How can Trump even compete?

How can Trump even compete?

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He will help Putin exterminate ISIS. Something Obama should have long done.


A lot of those things are coincidental.

>Black inequality, food stamps

Nice meme cherrypick data you have here

>Ended two wars
How so? Iraq is as fucked as ever and we're still in Afghanistan. Not to mention airstrikes in Syria, and droning in Yemen and Pakistan.

>How can Trump even compete?
He is not a nigger.

mine is accurate. yours is false.


>Obama tried to push through the Trans Pacific Partnership, without the consent of the other branches of government, or the people. If it weren't for Wikileaks, he would have succeeded.
>Obama set race relations back decades, by playing identity politics to get his way, constantly.
>Obama doubled the national debt, in only eight years, from 9 trillion, to 20 trillion. We are currently in economic emergency territory because of his reckless spending.
>Obama created Obamacare, a travesty of a healthcare plan that people are now fined massive amounts for not being able to afford, when it's supposed to actually help people who have no money.
>Obama's disastrous vetting process of "immigrants" from Muslim nations is responsible for multiple terrorist attacks on American soil.
>Under Obama, we have the highest percentage of Americans on Food Stamps and Medicaid, since those programs were implimented.
>Obama failed to react to ISIS as a credible threat, allowing them the ability to obtain a massive amount of power and influence, the world over.
>With Obama's approval, the once fledgling NSA was expanded to mammoth proportions, and used for domestic espionage against the citizens.

Trump has an actual birth certificate tho.


Prove it.

Fed had driven the interest rate to nothing. There was literally no place else to put money and get a return.


Guantanamo prison is still open, tripled the defecit, brought our country on the verge of a race war

Give me a sec, I need to finish cut pasting it from another one in Adobe Illustrate.

Do we even have proof that he got bin laden?

i know, How can Trump even compete with a illegitimate president??

lol thanks Sheriff Joe.

>some meme no ody spreads this meme

>those more stupid murricans on this board believe it

Nothing new

Post it when you're done.

You're a disgrace to Polandball


I know your joking but its literally what the americans on this boars delude themselves into believing

Obama has more legitimacy than Trump ever will.

For he actually won the popular vote twice along with the electoral vote and triggered southerners in ways not seen since Martin Luther King.

The smear of birtherism is just a distraction from the truth.

shoo shoo
go back to cleaning my toilet

Basically, OP is a disingenuous faggot.

near zero interest rates throughout his term plus three rounds of QE


Wtf are you even posting?

End one war start it again with a different group. Ain't I great? And fuck them seals I got bin Laden.

Doesn't matter - he is a nigger and should go back to afrika

>ended two wars

Then he started 4 new ones!

>Yemen (with KSA)

This is why I can't post on normiebook ever. Too many stupid "friends" who would share this without a second thought and ignore any facts to prove such claims as false.

Virtue signaling lies from ego driven idiots who ignore reality for the sake of stroking their egos.


Or russia with the vodkaniggers.

kek, obongo eternally btfo

Democrat here.

>Lost an incredible amount of power for the Democrats by being an absolute failure of a political leader for the party
>The hill the party died on will be remembered as Obamacare, which was a shitty compromise rammed through in a partisan way after a bitter shouting match and can pretty much be blamed for the state of congress the rest of his presidency
>His fucking retarded foreign policy created vacuums that led to ISIS and the spread of terrorism across the middle-east
>Further fucked things up by supporting a side that could not win in a civil war and never having the balls to commit to it fully, unlike Russia, who actually had something to lose
>"Tripled" the stock market despite American incomes never rising above pre-recession levels, making his economic "recovery" literally the worst in american history (americans should have 20% more income today)
>was so ineffective at combating russia, and so good at telegraphing our weaknesses, that they invaded Ukraine when we showed we were moving in on it and then fucked with our elections to spite us
>enabled fucking Donald Trump to be President.

Thanks for nothing you good for nothing piece of shit.

yeah this totally not staged photo of the pres and co watching the raid in real time

by having a GDP growth rate better than an average less than 3% and its not hard to beat.

>unlike Russia, who actually had something to lose
Like what?

> Fixated and fetishized the Iran deal to the point where he completely sabotaged all Russian policy for fear of losing their support with Iran.

I love the vagueness of this shit


>enabled trump to be president
Stop saying that like it's a bad thing.

>Democrat here

I literally told you my bias man, I shouldn't have to explain it to you.

Is the White House situation room really that small?
My company's sit-room is like 6 times the size of that

Then why not just say he enabled the republicans to get the presidency?

Your bias is clearly against trump himself.

The truth.

Sotuherners need to just let go of their hate.

Simple. He could actually do the one campaign promise Obama ran for election with, and did the opposite.

More transparency in government. Obama has passed numerous laws in 8 years forcing the opposite.

He made one promise, and he broke it. Yet you all pat him on the back saying "gurd jab".

Fox news has been under control of MSS agent(chinese cia) Wendi Deng. She now controls putin.

He a good boy. He dindu nuffin

>How can Trump even compete?
By saving us from insolvancy.

>popular vote is the proper choice for a nation

Popular vote has no legitimacy in the United States nor does it garner any legitimacy in the United States election process outside of establishing state electors.

You are either a complete fool or a baiting bastard who needs to neck himself.