Say something nice about socialism

Say something nice about socialism

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Free helicopter rides


Wow. That was pretty fucking good, son.

National Socialism was pretty neat

It is a tale noone believes is real. How retarded should one be to repeat fails of the past?

Can't spell it without CIA

F R E E healthcare

it kills communists

Ask hitler
>invading russia in FUCKING WINTER.

I saved this for a different thread but here you have it.

>People here genuinly can't name one good thing about socialism

That's when you should realise you are heavily biased

Socialism can work in good, top notch economies, But then again, you don't swallow the whole "gommunism" pill in one go, You do it pieces by pieces, While letting the capitalist system work by at the same time.

Someone explain why socialism works so great in Scandinavian countries, but so shit in the rest of the world please

venezuela is state-supported capitalism and social democratic at best (not even remotely socialist)

countries with small population, some of them have a lot of natural resources

it's exponential

it's socialized programs supported by capitalist economics in a country that isn't full of subhumans

it doesn't, northern europe has a more free capitalist market than the US. you have a good, fiscally responsible welfare state on top of that because of your small, skilled population and also because you don't have 10% of the population permanently stuck on Gibs to farm votes

they should have followed keynesian econ and printed more
that would have fixed everything

Tastes good with nationalism on a side

faggot, no it wasn't

They award plenty of medals, Empires are stingy with medals, you have to actually die a few times to get a VC.

Killed a lot of Germans. Either fighting it or trying to leave it.

becuase those fagy countries are not socialist, theyre capitalist with social net. and the social net came after they became succesful, and soon wil be their downfall if things continue as they are

white people don't fail


Sup Forums let us organize an operation to help fellow anons from Venezuela with small donations like 1$ or something.

It is time for a charity OP Christmas is close.

Let´s do it.

Why is this allowed?

it makes rich people richer, while letting poor people feel loved

Except it was summer.

It inspired the Nordic Model which is objectively the best way to organize a society yet conceived.

Succesful welfare countries are always built upon free market market economies where the state has slowly grown from a small guiding factor into the cancerous house of the power hungry elite.
same as Venezuela

u do realize that capitalistic counries embargo the shit about every non capitalistic country or just kill the revolutionists like thomas sankara

It sounds nice on paper.

Free healthcare and education.

>"The Nordic Model which is objectively the best way to organize a society yet conceived."
Why is it slowly but gradually crumbling then?

Maybe he's wondering why you would shoot a comrade before throwing him out of a helicopter

mass immigration and multiculturalism
it works 10/10 flawlessly without immigration and with a homogenous population

It lasts just long enough to show everyone it doesn't work.

Wouldn't you eventually reach stagnation and population decline? You know how the age pyramid works, right?

fordi vi e ikkje negere, men vi e ganske avhengig av andre land sin kapitalisme og vår oljeeksport.. hadde vore mykje betre utan marxistane og med meir individualisme inn i bildet, som i onkel adolf sin ideologi. kan garantere at vi vil gå i vår söta bror sin veg dersom pikk releited blei statsminister.

eh, debatable, the system, like all others, only works and depends on the quality of people it's applied to. I'd have a hard time thinking that Nords couldn't succeed in virtually any environment other than something insane and retarded like authoritarian communism. Tbh if the Nordic Model was more Nationalist and Scientifically-oriented towards realizing the importance of race and genetics and diversity it pretty much would be perfect but at that point it's just National Socialism anyway.

First post is best post.


Also how have people not realized by now that government spending on healthcare, education, etc. isn't socialism? Socialism is the workers owning the means of production and having control over them, and essentially harshly limiting or abolishing most private property, either that or the state owning and running industry. The countries that are commonly proclaimed to be socialist are literally 180 degrees from this.

It can increase social mobility if the chokepoint is literacy. But I don't think there are countries on earth left where this is a problem.
Planned economy can be good when you know which direction is the correct one, but in practice this happens only when a backward country is trying to catch up to successful capitalist countries using methods already proven to work. "Дoгoним и пepeгoним" was a real meme in USSR.

Public schooling is socialist. Not that public schooling is good, but it's better than nothing

it curbs the population of those stupid enough to try it, speeds up the natural selection process

yeah but if you give couples money for each kid they have (only native population & couples) people would have more kids

Socialists being bad at economics is a meme perpetuated by capitalists.

>socialist tells the worker that he is being fucked over
>capitalist tells the worker to not pay attention to the socialist

Graph or economic state doesn't prove anything about efficiency of socialism or capitalism. Reason for economic prosperity lays in the different field - macroeconomics (reserve currency, trading currency, geopolitical gegemony, wide web of vassal states, availability of means of production, etc.

I.e venezuela so poor because US is so rich, it could've done better if it gave up and became vassal and let it neo-colonize itself

The US population didn't vote for it this cycle

At least it feels good to be selfless
Does not make your wallet feel good though

That's if you don't keep the feminist infection properly quarantined

a non-jewish influenced public school with high standards for teachers and with a strong sense of individualism is way better than a private school.

