Daily reminder that the electoral college will stop Trump because of both the popular vote and the Russian hacks

Daily reminder that the electoral college will stop Trump because of both the popular vote and the Russian hacks.

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daily reminder that trump has no path to sage

Daily reminder hillary lost popular vote in plurality of states

Its gonna be a red christmas then ;)

Daily reminder that Donald John Trump will be the 45th President of the United States of America and will be sworn into office during the inauguration ceremony at January 20th, 2017 at12:00pm noon Eastern Standard Time and there is absolutely nothing that anyone can do about it but watch.

Wiki leaks admitted that both the leaks and the hacks were from an insider working the DNC


Daily reminder that Kek is the god of chaos and will ensure Trump doesn't get the electoral votes because, chaos.




Also, watch Sanders get it. Total chaos and unpredictability.

>popular vote
popular vote means jack shit, the cunt won california by 4 million votes

New York, Chicago and LA will be razed to the ground if the results are overturned.


reminder the rothschilds have already declared trump president for 2017. it's over, how delusional do you have to fucking be to think hillary will be president after all this time after the election is over.

>electoral college
>"first Monday after the second Wednesday in December"

Whats with these retarded dates?
Can't you just have a normal static one?

>the rothschilds have already declared trump president for 2017
you don't now fuck all about rex tillerson and you are 100% wrong

Wrong. Hillary also got the popular vote against Obama and there was no issue. It's people that were so convinced he would lose and ready to laugh at him that are making this an issue. They can't control their emotions and accept the loss.

daily reminder that Hillary literally lost kek

>picture is worth a thousand words
>needs words on a picture to prove a point that is moot

Hillary has won the popular vote TWICE now, she won the democratic one against Obama So I guess she wanted to change the rules of chess years ago, not from yesterday.

Anyway, she won't be in charge, no way. Worse case scenario elections are repeated, with Obama ruling for another year while it happens.
Most likely scenario, Trump is the new president, and he is the same old same old, without radical changes.

Dub zeros this post is false

Numerals confirm


Haha keep telling yourself that. Trump supporters are the real cucks of this operation. He's lied to you all and you neckbeards just thought of memes. Don't worry, he's gonna be kicked out before he even gets in the White House.

None of this matters, obama is gonna announce he isn't ceding power later today anyway

do you people actually believe this or are you memeing ?

praise him

Double digits confirm
They are desperate and this whole "electors" plan is the height of delusion. What are the chances they completely lose it and try installing King Obama after it fails on monday?

Anyone that thinks popular vote is a legitimate reason she should win needs to look back at 2008 and wonder why Obama is the President.

"russian hacks"
dnc literally created a meme to justify their own defeat

it's very sad
they believe it
it's going to be butthurt all over again

After Monday's vote, I look forward to the next delusional spout from butthurt libbies

>won't run
>won't be republican nominee
>won't survive "build the wall"
>won't survive "grab her in the pussy"
>won't make it through debates
>won't win presidential election

And now Trump "won't be elected by electoral college".

See a pattern here?


I guess black should have won since he had a queen, two rooks and a bishop more than white, right?


Nice. Very nice.





It´s not goona hapen
Trump is the PRESIDENT


There was no russian.
It was the dnc fucking with everything the whole time, its what we were saying all along

>tfw you loose an election that was rigged in your faver

/r/ing the dnc manlet that got shamed off of Sup Forums and then shamed out of a job. (cause he just didnt measure up)

Someone shoop putins face on this or the Russian slave, need for science.

this one made my nuggin twitch

I shitposted once to quit porn if I got numerals for kek.

I have been on no fap for over a month that and my balls are huge.

Kek, I have obliged. Please use your great power to do the best for the sake of the world.

op has a date with a rope

Daily Reminder that she lost.

Daddy Trump won. Now Daddy and Mummy will meet up and arrange a marriage between Barron and Mummy and we'll have a Barron Trump imperium!

All Hail Muad'dib!

Daily reminder that anyone who believes this will happen also believed that the super delegates were going to switch to Bernie.

No. Insider in RNC told me personally there's only two faithless GOP electors. One public (Ashley Madison cuck in TX) and another one who is private in a blue state turned red this year. RNC whips have everything under control in all 30 states + ME2 that Trump carried. Most likely one or both will have a change of heart before Monday. Screenshot this.

Putin's troll army is commandeering Sup Forums by forcing fake news and slide threads:
-->Syria General
-->Marxism/Communism General
-->REsident Trump General
-->Sup Forums Red Pill General
-->White Phosphorus
-->Russian Hacker
-->At War With Russia
-->Media Lies about Aleppo

Kremlin hackers have literally dominated Sup Forums with dozens of threads to manipulate the feeble-minded.

Wish it were true, OP, but I don't think EC is going to change their votes.

Prepare for the reality, don't hope for the fantasy.

Man that insane, no way it just pure coincidence

I too have read The Hill's latest article.


Repubs are so petty, they'd give away their country just to show someone up on an election.

the who. are you alex jones?

She literally only won the popular vote because of CA, and who knows how much voter fraud went on there.

If you delete CA from both of their totals it leaves Trump with a 1.4 million popular vote lead.

>fights all voter integrity laws
>president encourages illegals to vote
>pretends the popular vote means anything

picture would be better if it was realistic. There's no way in hell a game of chess would end like this. If both players were playing to win and not retarded, it's literally impossible.

Trump won the popular vote in more states than Hillary. Electors are state representatives.

They would have to ignore the popular vote of their own state to do what you say op.

People will be very mad if their elector says "well I'm voting Hillary because California did, even though that's not my state."

>they say a picture is worth a thousand words...
lol it doesn't apply when it has words and number attached to it

FBI colluded with Putin to appoint Trump. CIA killed JFK. America is a fiction for fools.