Hillary shouldn't become President because she'll start a war with Russia which would lead to WW3

>Hillary shouldn't become President because she'll start a war with Russia which would lead to WW3
>*Trump antagonizing China and being openly hostile towards them, to the point where China is being prepared militarily*
>Lol who cares! Fuck those chinks anyway amirite! USA USA USA

Really tickles my neurons

And obongo wants to start shit with Russia before he leaves office

This gon b good

Yer it seems like the world is fucked either way.

The fact is that, the bankers will always get what they want and they want war.

Whats retarded is hating on one commie and sucking off another

fuck em both but at least we just want to be on friendly terms with russia and not prostrate to them like Obama did with China.

China can't do shit. They're literally a slave country.

China can't do shit against the states. Only war China could possibly win is a land war on their own soil.

A no-fly zone is way different than banter, fag.

>China can't do shit

Uh... Fallout Franchise anyone?

>Vatniks are faded glory and literally cannot compete due to the shit infrastructure and geography

>China may remain stable and challenge our hegemony, cucks don't want to challenge it and learn mandarin

>implying China is actually willing to send their able bodied young men to their death
>one child policy screwed over their population with an increased reliance on a small working population to prop up an increasing aging population.

Yeah, go ahead, send your young to fight

>stealth suits and power armor
>energy weapons
>giant freedom-loving robots
>mutant viruses

I can't wait.

War with China is fine.

They'd end up decimating themselves, as they have literally zero Allies, except shit like Best Corea and Vietnam(?)

I'm pretty sure even Russia hates them.

>owe $0 to Russia
>Russia is full of nukes

Fuck Russia, let's attack them!!!

>owe $10+ trillion to China
>China has practically no nukes and has been ripping us off in trade while laughing for decades

Nooooo! Leave China alone attack evil fascist racist mysogynist russia because WHITE MALES!!!!!!

This is what liberals think. This is why liberals don't win anything ever.

China ain't gonna start shit with the US and Russia allied together

>China has practically no nukes and has been ripping us off in trade while laughing for decades
240ish is practically no nukes?

I mean it's not destroy the world 7 times over like USA and Russia, but "practically no nukes"?

How about not fight any more wars you stupid fucking leaf.

Nobody wins in a war except fucking kike bankers.

>heh heh heh that's right just keep sending your factories to us filthy Gwailo or else

or else what?

Maybe that sort of empty intimidation works in upside down land, but not here. Who here seriously thinks that China is going to start nuking us over a trade balance?

>Implying Russians are commies
It's not the cold war anymore, user.

but china is gommies

Russia is essentially a third world country trying to stay relevant. China is a super power on its way to becoming the new hegemony in the world. Yet pro trump /pol wants to be friends with Russia and war with China. Frankly I would have it the other way around

Chinese aren't really communists either

communism is a dead ideology and belongs in the trash

This. Outside of the population centers China is a third world hell hole.

>not a 3rd world shithole

keep telling yourself that, Jiang

240 against the US, and probably Russia, while China is a smaller Country.

Literally all you have to do is land one Nuke on Beijing, and it'd be all over

Do you think all those nukes are a danger to the west in general? News flash, they're not. None of them could reach USA or Russia without being detected and stopped. China is not going to nuke itself to stop an invasion, if you think they are, you're stupid and I can't fix that.
>owe Chinese billionaires trillions of dollars
>is duh j0os!

Shut the fuck up australia, you're fucking retarded m8.

>antagonized china by calling another legitimate leader of a nation

Fuck China and their "one chine" delusions. We dont owe them any backing to their claim over another sovereign nation.

>Thoudands of nuclear warheads
>A fuckload of ICBM
>The war would destroy Europe. Again

>A few hundreds of nukes
>Very few ICBMs. Could be handled by the missile shields.
>The war would be fought on the Sea of China
>Europe stays comfy

Here is your fucking difference. We're rather fry Chinks again than slaughter white men.


