Alright fuck faces, lets end 2016 off with a good ol' Sup Forums wanky dank prank...

alright fuck faces, lets end 2016 off with a good ol' Sup Forums wanky dank prank. give suggestions and tomorrow we ride at dawn.

#CutForHer ?

I got a good one how about we Make America Great Again

Im pretty sure we just declared war on Tuvalu

lets destroy a small country

lmao yes lets get people cutting for Hillary clinton

I've heard Tuvalu is beautiful in the winter.

keks would be had but that life force would power her ./x/

#BurnForBernie should have been a thing.

lets do it

Truth be told this Jill Stein donation mongering might be a good place to start.

whats that?

>Im pretty sure we just declared war on Tuvalu
Yep I sent them two email
I'm getting v& for sure

And I sent this to there UN representative

everyone spam them with war declarations

Do you think it's too late though, or could we make it work? It should have been a thing back in May/June.


The state of Israel has been recently revealed as the largest private land owner of Texas. Recent undiscovered and undisclosed secret documents show a 10 year plan to use the USA aid package to triple the amount of land owned in Texas.

As a "private" land owner Israel can and will ban all guns on the their property in an effort to begin the disarmament of the US.

We must fight back for #ourland

Kill Kurt Eichenwald and seize Tuvalu.

I'm down with spamming a small island until they commit suicide but this has potential to be a much more nuanced attack.

>shill for people to donate to jill stein
>make screencaps showing how nervous Trump is about this campaign for donations
>libs donate even more of their non existent money
>the more we get people to donate the more likely it will be that America will wake up to this bullshit in the long term

I will personally be telling my liberal co-workers about this opportunity to donate. They know I'm a sperg that likes the cyber so they'll automatically assume that I'm sharing my best interest with them and telling the truth seeing as though I BTFO them with subtlty and drag them into questioning their pov regularly and with sincerity. There is not only potential to watch ANOTHER wave of butthurt hit the libs, but to also cause some serious shit with the people who donate.

# jumpforjill
# ipledge___$

We have the opportunity to ploy on the narcissism of the liberal community while simultaneously draining them of pride, funds, and the hope of future redemption.


We have potential to REALLY hype this up more than the previous cringy donation heckling.

bigly bumping
Whatcha thing gents?

Already got Trump and shut down lefty diy spaces. Lets just do something for the lulz like old times sake.

lets make bernie president.

You're right.

Any online polls for names we can manipulate?

rip in pieces user

lets hack trump tower