Australian Cigarette prices

>Australian government.
>Cigarettes are $45 per pack now.
What a load of fucking shit.
These cunts MUST be stopped.
It is my right to smoke and if you don't like it you can FUCK OFF.
>These fucking dicks literally cough at you whilst you smoke and walk by - to troll you.
>These fucking dicks sat out on the street of a trendy cafe huffin up bus fumes though.

Other urls found in this thread:

>that'll be $45 sir
>do you have a rewards card?

That's $45 bucks for 20 cigs. That's like 40 USA dollars.


I thought we had it bad here in Jew York at 11$/pack

Sorry to hear ausbro


>Most smokers now rely on the illegal "CHOP CHOP" trade - which is home grown tobacco.

In the past 5 years it has risen from 3% usage, to 35%.


I think it was Tanya Plibersek (could be wrong) whos grand father died of smoking/lung cancer and while she was minister for health she instituted the continual raise in tax. money was never put into hospitals i believe.

Hopefully it went to support immigrants and refugees. You know, people who actually deserve it.

I see.

We as a nation must speak up against this bullshit.
The only reason the shits so expensive is coz no pleb spoke up and stopped this farce.
a $5 was fine.
>It's raised $20 in 5 years per pack.

Time to speak up and stop this bullshit.

>Fuck these Australian versions of Hillary voters.

a wild leaf appears. how much a smokes in leafsville?

a $5 price rise was fine*

Unfortunately most Aussies hate smokers and we live in a (apparently) democracy so I'm not sure what could be done.

Just start robbing cigarette trucks. Throw a few hundred bucks in the dirty Indian truck driver's pocket and he'll resist less while being a scapegoat if you get caught seeing as how he's holding "bribe" money and was in on the scheme.

Smoke rollies or quit. I'm 3 weeks off the cunts. My desire burns strong, but not as strong as my desire to get fit and fuck hit chicks.

About $10 loonybucks a pack, but it rises fairly steadily.

Cigarettes are degenerate. Good that they make them expensive, so the population doesn't destroy itself.

You have the right to smoke, and they have the right to raise taxes on tobacco. Deal with it.

5,5€ in Finland for the cheapest pack. But I can take a ferry to Estonia where it's 2,2€ for a pack and bring couple of cartons back.

actually the criminals are driving 4x4s through front store windows to get the smokes which are locked away causing $100,000s damage to the stores.

this is a regular occurrence in Australia because of the price rise.

Keep stuffing that snus into your gums Ahmed.

Enjoy your nanny state like I enjoy my darknet Moldovan Luckies

If only they could tax weed that much

What about the price of tobacco?
You can get that shit for less than $2 an ounce in the midwest and I don't think they tax it like they do completed cigarettes.

Smuggle them. Sell them cheap.

Prohibition never works.

> t. Libertarian.

get on the vapes user.
Been off the darts for 5 months now, shit's great.

You literally only need to understand Economics 101 to know why a black market is going to be created,

That's why I vape.

$45 for 2-3 months worth of nicotine liquid.

>tips mouth fedora

good time to stop desu

>posts good advice
>gets Satan trips
I confused

Good, smoking is THE most degenerate thing you can do.

How bout you stop smoking then?

can't use a rewards card for tobacco products

Kek obviously hate smokes bro

How about you stop fucking smoking?

then when they're no longer making the same revenue from taxes (because no one can afford smokes anymore) they'll move onto alcohol...
then sugar...
then fats...


Also I bet the people complaining are the same people saying that drugs should be illegal

stop smoking the nicotine jew you fucking retard

>tfw we actually have a fashy government, purging the market of degenerate items.

you goys do like fascism right?

That's absurd. I can get a carton (200 cigarettes) for less.

Get on the amber leaf lad

Smoking the tobacco Jew

Come on guys, even $100 for a pack of smokes or a bottle of booze is perfectly acceptable in the current year.

I have neither and at 23, I have no health problems

how much is it for pipe tobacco ?

With universal healthcare, one must consider the cost to the taxpayer through sell inflicted illness. Price raises will directly reduce consumption.

It's not what you want to hear, but it's fact

Oh my god, 23 AND no health problems!?!? wow how do you do it, mate? that's gotta be a world record or something.

the amount of people my age who are obese, diabetic, dying from (((mystery illnesses))) is rife in Ipswich. Could almost compare it to Logan

This is what most people will be forced to resort too, rolling tobacco and pipe tobacco is actually a lot cheaper.

yeah same here in belgium , was 10 euros for a pack so i just decided to start smoking a pipe . I dont give a fuck if it looks weird , its cheap as nails

Then your healthcare will cost less...


Holy shit, condolences mate.

I need to get out of this shit hole

Yeah, mate I feel for you. I swear 90% of the cunts on here that complain about the city and how towns are so much better here in Aus must have never left the city ever. Grass is always greener, eh?

Just grow your own. You're probably a degenerate bogan living in the city though, so you can't do anything for yourself.

$8-16 ish CAD depending on brand

here in french leaf land you can get big 200-packs of "indiennes" from reservations (tax-free) for $20 but theyre shit tier

i dont smoke much nowadays tho, a pack of 20 can last me up to 2-3 weeks

sort of related: my driving instructor chainsmoked indians and told awful jokes about niggers, he was pretty funny but they sacked him eventually

$45 Aus = $33 US
Is that per pack or Carton (10 packs)? If that's per pack then it's a de-facto prohibition.

You could probably buy marijuana, heroin, or amphetamine for less than that. Remember folks: "The power to tax is the power to prohibit."