Capital punishment

So why is the death penalty a good thing to have?

>Inb4 it's not
Explain why

We could always use an extra set of hands on some shitty public works project. Why not put them to work instead of end their life?

because child rapists, extremist terrorists, and mentally fucked up schoolshooters tend to fall back to their habit of destroying innocent lives

less land and supplies spent on accommodation to less tax for the working man
establish a clear line of what can be punished by death
instill fear in all prospective criminals

I'm not talking returning to normal life. I'm talking forced labor under constant supervision.

>Giving criminals work over your own citizens

>giving the government the right to take away someone's life

Wew lad

I don't listen to criticism from a country that doesn't even pay its fair share for NATO. Go fuck yourself.

I'm trans-American pls no bully

Make all convicts BUILD WALL

which will get every nu-male, third wave feminist, and white knight to protest against such "inhuman cruelty"
I'd agree to forced labour, but we also have a working class who's in desperate need of jobs, why not let them work and stop paying the expenses for people who we as a society have deemed utter trash and just end them?
>inb4 killing them costs more
If your justice system and death penalty are both retarded, then sure it costs more, but a bullet tends to do the job, pretty cheap aswell.

I would prefer public executions by gallows. Make the nignogs know what happens of you chimp out.

I'm against it for four reasons

>waste of money
it literally costs more to go through the whole process of having appeal after appeal to execute someone than simply giving them life in prison

>not actually an effective deterant
the murder rate is actually higher in states and countries with the death penalty because criminals are dumb as dogshit and think it means they better kill witnesses too

>morally hypocritical
"its bad to kill people even if they deserve it... I mean unless the state does it obviously!"

>cant be undone
you can let a wrongfully convicted person out of jail but you can't bring them back to life

only good argument for the death penalty I can think of is there's some people so dangerous you can't risk them escaping (ted bundy escaped twice and killed again before they gave him the chair or example) but that could be solved by simply not having shit security (they left ted alone in a library and put him a cell with loose ceiling tiles kek)

The State monopolizes violence and because off power creep you never want them to legislate of legitimize the kill of citizens by the State.

>the murder rate is actually higher in states and countries with the death penalty because niggers are dumb as dogshit

> legalise death penalty
> Lithuania becomes a superpower by 2020
choose one

>waste of money
fix the justice system. allow for easy and cheap execution. You're just to lazy to actually fix a broken system, don't blame the death penalty for your incapability.

>not effective deterant
Should not be used as a deterrent for murder or something stupid like that. It's what it is, execution for those deemed by us the people who're incapable of living in our society. Child rapists, terrorists, etc.

>morally hypocritical
The state should be nothing else but the people, so if the people decide together that someone is unfit for our society, there's going to be consequences. Are you against prison because locking up people against their will is morally questionable as well?

>can't be undone
Spending 30 years in prison can not be undone either. Your life is lost aswell.

Also there's something called scarcity of resources, you want to feed them, clothe them, keep them, for ages upon ages till they die, costing hundreds of thousands of dollars. Wasting public funds like that should be considered treason.

There aren't so many criminals facing the death penalty that putting them to work would take jobs away from people. Plus, having the infrastructure in place for forced labor could be useful to keep more petty criminals working. You could turn a prison into a contracting firm, and hire people in jail, paying them a discounted amount, which would lessen the burden on the taxpayers.

Because when you have somebody that breaks in a house and murders an entire family to steal their possessions. They deserve death. A man that rapes a little girl to death, deserves death. Not put them in prison for life with 3 meals a day and exercise, but hell no.

Good to remove trash that will never repent.
Since we as humanity are proven to unable to cure mental diseases that enable people to commit atrocities as for now, anyone who appeal for mental illness as defense for their crime should get the bullet or the rope automatically.

We need to improve our execution methods. Use the inmates as human test subjects for experimental pharmaceuticals and genetic engineering.

As they are now, it's a waste of good material.

>more petty criminals working
doing what exactly that doesn't take away atleast a single job of the working man?

>Explain why
Mistakes will be made.

All of what you said, has been debunked by the guy you responded to.

Human lives are not sacred. Everyone in the military knows that.

Some criminals cannot be corrected.

Life sentence is expensive to the tax payer.

>not an argument
go away canada

Basically this.

But also, if one innocent dies for the sake of justice against a hundred, too bad.

>>death penalty isn't about justice, it's about saving money