Even this israeli chick is a better fighter than Hamas's terrorists. They are so fucking stupid it hurts...

Even this israeli chick is a better fighter than Hamas's terrorists. They are so fucking stupid it hurts. A fucking kid who graduated in chemistry in highschool would be able to create better missiles than theirs.
Hamas came up with a new intelligence technology lately. They are taping a go-pro to a kite. Then they go to the border and fly the kite near it. Like.. We are using satellites and they are flying a goddamn kite in our face. It's degrading.

Other urls found in this thread:


Kill all the goyim beast

Here's a pic of one of the fucking kites.

She's an Israeli Terrorist.

Shoot it.

Fuckkkkk OK OK you can have all my foreign aid budget just give me her number

Your entire post BTFO with one wiki page


Stop sliding threads kike

I can tell you're new here.

I served in IDF as a lone soldier.

I still consider myself a Sup Forumsack.

Ask me why.

Shit thread deserves shit reply

Enjoy these goats

is it bad that dont care about you israel?
like, i really just dont give a fuck about you.
why do jews deserve their own nation?

protip:they dont
protip#2: they dont DESERVE shit

>implying you wouldn't be able to come up with something better than a kite.

Go on.

Not when you bomb their schools you stupid fuck.

>inb4 muh human shields

This is fucking modern slavery shekelberg. It'd be a miracle if they didn't revolt it. Truth is you want to them to fucking revolt it. You want to annex all of gaza.

You're so "militarily advanced" why don't you fucking drop in ground troops to take care of such cases? You don't give a shit because they're "goyim" and your "chosen people" shouldn't risk their lives for that...

Honestly can't even believe I still waste time to debate with your kind

who care...

I'm actually an atheist.
Don't act surprised. If our enemies are creating and storing weapons in a school. We would bomb the shit out of that school. Sending ground units will be a mistake. Instead, we LET THEM KNOW we are going to bomb there, and give them time to leave, but not enough time to take all of the rockets out. We give them building materials to build schools. And they build tunnels to attack us. Letting our enemy know where and when you gonna attack so they can move to a safe place is something we do. Can other armies say the same?

It's probably a metaphor for kike or something schlomo

Israel has a shitty military. But their enemies arent human thus they can easily defeat them.

>unspent cartridges laying in the dirt
>obvious posed photo op is obvious

Hamas isn't real
Israel sends shitty missiles at itself from Gaza so they can ethnically cleanse the Gaza strip

If you're so cool then why does Hamas still exist?

checkmate, kikes.

>34 US Navy sailors

Sorry about that >

would fug

Look I don't care about either side but you could at least be the less evil side.
Just genocide them and get it over with.