Hypocritical News Thread

Can we get one of these? My folder is low.
Examples where the news said one thing when it was convenient, then totally did a 180 at a later date.

Other urls found in this thread:




just wow


Seriously, how do these faggots have any credibility at this point?

Its basically the onion.


Too bad it was a false flag

Whatever serves the current money trend.




Anyone have the "voting machines can't be hacked" and "russia hacked election" one?



i'll trade you for the "conservative racism vs liberal racism vs pol racism" comic




My folder is empty now, everything posted new in this thread is new for me.

Still ned the "voting machines can't be hacked" one. Think it was by CNN


i don't have it then m8

this one's so ctr



Day of the rope when?


can someone explain this?


they just leave the "mistake" up long enough for everyone to read it, then quietly "correct" it after everyone believes it




ur answer is in the post i quoted


This is delusional, anyone who has even the slightest clue about what's going on in Syria knows the regime is actively fighting against ISIS. I hate western media so goddamn much


Camera crews caught supposed victims of the pulse night club shooting carrying more supposed victims from the opposite direction.

Soviets used to joke about how there was no truth in Pravda
Now Americans joke about how there's no news on CNN

This will make you kek then.



I know there's more of thses


Turns out HuffPo was a tsundere all along


All of those piss me off like not much else.

This is that kind of retard pandering and incompetent journalism that makes everything shitty for everybody.

Your average person doesn't see these contradictions so clearly

often there's several years between each of the two posts.

also many of those are opinion pieces, how dare a newspaper have two writers with different opinions


>HuffPo writer secretly calling for help

please fuck off with this tinfoil cuck shit as if the illuminati is going to just be carrying around actors on live tv and islamic terrorism doesnt exist