burned women at the stake


Literally didn't say that. But now that you've put words into my mouth, prove your statement. How was Christianity a net positive on morals? Compare the morals of Classical Greece and Byzantine Greece for me.
>(Pro tip, you can't.)

Burning suspected witches sure is civilized. When Vlad the Impaler reportedly impaled tens of thousands of Ottoman civilians in an open field he was praised by the pope for being a defender of Christian Europe

You best be joking you nigger, Christianity gets regularly associated with witch burnings and rightly so. Just because some commie stuff was written in the New Testament doesn't mean Christianity was all fun and games and you're retarded if you believe religion has helped the vast majority of people not being barbarians.

Hindus (ancient Vedic culture not modern-day hindus) seem pretty empathetic and respectful of human life. They pre-date all religions.

>You're right, hanging, drawing, and quartering is a much more humane way to kill someone! Thank you, Christians.

now post the one with the girl inside the fake cow that's about to get fucked by a bull, i need to fap

Its quicker and overall less suffering

>Why was Ancient People so fucked in the head?
Because it makes hanging people look tame in comparison.

>Regularly associated

Right so go live in an Islamic country, since they're so much more advanced and less barbaric than Christian countries.

>not objectively the best method of capital punishment
>beaners don't know how to properly punish criminals
color me surprised

Lest it be forgot.

He obviously just mocked the statement of the poster he was quoting because quite frankly he's a dumbass who thinks that Christianity progressed society and didn't hold it back.

that's hot

>Burning suspected witches sure is civilized
cool cherry picking faggot. Cause that sure happened in every single christian community, right?
>hating on vlad
Ah ok so you're a fucking pussy, got it.



The OP's pic related happened once. Hanging, drawing, and quartering happened hundreds of times, maybe more. Also it's by no means a quick death...

I have a friend who also wants to see this....

Descartes came to that conclusion because of his faggot dualism, though. It was just one of his technicalities.

I thought the king was also placed in one once he was defeated.


Do you know what the cartels are doing to people in your own country right now?

I'd link the webm of the guy who has his face skinned off, eyes gouged out, hands chopped off, as he screams in agony while they torture him, but I don't want to get banned.

I guarantee you, if they showed that shit on CNN, the construction on the wall would begin that very same day.

fuck off poo in loo

>impaling there's anything wrong with putting mudslimes on pikes

women were the real victims of these times .. why didnt you mention them asshole?

they had no rights and werent allowed to vote fucker!!

Their water was brought to them on lead aquaducts.

>Christianity gets regularly associated with witch burnings and rightly so

Less witches were burned in the entirety of history than are killed by Islamic terrorists in a year or less.

Christ blessed my posts

>I'd link the webm of the guy who has his face skinned off, eyes gouged out, hands chopped off, as he screams in agony while they torture him, but I don't want to get banned.
This is a NSFW board dummy

my nigga, that is my favorite execution of all time.
The persians really knew what they were doing, true artists of torture imo. Imagine the guy who thought all that out in those ancient times. I wonder what the other guy did?

Nowadays Christianity is practised in most advanced , progressive western countries while Islam is heavily practised in poor, reactionary countries. This doesn't mean that this situation wasn't reversed in the Dark and Middle Ages.
What you're arguing is that Christianity actually advanced our society, which is objectively false.

Yea they were fukt inn the head but this torture device never existed/used

Actually this particular design disgusted the one who commissioned it (if it was an emperor) so much that the only person it was used on was the one who designed it.

the aquaducts were devoid of lead.
the problem was the lead pipes within the homes that were used to deliver the water to the drinker.

This bothers me more than it should.

Protestant work ethic is what gave us America.

>Objectively false

By what metric?

Underrated fucking post.


>When Vlad the Impaler reportedly impaled tens of thousands of Ottoman civilians in an open field he was praised by the pope for being a defender of Christian Europe

it fucking worked, and the people that it scared off would likely do worse to his people.

>What you're arguing is that Christianity actually advanced our society, which is objectively false.
Not really. Christianity played a large role in philosophy, science, ethics, law etc. and shaped Europe into what it is today. Christianity was kind of a necessary fusion of classical philosophy and Middle Eastern religious impulse - since during the time of the Roman Empire's decline philosophic investigation was rather sterile and religion had become nothing more than a social formality.

Liberals would argue that we need to take in more because they're fleeing brutality or some shit.

Truly these are blessed posts

top pip ya compared to being seared alive in a bronze bull

>after the fall of Rome Europe faced a sharp decline in almost every aspect
>the Church as part of the elites trying to hold their thumb onto most of the population
>after centuries Europeans at first got a revolution from Luther then the Rennaisance
>finally free from the shackles of religion they can build their own society
>hurf durf christian values arrr important *burns witches*

human rights are a social construct

Ironic how we're less civilized now than before.

thinking that the plague had nothing to do with it, top pip my dude.


Modern warfare is much more straining on the mind of man.

Back in pre rifle era battles were rare and short. You'd train for months and months for a single battle which would be the deciding factor of if you have a home to go back to. They lasted from days to weeks but it was never constant fighting and the generals took care in keeping the morale high so not to cause a rout.

Post rifle, campaigns last from months to years. Men are stationed at a post where they are constantly shelled by artillery, snipers sniffing every corner of the battlefield, you don't know if youre going to suddenly drop dead from a landmine, sniper, or howitzer.

This destroys a man. Not a bloodthirsty battle but the sense of living but at the same time knowing all these different factors can kill you in an instant. You lose sense of life where in pre rifle era you saw death as it was and had always been.

we're never civilized, we just make life easier for ourselves.

>so is lack of religion
Everyone involved in religious and philosophical purges, be it the Orthodox Church in Russia under Lenin and Stalin et al, or the purge of Eastern philosophy under Mao, is religious. I think they are just going through a denial phase and get extremely butthurt and after all the carnage, everyone including themselves runs back to their respective religion or philosophy and asks why that happened?

I also think there is a reason for everything, but even tiny gains in stature, power or control can be justified by complete barbarism, terror, torture or whatever have you, to get er done so to speak. Whatever man is capable of, he has done, there is no moral limit and man is a very curious creature.

have you ever seen a group of crocodiles tear apart a live animal? its nature, humans are no different.

Idk what retarded slang you're using but I'd rather be burned alive than be hung until I'm about to die and then let down repeatedly and then placed on a table to have my guts cut out while I'm still alive.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA did you just compare humans to alligators?

Is Sup Forums this fucking stupid still lmfao

>having a favorite torturous execution
kys degenerate

Yes you mean those revolutionaries who actually fought against established Christians? Those who opposed the strict laws of the Vatican and put a strong emphasis on individualism.
Christianity in that time was really just the antithesis of any progressive movement (or rather the other way around). Many scientists had a religious education or background because surprise surprise the cleric were for the most time the only literate people around which hoarded and copied latin and greek books they deemed worthy and locked away booked which they deemed "dangerous" for the population.

Planned parenthood is a temple to moloch

I'm pretty sure they're just as fucked up now, desu. We just have laws and shit to stop us now.


>plague started in the 1300's
>Christian Dark ages started shortly after 0

m8 when most places in the world had already established a society the highest cultural achievement in your country was an abbo fingering his butt and drawing a doodle with his shit don't lecture me about history

Guns actually cause more cases of PTSD because when you shoot, you're not swinging/etc, and theres the constant adrenaline/etc of getting shot, whereas you had a good idea where some axmen could hit you.