Well Sup Forums?
Well Sup Forums?
what the fuck do you think, retard
Yes a nigger is worth less than a european
No. All these sjw twinks are equally worthless.
First Bost Pest Bost
they are both equally worthless
3/5th less.
Statistically, yes.
If we can put a price on a human life, whites definitely worth more. Better education, better jobs.
More than likely, yeah.
Although one is asking for special treatment, and the other is a braindead cuck. While the cuck might make some meaningful contributions somehow, both aren't worth that much tbqh.
The fucking paper and ink the sign was made with are worth more than that criminal thug.
ever hear of white man slavery?
...black guy is obviously worth more.
Facts over feelings BOIIIII
i am obviously in poor taste joking.
...im sorry people of obvious colour and unobvious colour.
These are the only correct answers. If you're defending the guy on the left because he's white you can fuck off.
Based on information provided in the pictures, yes.
both are worthless
All these questions depend on the other side being a pussy who is too scared to voice their opinion.
No one truly believes that all life is equal. They will always have preferences for specific people like their family, their friends, their partner and so on.
It's the same when they go
>Who are you to decide ... ?
Someone who isn't too afraid of the consequences to simply do it. If you never act you already lost.
a mans worth is directly influenced by what he can do
skin color doesn't matter
a doctor is inherently worth more then a burger flipper
It depends. If the black man was Ben Carson and the white a lowlife thrashbag, then black man. If nigger vs a stick, then the stick wins. It has its uses
Blacks seem to think so, figuring how they kill niggers more than any other demographic.
seconded... social justice racist wont stand next to black man for picture...unsafe
Self hating cucks are just as bad as niggers for society
Worth more to who?
A chimp and a capuchin are drowning in a lake, which one do you safe first?
Is he a criminal?
>when your worth more dead than alive
I gotta get my kicks somehow right?
>If you're defending the guy on the left because he's white you can fuck off.
We look out for ALL whites fellow burger, stop turning on own race like the blacks. Sad! Many such cases!
>1 exception
Kill the white muslims.
>always kill a traitor before an enemy, Jimbo
barring everything else, the white guy, on a global scale, has scarcity value
Black people are breeding like rabbits
Niggers can live happily ever after in Africa.
a.) didn't colonize Africa (and if it did that was ancient past and not my problem/fault)
b.) didn't pollute this planet
c.) didn't start a war in Africa/Arabia
So yes, my life is much more worth than a dirty nigger rapist's life from Africa who came here to shit all over we build/fought through centuries.
How about checking those Jewish/African slave owners or billionaires or mine owners or literally go to Queen's door, ring, ask her why her great grand mother did shit somewhere. Fucking stupid niggers.
an actual intellect.
attempting to bait with an arguable statement.
ON Sup Forums
>fuck I'll take it, i'm bored.
WHITE RACE INVENTIONS: Automobile, Internet, Computing Systems, Sea Travel + Submarine Travel, Space Travel, English (most complex language), Modern Medicine and Surgery, Modern Guns, The Atomic Bomb.
As you can see, most technological advancements that contributed to society significantly were dreamed by the white brain. While in the small picture it may seem that inherently the color of skin doesn't matter, but in the bigger picture practically every forwarding advancement is conceived by the whites. Every single important contribution to the world that moves us forward is brought by the white race.
I have an issue with this idea of life being worth anything at all.
How can you quantify that shit? Why is your life worth anything at all?
Obviously it is worth something but only if you are playing some important role. A doctor is worth more than a nigger hoodrat. An engineer is worth more than a Starbucks barista.
The issue is the moment you talk about what someone's life worth you can't avoid invoking utilitarianism, and under utilitarianism a life of an uneducated nigger mooching off of the welfare state, will always be worth less than the life of a working white men. So you kind of fucked yourself there.
You can take it even further. You can take into account intelligence, skill, ability, usefulness of such ability. It would reshape society really because right now how much your life is worth is more or less how much your bank account is worth. But under utilitarianism that wouldn't be the case. Hollywood sluts that have 50 $ million for sucking old jewish producer's dicks would die of starvation under utilitarianism.
White average IQ 103
Nigger average IQ 85
(for US)
you can still carry my luggage though
not according to niggers
The agricultural revolution initially happened in Sumeria and China, not Europe. The industrial revolution happened in Europe.
If you actually look at the larger historical picture, it's happenstance.
>you can still carry off my luggage though
Around blacks, never relax
Your heart is in the right place, user. But white leftists hate their own kind. I still would still look out for them, but it's difficult to not be angry when say the worst shit about their own race and ally themselves with people that hate white people.
Yes of course
well im going to have to see their taxes and yearly income to decide who is worth most
The white one needs to move to black Africa and try to uplift the supposedly equal or superior niggers if he wants them to get better.
But you just know he won't do that. All his white liberal friends know he won't do that either. The white liberal that walks their talk on racial integration is a rare bird indeed.
also noteworthy post
Back to /leddit/ cuck boy
Looking at statistics on IQ, probably.
No and no as both are equally worthless parasites upon society.
how is this not the first post?
one post by op
White traitors have less value than niggers.
Richard Spencer supports black lives matter?
How? Because he wasn't the first to reply to this thread and we don't have upBoatz here. Now scram faggot.
The right one is worth 3/5 of the left.