Why do you think it's a problem that children have the freedom to choose their own gender identity?

Why do you think it's a problem that children have the freedom to choose their own gender identity?

XX = Girl
XY = Boy

Anything else is a mutated freak of nature.

Fuck off.

because little kids are stupid as fuck

when I was a little kid I wanted to be king of space, kids dont live in reality

Because a child under 12 doesn't choose anything, they let their parents choose for them.


fpbp as usual

Shit, I live with a mutated freak of nature then.

You only become fully aware of your gender during puberty. That's the fucking point of puberty. So children just don't know shit about gender before they hit puberty, obviously they can't choose anything at that point

i'm ow , i'm an attack helipocter
you need to check your privelege

The problem is that i can't employ them because "muh rights", "muh incapacity of consent" and then, suddendly, they can mutilate themselves or ingest pills for hormone treatment without second thoughts. I mean, C'Mon! Children can even marry to muhammed and i can't exploit them. >:(

Can confirm
>t. science man

Why do you think it's a problem that children have the freedom to choose who they have sex with?

>you are this stupid

If your kid asked for ice cream for breakfast, would you capitulate like a faggot and go 'well, that's their choice'? 'Choosing a gender' is like that but about 6 million times more degenerate.

Yes. It's called bad parenting. Gender roles are a good thing as long as you don't hold either gender to a higher standard when you're raising your child.

Unlike the Sup Forums hivemind, I don't think women should be prevented from voting, working, going to school, etc. I'm just against the whole womyn >>>>> men and gender fluid bullshit. Raise your boy to become a man and vice versa.

Pollution from Endocrine Disruptor's is pervasive in the environment. The choice is being made for them. This whole tranny issue is nothing but an elaborate PR stunt the plastic's industry has employed to avoid lawsuits. People wont sue if they are proud of being sick.

>attack helicopter
Hello, youtube commenter.

>Why do you think it's a problem that children have the freedom to choose who they have sex with?
Since when does Romania have a muslim population?

When I was a little kid I thought it was totally plausible I could be a dragon. This is because I was a kid and I was stupid. Same logic here. Ever wonder why the suicide rate is 40%? Only good thing is it ends the gene pool of terrible parents who think 5 year olds have the logical capacity to make long-term decisions.

Because nobody regardless of their age can choose what gender they are, encouraging the delusions of the mentally ill should be considered a crime against humanity.

>Why do you think it's a problem that children have the freedom to choose their own gender identity?
The same reason why you dont ask your child if you should take a loan out on a home. They simply are not experienced enough to make decisions like that. Kids should be kids, not worrying about bullshit that doesnt matter.

Because choosing gender is for clownfish. Not humans.

>"She's too young to decide to have blonde hair"
>Said no one ever to the natural blonde


oh shit. trannies btfo

Mental illness isn't a joke
>mental illness isn't a joke

please read thisand and if you don't live with an XXY natural transgender yes, you are living with someone that mutilated him/herself over a mental issue, this individual might be a well behaved conpanion this does not change the medical reality.

is science guy, I'm worse, I'm teaching in high school and the number of fake gays, lesbians and trans that are in fact only using their sexual orientation as a drama queen/entitlement are irresponsible brats at best, mentally ill at worse.

I used to date a girl who was politically engaged with LGBT community and ended up having Elsa, a trans friend. This "friend" was a subtle mix between fight club, requiem for a dream and Sara princess of desert.

I warned her, she told me I was Intolerant.
I broke up with her
And I found her smacked like pete doherty 4yrs later. The elsa boy girl thingie made her a junkie and commited suicide after emptying her bank account...

nice. i love happy endings