Can be ignored.

It conveniently eliminated the notion that it can work.

That's a big exchange rate.

It is socialism because when the government takes your income (ranging from 0 - 100% of it) and redistributes it from the rich to the poor, they are supposedly acting on behalf of the workers. This notion is most accurate in a democratically elected government. So private individuals own the means of production, but the government (working on the workers' behalf) owns the results of production. Healthcare, public schools, social security, welfare, etc. are just some ways the workers have decided to distribute the wealth of the rich. Any government program the attempts to create equity in outcome is socialism.

>Socialism is the workers owning the means of production and having control over them, and essentially harshly limiting or abolishing most private property, either that or the state owning and running industry.
No, that's communism. Socialism isn't nearly as harsh, and is about making sure that the economic activity of the people benefits the people.

So yes, gibsmedat money for dem programs is socialism.

That just moves the problem for later, aging is going to be a problem for the welfare state sooner or later.

Feminism is fertility negative. If women are traditional and family oriented, more men would be willing to marry them and have babies. No reasonable man wants to marry some angry bitch that hates men, which is all feminism produces

>blaming feminism
>not the judicial system that allows women to engage in their worst behaviors consequence free

The base of the pyramid can't keep getting bigger forever.

I dont know. Introducing Rat cuisine?

if every (or most) couple has 2 or more kids that problem would be negligible

> Socialism: a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
So either every society ever is socialist in which case the term is meaningless or public spending of a portion of privately owned means and production is very slightly socialist to a very small degree but still within the context of an overwhelmingly capitalist system.

Which feminists fought hard to enact. It's not like men wanted their women to revolt and disregard their own biological instincts in favor of being degenerate whores

Feminism as a cultural movement is upstream of such systems and leads to these types of conclusions though, just look at California during Reagan's governorship when it was hardcore feminists and not the general population who pushed forward the no-fault divorce laws and the like

Yes. Capitalists have figured out that some degree of socialism is necessary to keep the peasants from the revolting.

What, do you think all those socialist/commie revolts were happening because everything was peachy under capitalism?

welfare != socialism

Holy shit

Boy, you all need some maths.

how about this then, we murder everyone over 70?


prevents overeating

And yet people still argue for capitalism.

Nah the revolts were happening in large part because of outside funding

They sure know how to make people appreciate a square meal.
>seawater soup

Well, leaf, if you have a better system, please, do tell. And capitalism actually avoids making this problem bigger, because it promotes small families, which generates other problems...

Tell me how it is to be poor in the US and in a socialist paradise like Venezuela.

i fail to see how full scale capitalism beats the nordic model

>it promotes small families, which generates other problems
No, it promotes ever-larger worker force, because unemployment is by design. Which forces women to work, which drives wages down, so women HAVE to work, instead of having babies, single income families become a thing of the past, and this would be a self-correcting problem, if immigration wasn't real, and anybody who says otherwise is a racist.

You almost wish it was deliberate extermination, because at least it would show that somebody up top cares.

Even if you murder everyone over 60, you will get overpopulation eventually. You know, fold a piece of paper, then fold it again, and so on, basic math.

how does that not apply to capitalism too?

Do you have a real argument, or do you just reflexively bring up a petrostate being fucked over by oil prices being low as a defense mechanism?

Alberta let capitalists run amok for 15 years, now their homeless are flooding Vancouver. Thank fuck it had rest of Canada as support.

Algeria is also about to go down the toilet.

You are wrong, capitalism gradually reduces the size of the average family, it just moves the base workforce from one country to another (Example; from the US to China), and even then it will eventually reduce the speed at which the population grows. See some stats about family size and world population speed growth, my leaf fella.

> that's state capitalism

>You are wrong, capitalism gradually reduces the size of the average family,
Oh, you're talking about the thing. No, that's human nature. When people aren't certain if their off-spring will survive, they have more children to compensate. When they are, they have less.

Well, yeah... capitalism works with human nature... unlike: Socialism!

Shouldn't that graph be logarithmic?

>Do you have a real argument, or do you just reflexively bring up a petrostate being fucked over by oil prices being low as a defense mechanism?
Yes, that was a real argument. The problem isn't inequality, this is a fact of nature. The problem is poverty.
If you don't wanna talk about the petrosocialistparadise, what about Cuba then? So god man, to rationalize food and live in a dictatorship.

> Alberta let capitalists run amok for 15 years, now their homeless are flooding Vancouver. Thank fuck it had rest of Canada as support.
Extreme poverty in capitalist countries is a marginal happening, while in socialist countries is the only reality for the average Joe. Do you think there are more people living in the streets than in their houses in Vancouver? Why don't they go to work somewhere else?

>Free helicopter rides

Shut up Peru

At least they tried it.
>also, killed a lot of jews