Sorry, eastern Europe

Sorry, eastern Europe

Kind of ironic, all the countries you like are cuck nations. Can't speak better of mine either.

what the fuck is wrong with Switzerland?

Kill all the green with fire


Are you sure? Middle class slavs are based as fuck.


send more spanish girls to england pls

svalbard is german clay?


Europe in its entirety is rightful German clay


Why does everyone always "hate" England and "love" Scotlan?

Scotland is probably the second most cucked nation in the world after Sweden. You just don't hear about it cos we don't matter / we aren't independent.

>tfw Scottish.


we have mixed feelings about you too neighbor.
nothing unexpected here.
also we love you estonia.
i at least do


>loves Sweden
Hello Ahmed.

We hate you too, Germany, we hate you too



Svalbard is Norwegian!

how come you don't have an opinion on your germanic neighbour czechia?


Lets fix that aye fellas


Ayy Auferstanden Aus Ruinen

east germany doesn't exist any more.
why would anyone from east germany hate west germany they're the reason you're not on the same level as eastern europe which you hate.



Und der Zukunft zugewandt


well. you havent been to the east of germany, huh? just visit some cities here and there and you might see, there isnt much, we have the west to thank for. and if the east build something up like a succesful project, it goes either to china (industries) or to the west (games convention).

what up swisserino? why u mad tho?

You like black Swedish cock, eh Cornwall?

laßt uns Dir zum Guten dienen, Deutschland einig Vaterland!

Germany united Fatherland.

It's a fuckin far cry from that atm. King Monkey made sure of that

>there isnt much, we have the west to thank for
how fucking entitled can you be.

have you ever been to eastern europe? the wages are so fucking low a teacher at uni can make the same in a month as a hartzIV receiver in germany.
you would be the same if it wasn't for west germany pumping dough into the east of the country like billy-oh

Former DDR is the only safe part of germany. They should secede.

i have swedish family connections that go back long before sweden is what it is today, back when it was a successful country. its a shame yeah, i cant bring myself to alter the map


German scientist on Svalbard?


>Loving Sweden
What the hell is wrong with you

morocco and algeria was from previous template, I don't care about them

why do I see 2 pen15's sitting on top of each other at the top of this map??

you put székelyföld too low
also don't hate romania they've been considerably lesser cunts than the slovak government.

Only 2 countries not cucked by the kikes

Estonia is Danish clay

You're right. They are the kikes.

this is not true, about romania.

Also if it'd be based only on history, I'd be like mixed feelings or dislike.

I don't like romania because they are fucking gippos ruining europe, everywhere I go there are many of them pickpocketing begging singing in metro etc. Their history is shameful, always changing sides and being gippo.

I also like every nation from V4

Ahmed pls
We already know you moved to Germany for the Islamic atmosphere


Good goy.

for many Keks

Wait a minute...

How are they kikes? They are not a part of NATO or EU, they were not involved in the World Wars and they are completely neutral. They have a direct democracy where people decide the fate of their country, not politicians.

don't hate gippos either
if they're singing in the metro or begging that means they are not pickpocketing people.

mixed feelings as in should i go to work there or austria?

more like mixed feelings as in:
are they going to be a great partner in V4 or are they going to try to fuck us over to establish themselves as a real power and deal with some inferiority complexes

Pls bomb yourself Hans Abadahyu Ngongo.


What did Romania ever do to you, you fucking kraut eating faggot

>discount spaniards

Drecksossi, kommen her um niedere Dienste zu verrichten und reden seltsam


>Polska B detected

You're not wrong.

Why do you hate Germanic countries? Inferiority complex?

Personal opinion. I wager you are that "nationalist" who also makes threads about Romania whilst he is a burger.

Skane is Danish though. Finland is Swedish. Hah, you tried.

dwa bratanki etc etc


Mainly because they always call us inferior, just like you.

Because we are inferior. Everybody knows that Germanic volks are superior to eastern Europeans or any other Europeans.

Don't worry, cupcake. You will lose again. And again and again...until in the end all that is left is City State of Berlin.


This the right idea, band together expel the mudslimes.
Reverse EU without single currency or government when

based ustasha

I would want a UE instead of a EU.
The problem is that if you just have a loose cooperation of states, it's easy to knock over, and the problem with the current union is not the government or the currency.
It's that the government is elected undemocratically, and the parliament is a place where nations put unwanted politicians on timeout, and the actual decisions are made by people who get lobbied, and without input from the people.
The EU is basically just institutionalized corruption, literally, with a facade of democracy clumsily tacked on.

Deus Vult

Gee, Germany! why do you have 3 homelands?

Your soft Germanic features and fair skin make for terrific trap aesthetics. I'll find you and fuck your boi pucci with my hairy Mediterranean cock. You'll like it.

On a side note, why do Northern Europeans make the best traps? Low testosterone? Narrow Frames?

>the government is elected undemocratically
>the actual decisions are made by people who get lobbied and without input from the people
Couldn't agree more, that's why I voted to GTFO.
>the problem with the current democracy isn't the government or the currency
Couldn't disagree more, the one government to rule them all model just leans itself to corruption and the single currency doesn't work because of the vast gaps in economy between the north and west, and the south and east. We need something resembling an alliance between the countries without any union, fiscal or otherwise. Also expel the non-europeans or tax them heavily

I was raised in 3 countries

I hate you with a passion too,for losing.

and why do you have mixed feeling about us? i supposed we were bros since we never had any conflict

which one you liked most?

from this i see you have absolutely 0 knowledge about eastern europe at all

Austria by far

I simply don't like (((The Slavman)))

i presume in your westerner mind all east europeans are slavic except russians because you like them

maybe he has his reasons
i like serbia

Slavic countries have to be something special to me, to find them "OK". It's based on my personal opinion, Matjaž.

wew lad muie la unguri


>I simply don't like (((The Slavman)))
based kraut

is that because slavs in your country are like 2/3 of the whole population?

i like romaina too, and real romanians. we both have to exterminate gypsies though

you come from the ass of asia and you try and make laws in our country? how about you fuck off horse nigger

indeed bro
i believe that day will come and we will be free without gypsies

Some Serbs are way too radical, I can't understand their obsession with Kosovo, why would you voluntarily take a land full of criminals and enraged Muslims eager to kill Orthodox Serbs?

Were those war crimes against Bosnians really needed in the war of Yugoslavia?

> Germany
> OK with Poland
I feel a bait.

How does it feel knowing Russia can capture any of said countries and their military couldn't do jack shit? You should consider it friends for your own best, cuck.

who said anything about keeping the muslims? ;vvvvvvvvvvv)

Then why would you take the land? It is of insignificant size and relevance.

Serbian mudlims you mean, and nothing worth was lost. Fuck off copper.

you can't capture your own country without paying million to khadyrov to not unleash the chechen dindus upon moscow
the eternal slav(e)


I am Whiter than you.

And they are Albanian.