Friendly reminder that Hillary WON the popular vote

Friendly reminder that Hillary WON the popular vote.


She was a contest they were not having.


Popular vote? What's that? Didn't she lose the election though?

luckily the current power structure will not hand the reigns over to a putin puppet. the based electoral college will vote the right way and put this horrible mistake behind us.

now, say it with me

Madame President

Go suck the queens tit brit fag.

I got the most kills in a capture the flag match. Didn't capture any flags but I t..totally won.. r..right?

daily reminder that regardless of how many elections we win or not, the endgame is still genociding leftists out of the gene pool, and sooner or later we will come for you.

i captured more chess pieces in our game, but he got a checkmate, it's unfair, i should have totally won because i got more pieces!!!!!!!111!!11!!!

Why do the recounts show voter fraud with no evidence of Russian interference?


This, drumpf fags BTFO

Madame inmate #3765649


Great thread, I´m having french fries and I was out of salt.

Why is this shit always posted by Spaniards?
Trump won, you stupid faggots, accept it. We're lucky the murderous whore didnt become president.



Sage in all fields

Friendly reminder that the popular vote was the contest they weren't playing for.


mostly Podemos & Podemas supporters

It would be undemocratic for the electors to vote for Drumpf

>Hillary is a cunt that will make you eat shit in a cage

Solid message there user

...among illegal immigrants in California.

sage and report

britcuck education

Friendly reminder that the popular vote in America does not mean you win.
