LOL Birthers expert image analysis

Top keks

Can't birthers come up with anything good?

>2 independent retarded biased sources came to the same conclusion
>btw from 2 continents. 2 CONTINETNS you guys
>using forensic methods available to anyone with MS Paint

Even a fag shit redditor can do a better analysis than this. Do you really believe this amateur armchair copy paste forensics? Fucking birthfags BTFO by their own shitty 'research' LOL.

Other urls found in this thread:

24 = 8
24 = 8
24 = 8
>t. Birther Burger

>Muh X'es were pulled over
>they don't even look the same

Dont worry guys. It's confirmed by 2 investigations from 2 CONTINENTS

They found the original source for the forgery, you silly cloggie.

ur a loud fag

OP is retarded.

If its fake;
>The President, and trillions of dollars worth of resources available to him, forges a legal document by lazily copy/pasting multiple fields in Photoshop and makes no effort to further alter them.
>The Government got the doctors and nurses to lie about it.
>Obama went back in time to put birth notices in newspapers.

If real;
>It's not fake.

Occam's razor is not in your favor. I very much hope Trump ignores this and stays forward-thinking. If he wants to get shit done and win a 2nd term, he doesn't have time for vindication.

Come on look a this

It's fucking amateur hour and you know it

>attacking the delivery not the substance


Tell me what the odds are that the angle is exactly the same.

(I'll give you a hint, it's zero percent)

i like to do photoshoping, and video/gif editing sometimes

this whole thing has seemed fake since 2008.

I'm as willing as anybody to accept that it's a forgery, but in the video they were overlaying text which looked completely different and then going "tada!". Obviously you can't see the original text when it's overlayed by new text, and therefore can't see the differences.

Look at the 'Oahu' part especially. It's pretty cringe.

U love how you got the lowest quality possible for your image.

Hiding something, schlomo?

>be stamping the same shit every fucking day
>your job is to put stamps
>you develop your own way of stamping
>eventually your stamps end up very similar

If you've ever learned a fine motor skill this is completely within the realm of possibility.

You're supposed to be looking at the vector dummy

It's the highest available quality of the presentation he gave. If you find a better quality version it will look even more retarded and amateurish

Human hands have never been recorded to able to free-form replicate information in any form with 100% accuracy.

Yeah, but they weren't similar, they were literally the same stamp.

>he thinks children are born in the thousands per day

Why does the toothpaste care about the american president?

'Vector' could mean a few things in this context...what dyou mean?

Lol, source?

You don't stamp the date dumbshit

Why not go straight to the source?


only difference was the date and how the actual letters looked

Occam's razor is not a tool used to draw a conclusion.
It is a tool to determine what to investigate first in a given problem, like if your car breaks down. It doesn't mean that it's more likely the fix to your car is the simplest thing possible, but it means it's most economic to check if the problem is the easiest thing before checking if it is the most difficult, because doing the most difficult work when you didn't need to would suck.

You are a dumbass to think Occam's razor is some kind of prophetic tool rather than what it actually is, an effective tool to decide what hypothesis to test first, then second, then third, till a problem is resolved.


Liar, it's a ctrl+c job. A bad one at that.

Solid explanation, too bad you wasted it on a shill.

The source doesn't show how full blown retarded this whole argument is

>Hurr durr they literally copied everything from X to Y
>"Everything is literally copied"
>The date doesn't even remotely look the same
>Happens to be at the same angle
>9 points vague similarity
>trust me it's copied tho, impeach this nigger before it's too late
Confirmed by 2 60-year old investigators from 2 CONTINENTS! Via MS paint. Irrefutable!


Them graphical elements was lifted over! They done taken them stamps from this ole document and put them right on Barry's certificate! We caught them Librals using those CONTROL - C commands from computer technomology. They done did it now. imbeachment 2016!

Your shill tactics aren't working, and they won't ever work. This is conclusive evidence that it was actually forged.

It really doesn't matter how often you post this. The evidence is there in black and white, and explained plainly, so that anyone - even with learning difficulties - may be able to understand.

Obama's birth certificate as a forgery. This is now a CERTIFIABLE FACT


>>Obama went back in time to put birth notices in newspapers.


No. It is identical. 100% identical. This is not possible to replicate with the human hand.

Give it up, pleb.

Human stamping has different pressure, ink bleeding. To have the exact same angle, impression days apart (and on top of that being possibly stamped by two different people) it's quite impossible that it wasn't a forgery.

>Obama went back in time to put birth notices in newspapers.
Talks about Occam's Razor when he spouts retarded shite like this.

Kys dumb nigger

>Obama went back in time to put birth notices in newspapers.
Guess he didn't do a good enough job huh?

Stop posting.

Birthers are the dumbest fucking people I've ever seen. They don't know when to quit and don't care if they throw their dignity to the fire.

Oh yeah, incorrect things have never made it into books, newspapers, or journals. YA TOTALLY BUSTED OBUMMER LOL

Does anyone have that mock text message chain ridiculing pizzagate? Its a perfect summary of pizzagate and this.

>Age of Father
>Age of Mother

>It is available only on microfilm in Hawaii libraries.

Oh yea, nothing has ever been forged before in the history of humanity.

I don't get it... if its literally written there what the fuck is Sheriff joe going on about?

it's really like another "pizzagate" false flag to mke republican look like nutjobs and it's always working

>when the autism hits hard

>i practice drawing circles in my free time

damn I wish I was that easily entertained

Also don't forget
>we initially set out to clear Obama's name, can you imagine that?
>Meanwhile there's that interview where he gets triggered and starts shouting that the document is a fake around 1 year into the so called "investigation"

Why should Trump ignore it? His followers believe anything he says. He's unstumpable. No level of stupidity from his mouth can sink him, and ask assertions from him are made facts.


it was obviously a typo, Kenya instead of United States of America.
Happens to the best of us.

This Barack H. Obama here, you niggas should know by now that i rely on stupid degenerate Americans to stay in power. Now, it may be true that i was literally born in a manger in Kenya, and that i used my nigger ways to fool guilty white liberals to get what i wanted, and even tried to install the Muslim Brotherhood into power in America, but i am still your president. You need to be kissing my ass like the dogs you are till Trump takes over and puts my nigger ass in jail.

>wikileaks is only credible when I want it to be

>check flag

No they didn't. They found another cert done on the same typewriter. This is completely political. If it was real they would have waited until obama was out of office.


let's say the evidence is very compelling.
what happens now?
obama is still a natural born citizen because his whore mother was american

he had actual agents do the research,



why you think malik is with us ?

malik is a real obama, barak is a cuckold bird.