Alcohol is the poor man's drugs

proof me wrong

People who buy alcohol, especially at bar, can't get real drugs like opiates etc, so they have to resort to shitty alcohol instead


No other drug compares to alcohol when it comes to socializing.

Alcohol, coffee, cigarettes, gambling

All of this are bonus taxes for the poor and working class.


If bars served, instead of drinks, small to moderate doses of MDMA you would see literal group hugs and maybe group sex even among total strangers.

Mdma is cheaper that getting drunk at a bar here.

You haven't made a sentence with any coherent poin
theres nothing to prove other than you can't frame a question for shit

>can't get real drugs like opiates
please explain to me why some chemical compositions are more real than others

drugs are bad mmkay

kys degenerate. alcohol is european and you're just a nigger.

What the fuck are you talking about? It was synthesized in Germany

and this kys and drink the liquid jew

Poor man's drug is something like sniffing cat piss or getting high or horse shit.

Alcohol is alcohol. It comes in different tastes and qualities, and it produces effects that no other drug can replicate.

I've tried some drugs when I was younger and very degenerate, and it would be a completely different experience. I'd take amphetamines and I'd start chatting like insane having these crazy conversations with people going into science, biology and psychology.
When I'd take amphetamines(or methamphetamines?) I'd get very interested in trying to figure out and explain things to people. Sometimes that stuff would really mess with my head, so that I would have a thought, but when I try to speak nothing comes out because I can't find a single specific word I want to use, so I'd sit there for 5 minutes, figure out what word I wanted to use and then just keep ranting like nothing happened.

Alcohol is nothing like that. Alcohol just relaxes you and gives you some sort of a vague good feeling.
It's pretty much the only drug I am ok with using, but in moderation.

>buying alcohol to get drunk

>alcohol is a poor man's drug
It must be nice to live in a country with such a low sin tax.



Alcohol is disgusting.

All of the tech neckbeards in Seattle are fucking alcoholics getting their livers ultrasound for tumors in their early 30's. Maybe they shouldn't allow Amazon to drive them to jump off a fucking building. God damn capitalist cunts. Give the person a little fucking free time to enjoy the family they created and see the god damn world.

it really is
t. alcoholic

Alcohol is a shitty normie drug

there are far better drugs that are healthier and more fun to consume


Alcohol is a shit drug but it's easily accessible hence why I'm an alcoholic.

Goddamn, I need to stop.

i don't think so bud

cannabis is soooo much better.

>no hangovers.
>chill out for 3 hours.
>enhances the current mood. (always use when in a good state of mind)

It's nice.

You should.

both are for pathetic degenerates who can't solve their problems so need mind altering substances to help ignore them

I just drink because my life is so shit.

Although it stays shit because of alcohol.

that straight edge rhetoric is retarded, what about people who do it for fun and in moderation? You're making idiotic conclusions from faulty premises.

Apologize for insulting the substance that served as one of the three fuels for human innovation and served as a catalyst for some of the greatest movements in history.

Scotch is so overrated and overpriced.

I laugh inside when I sell a snob this shit.

It's degenerate as fuck.

is there any proof that alcohol had any positive effect on the progress of innovation?

I really really wish alcohol wasn't a poison. I love getting plastered-never really got hangovers either, just swig a little water before and have some by the bedside. just wish it didn't help you gain weight(my metabo is kinda shit anyways)

Although, the only alcoholic beverage i do enjoy and I don't think it should be considered the same class as spirits is beer.

Beer is good and depending what type, can be nutritious. (unfiltered wheat beers)

And you have to be a drunken asshole to get wasted off of beer.

You'll feel the hangovers when you turn thirty and beyond.

It only gets worse.

The only beers I can't really stand are super hoppy hipster ipa's since an overabundance of hops always gives me a headache. I particulary like Gose style.

Gose's are nice. IPA's can be good, but it's rare for me to find one that i like. and I tend to stay away from hoppy stuff as well.

Beer always just hit's the spot for me, especially on a cozy night and drinking out of a pewter tankard. something magical about that.


