Which group of people has the most pathetic limp-wristed handshake?

Which group of people has the most pathetic limp-wristed handshake?

For me, it is Indians.

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hey hey hey fuck you all

Muslims halve of them dont even have the balls to shake hands ;p

Why so cold?

In Argentina we just kiss the cheek even between men.


That's gay

>That's gay
Or... we are manly enough to no feel gay about a simple kiss on the cheek.

>not cuddling with your best friend in winter

White Californian males.
They all shake my hand like a woman's.

I have shaken a niggers hand before

its niggers

Is it strange that i find all male to male contact faggoty, except sucking each other's cocks?

We don't have that behaviour in Scandinavia. The closest you get to other guys is a handshake or maybe a hug.


niggers and manlets

Poos for sure.


Jew wimps have the soggiest.

shut up faggot

>old man goes to give handshake
>expecting GI Joe kung fu grip because he looks like he was born in the 50's and is a mans man
>he shakes my hand with a wet noodle

Dont even shake my hand if you are going to bring that weak shit old man.

i actually did the other day at walgreens and washed my hands when i got home and realized i'm a racist meme

In sharp contrast, we Lithuanian Men touch our croches when we meet and rub it a little bit to make them warmer due to friction. It's a very old and simple tradition and we are not afraid of insecure people labeling us gay.

Do you sprinkle paprika

no, you have to know the limits

Women. It feels like shaking a dead fish, and what other men would describe as "a good, firm grip" hurts for them

Lol I see. Well the syrups and the Lithuanians should be a bbq cookoff one day

I like the Lithuanian tradition ;-)

you mean a cockoff

Get your rocks off

> doesn't know that a limp-wristed handshake is a gang sign for freemasonry

google "tubalcain", and learn what people are trying to tell you.

i shake hands waaaay too much but the softest, limpest grips are from 2 politician, it's like they are trying to massage my hand

>that one guy that literally tries to crush everyones hand with a handshake

I like to just hold their hand firmly but not move it, and only if it seems to be offered. Seems the best compromise between strength, stoicism and not trying to show off

I don't know about the weakest handshake, but I know who's got the strongest handshake.

Lithuanians have the strongest handshake. It's a very well known, scientifically confirmed fact. It is rumored that one Lithuanian handshake generates enough energy to supply 4 households with electricity for 7 years. Canadian researchers are seriously interested in the prospects of making it an alternative renewable energy source.

they're back freindos
