
Stop living vicariously through anothers victory you faggot loser.

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What do you mean? These niggers did fight 1v1.

Man, you have pretty much described Sup Forums in a nutshell


>potatoniggers live vicariously through Conor mcgregor


That's the joke, here the niggs gang up on people instead of fighting 1 on 1

lol@ the coal burner trying to stop him after

i was hoping the nigger would at least get his skull bashed in but not a bad vid, always nice seeing niggers btfo

Fucking sheboon straight in to stop the fight once the nigger gets poleaxed.

Same goes for turkroaches and other arabs.
They're pack animals.

But they don't pick a fight unless they outnumber you 4 to one at the very least.

Experience: Rotterdam Zuidplein

Even if the deck is stack 4 v 1 they still wont jump in until there is a 0% chance of getting hurt.

White man defends his honor
White girl immediately rushes over to attack him


>Longer reach

Whites are taller than blacks

You get butthurt through other niggers getting btfo

He was being a bigot and needed to check his fighting privelages

You're forgetting about the orangutan arms.

Are you upset because you see the black as a fellow irish?

This is true whites are taller BUT. Blacks have longer limbs. A black guy and a white guy the same height, the black guy will have longer limbs but skinnier the didn't fully evolve from monkies yet

way too friendly for my taste

i mean, come on, gloves + cpr, aint nobody got got for that

blacks have long ape arms. This is known

I guess.
Three turkroaches scuttled away quickly enough after I kicked one over.

Don't stay in the same place after though, this vermin always calls in their family/friends after they've got their asses handed to them.

Kind of cowardly for a species that practices "honor killing".

The black guy was taller but was obviously much skinnier compared to the shorter but more muscular white guy.

In my experience black are just better at striking, just wrestle them, get them off their center of gravity, once you got control of their body they freak out and exhaust themselves.

Dont ever let a congo black start punching you because he wont stop until he is too tired to punch.

I havent seen many blacks in my life.

I fought some niggers in France when they tried to rob me but they were a head shorter than me so it felt like my reach was longer.

Yeah, black people have longer arms, it's a well know fact.

Sad state of affairs.

White nigger detected.

They will remove your potato rights if you keep this shit up Paddy.

lmao he did look like he died though

We /heem/ now



That white slut getting angry at whiteboi at the end triggered me. Yiu just know that had Tyrone won the fight instead shed be on all four sucking his dick.

yep that's the stuff, that last punch almost makes me cum

Sometimes you have to it's good to know how to fight



Man, are you really this naive? I bet she followed him all the way to his car and then asked for a GTA-style bouncing session.

Its a shame he didnt curb the fuck out of that weasel

They also have low hp and are weak spot is there head so a light punch will knock them out for easy looting

White guy still talks like a nigger though.

checked, and an afrikaner knows how to deal with a farm raider

a thing in the states is just scrape the side of their leg with your foot and the assclowns pants come down, impairing his mobility and making him look like a jackass

why do white people always go for the grappling? Might be good one one one, but absolutely horrible in a group fight.

disgusting little mullato kid just sitting and waching TV

>im triggered

>I havent seen many blacks in my life.
I envy you.

You can tell the white kid is probably younger if not the same age by his voice

well practically you see one every time you look in the mirror

it's a common concencious among scientist that all Brazilians have nigger blood in them

>White girl comes to stop the white dude from destroying him

Top kek, whites are doomed

ayy lmao, when that white boy grabbed that nigger by the leg and tried to drag him away like a chicken bone.

Schaub is a bitch nigga, fuck off back to Sup Forums








Yes, we know, whites wuz body slam and sheeit.

Neither combo was the deciding factor.

How does it feel to be a literal head fucked degenerate?

Slamming is in our blood

Yeah nah, stay on your feet and fight like a man. Grappling is for pussies.

Fuck off Mario.

The tearing off his shoe and letting it drop is probably complete ego assault on a black kid.

Never agreed with a mick but here it is

Yeah but blacks knuckles drag across the floor

Post more Skypes getting btfo pls

subhuman in ireland

>white woman immediately starts shrieking and attacking the white guy for winning
You'll never see a black woman do that to a nigger.
What is wrong with white women?

You're not white if you don't slam

There are no niggers on the Balkans

Because white women have empathy for everyone, its the reason they are so cucked

What did the hollywood bible tell them about morality from birth?

Because if it is a group fight, we just start shooting.

Mow em all down at once and get it over with


Everyone except for white men.
If the nigger had won she'd flock to him and suck his dick.

Damn hes trashing the 14s

Yeah because you descend from giants

That consense is basically (((skewed))).
I'm actually german-italian diaspora, there are several cities where nobody speaks portuguese, only germanic and italian dialects.
I'm blonde, green eyed and my family arrived here after WWII, so there's a chance I'm whiter than you, Ahmed.
Go fix your country.

Literally don't call yourself white do you don't slam dunk niggers on a daily basis


Better to be 1.98 than 1.70 like most americucks
Ive been to california, the chicks there love tall guys


>The tearing off his shoe and letting it drop is probably complete ego assault on a black kid.
thank mate

probably his gf, dumb shit

fpbp, I bet OP is a fat neckbeard or a skinny 15 year old, the nigger would beat either


Niggers react


It's a good way to get knocked out though, coming in to grab someone like a girl, I would hit them so many times they'd think they were surrounded. And yes I'm a former navy seal.


I'm neither Kek

This doesnt even seem like a fight. It looks like a 3d ass whoohping.

>so there's a chance I'm whiter than you, Ahmed.

the way someone with niggerblood copes the situation is hilarious

Independencia and closed borders soon.

Whatever helps ease your insecurity burger man.

> You're not white if you don't slam
Lmao "muh white slam" is not an actual thing. Are you fags about to make this a meme

>de white guy stol da black guys shoes
Yeah, I'm sure that happened, Tyrone.
Gas all niggers.

That's like telling someone to stop watching crafting tutorials because they're not the ones actually crafting.

That white friend kind of chimped out in that second to last one.


Still noice


mein neger

>picking a fight with someone who has a pretty hefty weight advantage

mistake #1

>getting into grapple range with a pretty big guy 4u

mistake #2

those itty bitty punches ain't gonna stop a grand slam against the pavement.

with the soaked ground, that nigga's walking around with soggy feet inside the only piece of clothing with value on him for the rest of the day

t. The only nigger in Dublin

I know kek
hard to resist free punches though.

He was trying to steal his shoes like niggers do

>that warm and fuzzy feeling

>tfw no grappling experience

What some of us don't understand is that Mexicans hate niggers more then we do. The only reason niggers haven't taken over California and Texas is because Mexicans are keeping them in check