Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?


Other urls found in this thread:


The meltdown on twitter by the epileptic Jew was as good as Tucker's takedown.

Eichenwald also had a Twitter meltdown that he's since deleted. Tucker is fucking based.


Stop shilling this faggot

Eichenwald is also a gay pedophile that pays $2000 for child porn "research".

lol why do jews look like jews so much. it's astounding

>he pulled out a Tucker Carlson falsehoods binder

My sides


I don't like Tucker's style.
He tries to shut down the others by interrupting them nonstop.
Not saying that he's on the wrong side, just that his way is pretty annoying.

You can't let people prattle on and avoid the point on television. It is not good tv.

Trump hasn't even been sworn in yet and he's already driving liberals insane, literally.

Some of those idiots get so defensive he has to interrupt and prod them to keep the show moving.

Eichenwald was just bizarre tho. That wasn't normal behaviour and he prolly needs to seek help.

EICHENWALD is Episcopalian, dumbfucks. Moreover, Tucker writes for Jewish publications and has Jewish ancestry.

>and has Jewish ancestry.

>"Was Trump in a mental hospital in the 90's, yes or no?"

>gee wiz, look at how much we are wasting
>why won't you let me answer your yes/no question? :^)
>if you don't want a dialogue, don't have a guess :^))
>do you really wanna play this game, Tucker? :^))))))))

man, this has been the media in the nutshell

it's getting real tiresome real quick

at least he was right on this

I am in now way knocking the tuck, but was he not at one point in his broadcasting career very much less based? redpill me on why I'm wrong...now

No he wants the question answered and doesn't let the liberal faggots obfuscate and soapbox.
This is a good interviewer

here he is almost 10 years ago still making liberals look retarded:


>My grandmother never spoke of her family or her Judaism. As instructed by Ernst, my father never mentioned his religious heritage for years; I only learned of my Jewish ancestry when I was in my 20s, on Christmas Day, no less.

((((KURT EICHENWALD)))) not only is a turbokike by heritage, but also he's married to a jewess. As if his kikey looks weren't indication enough, I mean look at this fucker, he looks like an anti-semitic Ben Garrison cartoon come to life.

Cucker got stumped on this particular one

Sounds like arguing with Sup Forums

"Trump is insane, and the country is mentally ill since they voted for him. It's sleep deprivation"


didn't check the link but wat that the "lol guys I was just being retarded on purpose" thing? that was hilarious

Wow, that explains why jews get rekt on twitter every time. Character limit and stored tweets are not kind to their lies.

Tucker is ruthless.

Was anybody here /fooled/? Eichenwald didn't think anybody was fooled.


please tell me this is fucking real lmfao

>tfw Tucker stumps a cucks so hard they lose their mind

lmao great pic

"Tell me about Bane?"

Isn't this that guy who got demolished by that one comedian on TV?

Seriously. We can't let him have the nuclear codes.

Eichenwald is also a peder


I love Tucker Carlson, but when libs pull that shit, I find it painful to watch. I feel all warm and smug inside, but at the same time, I want to punch someone.

Was there even anything in it, or was it just a prop?


Tucker "The Cuck Fucker" Carlson

I'm sure that >95% of those pages were blank. The tabbed pages probably had a few Politifact screenshots on them just in case Tucker called his bluff.

That was so painful to watch but hilarious at the same time.


I'm kinda the same way. It's hard for me to watch shit like this cuz it's so uncomfortable. Eichenwald is a faggot tho so this one I did enjoy.

He thought he was so clever

>yes please

Everytime Tucker laughs it cracks me up for some reason

What a legend


Tucker needs to lose some weight. He looks so handsome in this pic (no homo).


I want to tucker tucker's tuckers

Jesus Christ, what a sneaky kike. Does he really think HE'S fooling anyone? It was a simple yes or no question. All he had to do was say, "yes I have evidence" or "no I don't".

Holy shit is that fucking real.


The best part is that he's arguing with Jew Goldstein.

He claims to have Trump medical records from the 80s or 90s which is either illegal or shady as fuck. Cuz he said he obtained them then, when Trump was just a private citizen.

This is wrong.

This is a good thread to read here on Eichenwald.


Jealous that someone good looking and successful is BTFOing jews on TV while you're running out of NEET bucks?

>Pull up j00gle to see what normies get when they search for barrel shroud cuz I'm curious to see what the propaganda being pushed against them is
>Very first thing is a pic of an mg-42
I-i need to umm, go change my pants

He's great. He's exactly what the news climate needs right now. Some redpills and a fucking white male with some prominence.

Fuck off cucks

God that was embarrassing to watch.

Would love to see Tucker debate Jon Lewboski now after Tucker has powered up enough to put Jon back in the oven when they met on Crossfire.

Stop shilling for yourself, Tuckey.

I don't even know why stupid liberals agree to go on his show. If you don't have facts to debate him with, you're just gonna get embarrassed.

