How do we spread circumcision awareness?

Every doctor knows that cut men have cleaner penises that are less likely to get an STI. It's a public health issue.

How can we encourage people the world over to circumcise their infant boys?

My ideas: Apply social pressure that "women prefer cut men".
Western governments should offer tax breaks to the parents of circumcised sons.
They should also require that third world countries require mandatory circumcision as a condition of receiving foreign aid.
For adults and boys alike, hospitals should do it for free.

Plus it's the only time you get to....... (pic related) and it's "legal" kek

what are you ideas?

Other urls found in this thread:

That you hate your gender

Gas yourself, kike

OP Pic related: The Jew baby can die from syphilis because of the Jewish tradition of sucking it after the bris so it isn't safer for them

>In your opinion.

fucking sick pedo mohels like you just want to make this mutilation fad popular so you can just suck off more infant boys

anybody who is in favor of butchering babies for an ancient Jew tradition should be drawn and quartered

i accidentally upvoted this thread

are they kissing the infants circumcised penis. what the fuck joos come on

kek Jews are all peds

>Less likely to get STIs
Kek, enjoy your butchered wang
Ill just be here enjoying my tactical penis

>not realising this thread is ironic

I don't see how this is a problem.

No. They cut the foreskin off, and suck the blood out of the wound.

Not "Kissing" you filthy goyim. It's gentle suckling for the purpose of cleansing the infant of earthly sins and wanton desires.

>Every doctor knows that cut men have cleaner penises that are less likely to get an STI. It's a public health issue.
Bullshit. Shaving your armpits makes them easier to get and keep clean, but that doesn't mean everyone should be forced to do it. Just shower daily, wash your cock, and use condoms like you should regardless of whether or not you're circumcised. By all means get your cock mutilated if you want to when you're old enough to consent, but forcing completely unnecessary surgery on infants is straight-up child abuse.

> My ideas: Apply social pressure that "women prefer cut men".
Isn't that already a thing in the states?

> Western governments should offer tax breaks to the parents of circumcised sons.
> They should also require that third world countries require mandatory circumcision as a condition of receiving foreign aid.
> For adults and boys alike, hospitals should do it for free.
Great it's another "my personal preferences should be enforced by the government" post. Go fuck yourself buddy.

> Plus it's the only time you get to....... (pic related) and it's "legal" kek
Pedo faggot.

>what are you ideas?
Actually kill yourself.

I-Is that old fuck sucking that toddlers bloody dick!?


>homosex is wrong, cattle

It's not "sucking" you filthy anti-semitic Nazi, it's suckling as a religious ritual sacred to a sect of jews. If you support Israel you will understand and preferably bring your own children in for the ritual.

No mate, you're already too far gone.

I actually didn't know about this "ritual" up until now.

Well, yeah, you really are a bunch of sick pedo fucks.

Child mutulation, Child sex, Pedophelia all under the guise of religion.

It's b'pah ma'claw or something. Loads of little jew babies die from herpes and shit because of it. But they keep doing it because "lol tradition".

You better not express your neo-nazi hatred against jews in the open in your country Adolf. It's highly illegal, (your antisemitic views) and I would hate to see my informative thread actually cost you many years in jail or a huge fine.

go blow some baby boys you faggot

? ? ? !! ? ? ?

I will literally go shart in a walmart right now before I let this jewfaggot bullshit define us. Fuck that. Anti genetal mutilation movement is slow but its growing.

It's their culture, you have to respect tgeir culrural practices. And it's cleaner than just letting the wound sit. It's gotta be cleaned off wuth the rabbi's mouth.

>constant circumcision awareness / orthodox jew practices threads



I'm trying to educate people concerning a sacred religious ritual, and you are responding with hate-filled anti-semitic insults. I hope you don't fall under the purview of EU-wide anti-Nazi laws.


If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed

Heard you the first 65 times. Why are you not jailed for harmful pedo lies

The ritual passing of the herpes must be "spread" to the goyim!

Haven't seen a troll this subtle since 2008. Good day, sir.

You're Semites?

What lies have I told goyim?

The sacred religious ritual of the jews is both sacred, and protected throughout the EU, Canada and the USA. It is your hate-filled anti-semitic comments which are illegal, and I advise you to delete them and seek counselling, and circumcision.

Guess you didnt see the other one for six hours. This board talks a lot but it sucks zio cock like there's no tomorrow

Mind your own business. Christ doesn't suck my dick and cut it off

"uncut" version

I'm pretty sure god would still be your homie if you didn't get your dick cut

He isn't now so no bother

>rabbi's mouth

Nice b8 m8

Not with that attitude

All american males get their dicks mutilated to show loyalty for their jew masters


I never thought about it, but every single jew has had his cock in another man's mouth.

Women prefer moist and smooth dick instead of dry and calloused dick.

So do I.

You're like those 600 genders cucks. There is God. There is satan frogs. You said one thing then shifted the goal posts to confirm I'm right. Good job

Maybe so, but the uncut goyim do not experience the sacred ritual called metzitzah b’peh.

>Every doctor knows that cut men have cleaner penises that are less likely to get an STI. It's a public health issue.
Only in America. Nobody cuts their penises in Europe. The doctors unions want to ban it. Surgeons in public hospitals even refuse to do it, so it can only be done in private clinics.

I pity all the people with mutilated jewdick.

You will never know how sensitive glans can really be and how good it feels when girl pushes her tongue under foreskin.

Foreskin has 20 000 nerve-endings while clit has only 8000. Foreskin keeps dick moist, smooth and super sensitive. There's no reason to cut it off simply because bible tells you so.

Cutfags should sue somebody for destroying sex life as it should be.


Jews make over 3 billions in a year from foreskins.

Congrayalations! It's a boy!
*Sucking and slurping noises*



there is an actual epidemic of kikes giving newborn males herpes doing this gay shit. The liberal kyke media even reported on it.


Galatians 5:2
Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing


"How can wite boi even compete?"

By having a dick still in one piece

I think I'm going to be sick.

The blood gives them their energy

Not disagree'ing with the whole "wait and let the kid decide" argument, but, just make them spit or suck on it for a while.

#33 tho

I don't understand why burgers think themselves as first world country while they mutilate infant genitals. Seriously who wants to cut off natural protection for the penis? How stupid you have to be?

Foreskin is there for a reason.


That's anti-Semitic goyim, If you have a problem with a rabbi suckling a newborns cock after cutting off a part of it then you are literally hitler.

Anyone other than a Jew try this in front of a cop and see what happens.

"Your laws" are for you goyim, not us. Your post itself confirms it.

>tfw american doctors don't give you succ