Fukn normie, piss off

>poor man's
Some illegal drugs are probably cheaper than alcohol over here.

>Mind-altering drugs

Countless works of literature and art, entire wars and alliances came int being simply because the great people involved in them got drunk enough ti get some inspiration.
Without mind altering substances we'd probably still be living in straw huts doing simple farming and eating raw deer?

What kind of animal would get close to an open flame and try to throw meat and ore in it unless they were piss drunk?

but do you have any proof of the effect on innovation? Technological advancement? Because I don't see how being drunk would help anyone to think clearly when trying to solve complex problems that require focus and intelligence. If anything, alcohol has slowed us down.

Many artists used a lot of mind altering substances, not just alcohol. But it's just art. It didn't take us to the moon or anything.

you can just eat like a couple table spoons of nutmeg. its not suggested but you can

you can buy a bottle of robutusin DM and drink the whole thing

permanent nutmeg psychosis is real.

many problems don't require focus and intelligence

bravery, cameraderie, and a devil-may-care attitude are their own, parallel virtues.

>Because I don't see how being drunk would help anyone to think clearly when trying to solve complex problems that require focus and intelligence.

Thinking clearly won't take you as far as you think. Not everything gets done with a clear head and reasonable decisions.
Alcohol does slow the mind but it also smooths it out. It let's you get past things like fear, emotional baggage and restraint. It lets you think about shit from a looser perspective and catch things that you normally wouldn't.
That and it's easy to make.

>Many artists used a lot of mind altering substances, not just alcohol. But it's just art. It didn't take us to the moon or anything.
Art is the subconscious of the human race. It allows you understand beauty and the most abstract concepts! It let's us enrich our minds with new ideas and create dreams and hopes.
Those dreams become goals for people to strive for, be it int technology or society.

Look at Jules Verne for fuck's sake!

Art is absolutely important. If we tried to view everything with nothing but logic we'd come to the conclusion that we're nothing but other animals and we'd have to live like them as well.

Are you autistic or just historically illiterate?
God, you piss me off!

kek i like how you think

I like you too, senpai.
There's three liquids that made us what we are and that's booze, tea and coffee.
Each one of these have had big roles in civilizations all around the world.

Same here. Unless you hit a good happy hour hard lol

>poor man's drug
>not chosen sacrament of esoteric patricians


I'm out of alcohol and money til next pay period thank God I have plenty of glue and markers

You still haven't provided evidence, just your opinion on the matter. I know being intoxicated allows the mind to act different but what I need to know is if alcohol's way of affecting the brain has actually had any positive effect on the development of science and innovation. Since alcohol is a depressant, I don't see why its use would benefit anyone who tries to solve a difficult problem.

Art is just a past-time, escapism, a way of exciting the brain in a way that gives you the feeling of pleasure. You're overreacting and overrating art. We're just apes who learned to talk and art is a gimmick even though it is hard for some pseudo-intellectuals to admit. Could you elaborate how art allows me to understand abstact concepts? Any examples? Also, no need for personal insults, I'm genuinely interested in your view.

yes, that is true, but a depressant like alcohol doesn't seem to be all that great when trying to think rationally and solving a problem since it literally slows down and damages braincells.

ghb? has a bad reputation but isn't flunitrazepam

can confirm, mdma is the most fun you will ever have

it certainly sounds nice but why aren't MDMA users more worried about fucking up their serotonin receptors?

Is there even an decent opiates you can just snag at a pharmacy? I feel like all the good shit has to be perscription only and It's awful.

>taek MDMA
>have tons of fun for a few hours
>wake up the next morning
>cry and feel like dying

Benzos, all the best parts of alcohol without the side effects.

>without the side effects
benzo and alcohol withdrawal are literally the only two that can kill you. I used to take xanax every night.

They have a lot less to worry about than people prescribed SSRI antidepressants.
Also the issue with MDMA use is dowregulation of SERT(serotonin transport) not receptors.

This. You can enjoy all kinds of alcohol without getting intoxicated. Alcohol can pair worth, and enhance the flavor of food. It can be used in cooking. It has a wide variety of applications.