Plus, no one would bat an eye if China were wiped off the map, except a few Tennis Shoe corporations.

Who cried for China, NK? China is the only reason the west hasn't shoved its boot down North Korea's fat throat when it's had it coming for 7 decades

Oh boy. Here we go.

user, superpowers don't go to war over twitter shitposting.
Trump hasn't done anything hostile.

Subhuman scumbags. Thieves, scammers, retards and liars.
Poorfag in shithole country, but at least they're trying.

China is literally ran by the communist party.

>implying Trumps superior space weapons wouldn't just snipe the nukes and send steel rain.

> oesn't know how free trade works
The reason why companies manufacture overseas it's because fat consumers like you want to pay as low as a price as possible

That's only a formality to keep power.

If China denounced Communism outright, there'd be all kinds of bizarre power struggles, up to and including attempts to restore the Monarchy.


that's why they go to our universities and outperform all the inbreds from sudbury, ontario


China will not be wiped out. Just cucked beyond belief and subdued Germany-style.

>mfw NK only ICBM fails completely and detonate on Chinese soil.

This, China has every right to prepare themselves because they know the jig is fucking up.

It won't help them though.

The vast majority of the Chinese are illiterate peasantry.

Only a select few are groomed in cram schools to be shipped off to the West. It's also why their IQ per capita is so high, the peasants do not get asked to participate.

The reason why there are so many in our Universities is because there's a fucking billion of them

The Communist Party that runs China is Communist in-name-only at this point. Very authoritarian, yes, but not communist.

>implying that implication that they aren't

Hey Sudbury's a cool place bud

>fight fellow christians or fight godless heathens

Fuck china

Russkies have very real capacity to literally end all life in the planet. Chinks are a paper tiger that couldn't even win against war-weary Viet-Nam in the 70s.

>Implying the US isn't a Godless entity

Except China is actually deserving of it. Their shirts slave regime is driving down the value of labor all over the world and destroying quality of life, they routinely destroy economic sectors in other countries by flooding them with artificially underpriced goods, they constantly use loans to private citizens to buy real estate abroad and then confiscate it to build wealth when they know the China they gave the loan to has zero chance of repaying it, they constantly violate copyright and IP not just on a private level, but with the governments full approval and support to the point where many industries are destroyed due to their unfair competition and many suffer from subpar products.
They also willingly destroy the environment and steal natural resources from other countries. There is literally nothing redeemable about chinks beyond their work ethic. Nuke that hellhole and you'll save the world.

which is why we should have tariffs you dumb chink

Also don't you have a property bubble to inflate?

trump isn't antagonizing china. This is fake news.

we'd all be dead if hillary won. be greatful.

>implying Russia is not China's best (the only) ally
Messing with China means messing with Russia.

Which would consumers like you because it will mean you will have to pay higher prices which would reduce demand for products and therefore reduce production. In the end tarrifs don't work in the case of mature American industries.

Tarrifs only work when you have infant industries and you need to protect them outside competition.


Russia has hated China forever bro.

>thinking that countries start wars over leaders insulting each other

Protip, nukes aren't launched when someone's feelings are hurt, and America is China's greatest trading partner. The entire reason they are acting this way is because Trump is proposing a more self reliant America which hurts China's economy. They won't do shit though when it comes to actually having war.

starting war with russia strategically valueless. rebuilding american economy requires doing something about China. Literally 0% chance the "hostility" he is doing will lead to actual war with China.

Chinese farmers and peasants get tested all the time and still average 105 IQ.
Literacy =/= IQ or automatic wealth when you're stuck by circumstance on a fucking dirty pig farm outside of Shenzhen

War with China is fine.


China's been ripping everyone off, especially us, in trade and currency manipulation, you stupid fucking asshole. I can't wait til that 35% tariff is put in place, so I can watch them crash and burn from not being able to fleece the U.S. economy anymore, little fucking insects.

Fuck off proxy faggot, Russia will stay white, no more chinks in bear land