This map I found today is suposed to have been developed be ISIS indicating the invasion of islam in 2025

This map I found today is suposed to have been developed be ISIS indicating the invasion of islam in 2025.
Will Putin let them?

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GG, Austria

No they are just larping. ISIS will have zero territory come 2018.

>austria but not germany, sweden, france or england

There are more mosques in Paris than whole of Austria combined

africa could happen i think arent there like african jihad groups?

this desu. once israel and turkey stops supporting them they will disappear

VdB will bend over

I hope so, if in 2025 muslims lose France it means there is hope for the white men.

>Not even able to control Aleppo
>Thinking they'll manage to actually occupy any territory outside of middle east

Wew lad

they got most of Europe though

Yeah, I thougt the same, in Spain or Austria there are not any arabs, instead, Holland and Sweden is full of them...

I think this map is just the Islamic caliphates greatest extent

That's where you fucked up

they've infiltrated in dozens of countries tho. Why would they need physical land at this point when they can smuggle shit and blow up among the crowds of people in Europe

Has visto islamistas en España? Yo según tengo entendido no hay, así que no hay chance de que los invadan. Confirmame eso, user

>Romania grey
Because that worked out so well for them in the past.

You had your chance.

>Saudia Arabia
This will be their end.

Not even ISIS wants us

Just ISIS shitposting.

whats that for?

>Eastern Europe and the Iberian peninsula under Islamic rule again

Top kek Muhammad.

That's odd, they've already added Germany, France, and Britain. They should update their map.

Its southern europe and it was under islamic influence untill the collapse of ottoman empire

>the world if hillary had won.jpg

Finger in the pooper of Western Europe. Don't knock until you've tried it.

Good luck invading Portugal

we love kicking Arab ass.

Go ahead and try.

No hay moros en la costa

Love the meme provinces in this map
>Muh Al Andalus
>Muh all of west Africa in 'Maghreb' province
>Lumping the Iranians, Balochi clans, Tajiks, Afghans, & Kazakhs into one region and expecting that to work because Khorasan was a thing literally 1,000 years ago
>Holding Crimea without Ukraine (because Tatars? Does ISIS realize they're a minority in their own land now?)

ISIS isn't funny but this map is fucking hilarious.

And how did that work out for Al Queda?

Fucking kek'ed.
I'm honored to have lived long enough to have experienced bantz in another language.

>Spain is on the map
Let them try. We shall begin a new reconquista.

Just like what happened to the Mujahideen.Once the US got rid of them in the 80's, they muted into Al-Qaeda using cells from all over the ME and Europe and then from Al-Qaeda from ISIS, which will turn into another jihadist organisation without having to play 3D chess against Assad, Putin and the US anymore

Islam is a cancer that jumps eternally from body to body

Bring it, goatfuckers

I kind of think of them like bacteria. If you only partially wipe them out they just grow stronger and more resistant.

España-kun, is it time to kick mudslime ass again?

Soon, my Iberian brother.

how bad is islam getting in Britain? hopefully Brexit will be the gate to fix somehow the mess caused by Calais monkeys and other pakis

I think not

Seems legit.

Eh the leaf is right.

>Russia and Poland last
Pretty much legit

Bullshit, only retarded politicians want that here, common people don't like rapefugees or migrants.
You can ask anyone.
We have been dealing with sand people since the 80's , people here are redpilled on that regard, like with gypsie scum.

It was a general survey. Not necessarily about syria and shit

3rd time's a charm.

>based Thailand
Who knew?

and another one

Everything was a aftermath of Vienna. Their army got destroyed then.

They really believe Putin will even let them get that close to Russia, don't they?

It's gonna be a blood bath. Russia is fucking impenetrable during the winter.

>Believing in polls
Like said. Our people are redpilled on moors and gyps. We have a bad problem with gen Z and communism though.

I dont, but keep in mind that questions applied to any ppl and not just muslims. It is ease to manipulate them thou.


Yeah, but they're just wild animals unable to hide their power levels at this point. If they were only capable of keeping things to themselves a little longer, but they get full of themselves.

So there might be some cells, and there will be collateral damage, but they are like small baby fighting grown man. There's a lot that doesn't get reported (because why would the secret service publicly announce that), where they're a lot a lot of these cocky, over-confident, under-educated retards in their places.

This map made me realize they're literally meming themselves into taking over europe


Bulgaria will always remain free

people might be tired, but they won't leave their land. we are sick and tired of mudslimes to such a visceral level

ethic nationalism is rising steadily, more than 2 million people chose a nationalistic president

>much more high aloha snackbar destruction, bomb and torture tutorials, and john cantlie


*high quality


Pretty dire m8. Britcuckistan. There's a couple million here and they can't be deported cause they're 3rd and 4th generation. But Britain is becoming more redpilled everyday thanks to Brexit. It's pretty sweet.

>Everything was a aftermath of Vienna. Their army got destroyed then.

Not at all. The Turkish army escaped intact (see .gif), thanks to the Poles refusing to pursue.

First the Polish cavalry almost missed the relief battle, which started at 04:00 in the morning; the winged husars showed up at 16:00; at the time of the cavalry charge at 18:00 the Ottoman spirit was already broken and the janissaries in open revolt.

Then the husars were too busy looting the Turkish camp.

Listen, we're eternally thankful for Sobieski marching all the way to Vienna and helping out, but that meme that Poles singlehandedly saved Vienna needs to stop. Poles made up only a third of the relief force; and we wouldn't have dared to attack without them "being on the way". But it was mostly Germans (Imperials, Bavarians, Saxons, Svabians, Viennese) who kicked the Turks' butts.

Read up here:

So it would look exactly the same it does today?

History will repeat itself my good friend.

And what does that have to do with the current situation?

>They conquered Israel, Pakistan and some NATO members.
Pfft, the nukes would fly.

>History will repeat itself my good friend.

>Serbia/Bulgaria/balkanslavland in general under kebab rule
doubt it, they will fight like hell, especially since they hate kebabs because of the Ottoman empire

gg goy keep thinking isis is the only enemy in syria


>keksimus maximus
They did betray us a couple times... even though we saved their asses against napoleon. I am a PT citizen in GB.

>implying it's possible to unify the balkans

>not having faith in the power of Allah (pbuh)
Report to your local mosque immediately Mehmet.

Could be Slovakia. Not sure.