You only take drugs to get high. That's it.

Or maybe they don't want to break the law, or talk to scummy drug-dealers?

>proof me wrong
What is caffeine OP?

As opposed to what?

Pot and Heroin are much cheaper than booze

It's more expensive to stay drunk than stay stoned

I'd say heroin is the poor man's drug

>not having pot for situationslike this and hangovers


worst drug amongst few that are not to exist.

your title says it all op, poor man's drug.

Some might call it spirit cooking...

most alcoholics drink alone in the back of their crewcab truck in the quick-mart parking lot

I don't do any drugs. I get high from life, degenerate.

Who /getting fucked tonight because it's Friday/ here?

Friday and Saturday are my work nights since I drive delivery.
I get wasted Wednesday and Thursday

Try vitamin b and 5-htp the next day, for 3 days. It helps with your serotonin receptors

get a life, bin than knife

I would argue that its the most publically acceptable drug to do, poor mans drugs would be shit like huffing paint or fuel

Good to see someone lowering the bar again since most of the CTR shills dispersed


Low doses of dissociatives are perfect for this with side effects nowhere near as bad as alcohol

Alcohol is bad because it's very toxic but it does have its appropriate time. As in socializing with friends, relaxing with a hot date or simply taking the edge off a day. It's something you hold in your hand and drink. I think that is what gives it versatility.

you are weird

have sex

What is cocaine?

This is false

Or you can get a real dissociative and actually be able to dose properly and get the most out of them. This site is 18 and up please come back when you're older lad

Alcohol is not for cheap is for stupid. Poor people use to inhale paint or glue.

All opiates/opioids are prescription in the United States. The closest thing is the fully synthetic opioid tramadol, which is schedule 5 (you still need a script for it though). I wouldn't recommend doing tramadol as it acts heavily on serotonin unlike most opioids, and the recreational use of it has been linked to seizures and death.


Bar prices are obscene. $5+ for one beer. $20 for a mixed drink.

I've never crashed from MDMA in my life. Usually there is more of an afterglow.

>Think drug use is cool.


>buying a bump of MDMA at the bar
I got kicked out of a bar in berlin for trying this X^D


I've only done MDMA a handful of times, but I've never had a crash. Like the other user said it's more of an afterglow.

If you want a real hangover try a shitload of coke and a fifth of booze.

>one night of heavy drinking
>vomiting, liver damage, feel like death


>five days of meth
>feel a bit crazy on fifth day, decide to call it quits
>pass out in exhaustion once norepinephrine levels drop
>feel a little sluggish for a few days after
>no other problems

Why do people drink instead of using hard stimulants again?

Do meth instead of alcohol.....You drug fags are completely delusional.

Alcohol is easy access, and when imbibed in your personal time (after work) there are ZERO consequences to employment or reputation (as long as you are imbibing at home and away from the social media jew; aka not drunk posting/texting).

I cannot enjoy weed the same way because AYY LMAO DRUG TESTS, even though weed has fewer side effects, long term, on health.

You would have to drink a 5th of vodka and go piss into a cup within a couple of hours in order to fail a random drug test with alcohol. You can get tested 3-4 weeks after weed and still piss positive. It's bull shit.

Opiates are too risky, and not everyone likes that doped out feeling.

MDMA could be a good alternative, but the problem is the 2 weeks recovery of your synapses. Plus, over time (and just like anti-depressants) you are fucking your brain into oblivion. You'll never be a normal person again with continued use.

So, since everyone needs at least SOMETHING, alcohol is a oft-enjoyed, perfectly legal, non (immediate) life threatening "drug" of choice for millions because dealing with family is shit, and you aren't supposed to fuck people you aren't married to.

Something like that.

>drink 8 beers
>feel nauseous, head hurts
>sleep uncomfortably

>vape a few shards of meth
>feel awesome, then tired
>go to sleep and wake up feeling pretty good

Fuck off cunt.

All drugs use is degenerate, I view you as no better than a Nigger as it stands, get off the gib.


Including caffeine use.

Nice try, Achmed.