Like that black dude who was against the OSU cop shooting that muslim attacker.


I actually kinda like Tucker. I never usually watch him because I'm in the middle of watching The Sopranos (great fucking show, everyone who couldn't shut the fuck up about it when it was actually airing weren't lying) at night but if I ever turn on mainstream news I like him.



Post yfw we actually captured Obama's brother and completed the transition into a Sup Forums-weapon

this is a good one


There's this jewtube channel called "HIGH ENERGY" and they upload tucker's individual interviews almost daily, there's also some compilations called "Can't Cuck The Tuck Vol#", each and every single one is worth the watch

>blank binder

thanks senpaitachi

>When Tucker cracks out in laugh at the files

top fucking kek, lovely moment

>empty binder
>secret cia message for america
this fucking (((guy)))


How quickly did we garrison him

Hell. Why are we not after barack?




racist liberals tired of white people. how about all white libs off themselves for the betterment of humanity?

>8:37 into fat bald kike stalling
>"i'm starting to get concerns for you, kurt, tell us what the secret message from the CIA is..."


You can't cuck the Tuck. He put that fat buffoon out there and gave him the air time to make a jackass of himself.

He's a great watch. There's not much to be gained from his interviews other than just making people look like retards on TV.

Mr. Carlson was trolling, but anyone who has looked at Eichenwald's twitter, and takes that in conjunction with this interview, can see the guy, really, truly does have some serious mental health issues he's currently working through.

This election is so depressing.

They asked John McCain at a press conference, if he could state that he had facts to support his claim of Russian """""""intervention""""""" in the election.

>"Facts are a stubborn thing. The fact is, I believe they intervened in the election."

yeah, its called being jewish

I hate his Fake Confusion/Desire To Understand face he pulls.

I hate that the liberals he brings on are so fucking retarded that they fall for it and dig themselves into verbal holes trying to address that face.

I appreciate his composure, but that also says to me that he really doesn't want to press the hard issues. I feel like he should be digging at the fabric of these peoples souls with a rusty spoon, instead of light heartedly bantzing or out talking-head them. maybe I'm just out of touch

This is the most frustrating interview that I've ever seen. That guy is a fucking twat, he also looks and sounds like Wayne Lambright lol.

He uses b8 face.

see >This face signifies I am listening to you intently, that I am confused by your statements but genuinely desire to understand them

When what it's actually doing is prompting his guest to continue to try to explain their statements and positions (which are usually idiotic) and thereby reveal themselves to be idiots.

It'd be like getting Alex Jones on your show, and rather than arguing with him and waving around copies of Popular Mechanics, instead saying to him in as sincere a voice as you can manage;

>Please Alex, explain to us how Jet Fuel Can't Melt Steel Beams

Then sitting back and nodding to encourage him to pour his heart out, while everyone at home is laughing.

EICHENWALD omg is this guy a complete moron or the best troll ever?

He's like pic related - A former real lefty journalist turned hysterical social media conspiracy theorist.

>"When did you stop beating your wife?"

Wait, was Tucker accused of beating his wife? I don't remember that.

It's a trick question.

>"I didn't!"

It's a figure of speech used to describe a loaded question.

Birds of a feather...

It's a reference to a complaint that right-wingers have about the Orwellian tactics of leftist journalists. It goes like this:

>journalist wants to slander right-winger
>wants to make everyone think right-winger is a wife beater
>asks "when did you stop beating your wife?"

The question assumes that you either were beating your wife, or if you answer you didn't stop because you never did it, they obfuscate your words and claim you said you never stopped beating her. Either way, the polit bureau left wins the engagement.

So the first thing this fake news peddling kike does, is mock Tucker for the right-wing stance that the mainstream media is largely shills trying to push false narratives.

An excellent real world example of this was when George Stephanopolous asked Romney about women's constitutional right for birth control, Romney rightfully had no idea what Stephanopolous was talking about, so the narrative was instantly picked up by the mainstream: BREAKING NEWS, MITT ROMNEY CONDUCTING WAR ON WOMEN!

I'm all about redpills and all but....tucker is a piece of shit, you realize that right?

>Please Alex, explain to us how Jet Fuel Can't Melt Steel Beams

Go on....I've seen this meme but I honestly don't know if it can or not.

Does anyone else have a tough time watching his interviews? I get anxiety from feeling so embarrassed for his guests. Sometimes I laugh but he btfos them so hard that I almost feel guilty for watching it.

Both acting very childish and unprofessional. Is this normal in American media?

hory shiet topkek lad

I knew liberals would meltdown if Trump won, but I didn't expect it to be this bad at all. It just shows how thin the thread holding their ideology together is.

Eichenwald is a legit dirtbag piece of shit, but he also appears to need some professional help.

@jew_goldstein just gave him a seizure by .gif and his wife is calling the police for assult.
