Yesss UK...

Yesss UK ......The BBC thinks we should reformulate the English language to suit immigrants who don't speak it that well.

The whole point of the article is that as English becomes more and more widespread, using abbreveations and idioms is a bad idea as it can lead to confusion amongst non-native speakers.

What's the issue with this? You'd have to be a special kind of autist to be incapable of speaking in different ways around different people.

Fuck off tosspot


Because they should learn how to speak YOUR language because they're coming into your country, not the other way around homo.

idioms and abbreviations are a part of our culture, watering it down, and letting shitters know what we're talking about would be a detriment to our culture.


KEK, am i the only one noticing this and ridiculing the cucks taking that BBC?

the article mentions nothing about immigrants, it's all about working in international organisations and companies.

Lets all just speak some creole mix of polish, arabic, french, german, mandarin, hindi etc

That will be great

If you immigrated to their country do you think they would change their language for you?

It's about fucking time the BBC lost their funding. But if course an establishment shill like May will not do that, just like Cameron didn't

The two major parties just take turns fucking us in the ass

>britbongs not only lost their fucking country but they lost even their fucking language

>the article mentions nothing about immigrants, it's all about working in international organisations and companies.
Mandarin is hard and i don't think all other countries like India, Russia och china are going to be happy about ditching their language for English. If they want every one to speak a global language they need to pick a new easy to learn language that no country can claim as their own.

Esperanto maybe.

>working for international organisations and comapnies means every single individual has to drop their native tongue for english

Can someone shop george soros's face onto skull face from metal gear for me?

So just like in 1984

>English language
you mean American

haha it's funny because BBC can mean two things :)

Is it really that bad of an idea to have everyone learn Esperanto as a second language?

or just have everyone learn english, that way english speakers don't have to go out of their way to learn a shitty devolved language that's 2 braincells short of pidgin.

Yeah you're right.

Anglos and burgers are to fucking retarded to learn a second language, it would be impossible.

I'll correct myself slightly because my first post was a little poorly worded.

The article argues that when you are speaking to non-native speakers it can be helpful (particularly in the world of buisness) to drop abbreveations, idioms and to slow down the rate at which you speak.

This is not cultural genoicde. If there were laws forcing you to speak in a certain way to non-native speakers then sure, I could understand your objections.

But there are not, all this is suggesting is what is the best way to communicate with non-native speakers. It's like when I talk to a Cockney, I don't force him to change his language, but if he changes then we spend less time trying to understand each other and more time communicating properly.