Guys, my dad seems to think that most chinese restauraunts are money laundering schemes for (((organisations???)))...

Guys, my dad seems to think that most chinese restauraunts are money laundering schemes for (((organisations???))), does anyone know anything about this? Perhaps in the past? Or has he been watching too much Walker: Texas Ranger?

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The Chinese are stupid liberal Jewish cunts and I would also like to know more about this

Or maybe people legitimately like chinese food. Your dad is an idiot.

Now fish tank stores, that's another case..

the chinks don't need to raunder their money here because blatant corruption is regal in china

restaurants are good for money laundering though

Man i really want some pho right now

Tell your dad to stop acting like the Pizzagate shooter.

I wouldn't be surprised. There are a lot of Chinese restaurants around here that stay open despite me never seeing anyone there.

You should try opening a business that no one patronizes and see how long you last

In my neck of the woods they are. There are three Chinese food joints and a shitty Chinese owned mini mall here that are consistently empty yet have been in business for nearly twenty years.

The cops here all know that shady shit is going down in those places but nothing ever gets connected to them so they keep on keeping on.

Generally what happens with these is one person owns/runs it. The family like the wife/brother/sister help but are not a paid employee.

All of the family that works there besides the kids file for gov't assistance. They take the cash part of the EBT card and use it on the lottery machines. They drop up to 300$ each a week in lottery.

I'm not even joking. So they get free groceries and use the cash half for lotto.

I've been watching street food videos lately.
It made me realize there's more to China than Sup Forums's autism.

stage an intervention for your dad's drug problem asap

Well if they only sell fish tanks probably

They're fronts for coyotes or snakeheads or whatever the fuck they're called. The make their real money bringing in people illegally for 10s of thousands of dollars then making them work at shitty chinese buffets or massage parlors

I had a TS SCI clearance. During one of our biannual security briefings we were told by a US gov't agent:

"over half of all Chinese restaurants in the United States were started with CHICOM intelligence seed money. They are used primarily as blind drops for espionage, industrial and otherwise."

They also told us that over 90% of Chinese foreign exchange students are, in actuality, intelligence recruits tasked with getting into elite US science and engineering programs. Their goal is to get internships at top US tech companies to conduct industrial espionage.

this, happens also with many pubs and night clubs

Basically, any business that depends on public attendance can be very easily used for laundering, especially those that can sell their products at abusive prices, like high class night clubs with bottles of alcohol for hundreds/thousands

>all cooked in highest quality gutter oil

>not being able to sustain a successful business selling exclusively fish tanks
Looks like you couldn't sell Leo that pen.

The real underlying scheme is diaspora accounts back in China. Basically, people get ordinary savings accounts at a Chinese bank, into which they deposit overseas money. These accounts are subsidized by the Chinese government to encourage people to:

1. Leave China (reducing the excess population)
2. Relocate foreign assets into the Chinese economy.

These diaspora accounts can earn as much as 10% interest annually. Yes, the same savings account you in Europe or America get .05% with if you're lucky.

India does the same thing. This is why both groups of people run cash businesses: restaurants, laundromats, currency exchange, etc. That cash disappears off the books and gets repatriated right back to the mother country.

Chinks like cash money businesses.
Cash money businesses CAN BE used for money laundering, but then again, there are many, many different ways to launder money.

Manhattan KS has two chinese restaurants owned and operated by first generation immigrants. If there is a Tong running protection schemes on them, or using them for money laundering, they are the most pleasant, law-abiding Tong ever.

We have had HUGE Chinese espionage issues in Canada. A business would frankly be a fool to hire Chinese in my opinion.

They frequently commit tax crimes.
Next time you get carry out, look to see if they punch numbers into the register or just open the drawer and do it by hand or with a calculator.

>most chinese restauraunts are money laundering schemes f

Far better ways to launder money than Chinese restaurants.

Note that Bitcoin SOARS every time Chinese decide to get money out of China.

My gut feeeling is that a lot of the real estate boom in Vancouver is based on money laundering too-- example--a house (officially) sells at $10 million when it is really a trade for Chinese assets dumped at a fraction of that.

Of course, news that the house up the street "sold for XXXX", then all houses in the neighbourhood soar in price based on the phony transaction.

The Vancouver real estate boom may prove to have been a mirage. get out while you can.

Art is another great money laundering idea,

Most retail store are money laundering organization. Ever see a store that's always been open and never anyone inside. Mafia front.

>Most retail store are money laundering organization. Ever see a store that's always been open and never anyone inside. Mafia front.

The only way to really succeed at that is to (officially) rely on high mark-up items.

Examples--a 20 cent can of coke sells for $1.50

If you want to launder money, you could even throw the product away and say that you sold it. Problem--in Canada we have GST/PST on top of income taxes, so it can get costly.


I think a lot of them are actually connected with the triads, and operating on the tong system. Probably do some gambling and setup work for Chinese wanting to come to America.

how Chinese immigrants, brought from China in shipping crates from 1970s-1990s, would live under direct governance from the Chinese authority in the US (mafia)
this is how the Chinese came to open up restaurants and dry cleaners w/o having any $$ or experience, thru the help of a very well connected mafia. the mafia would then collect fees from the "franchises" and launder shit

Chinese use the border too, there's a black market in Manhattan that employs them in Chinese restaurants all over the US.

This user knows his shit

back in 1990..

>The Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese gangs are linked to their community's social, political, and economic life. The Chinese gangs especially rely on their relationship to certain large, established social and political associations. These groups use the gangs to protect illegal activities including: robbery, extortion, burglary, and collecting tributes from Chinese retail stores and restaurants.

>The Asian community is uncooperative with police. Asians are unwilling to report crimes to the police, since they cooperate with the authority of their ethnic mafias.

China supplies most of them, either officially or unofficially through Triad channels.

everything is controlled and organized thru China gov't via overseas Chinese authorities and established groups (triads) under Chinese gov't
even Chinese takeouts (unofficial franchise) are all established via this extensive global "gov't within a gov't" system

Yeah they are in Chinatown and nearly always part of a local mafia. That's why they only ever accept cash. It's tax evasion.

>hinese use the border too, there's a black market in Manhattan that employs them in Chinese restaurants all over the US.

Huge numbers of illegal chinese workers in Toronto and elsewhere. It's so easy--get off a plane and work for uncle Hung Phat while living in his basement..

the thing is Indians, Chinese and other Asians are the only groups that have a huge support group for successful colonization

not even europeans received immense funds and support from their compatriots when they colonized

a no-speak-english with no skills opens up a take out with the help of the local triad, he shares the profit but makes enough to buy a house in 2 years and open more takeouts...

H1-B is also one example of coordinated ethnic/nationalist colonization efforts

just compare the european immigrants coming in to canada they are futile in competing with established networks of indians, arabs, chinese...

It's true, at least in Paris.

>just compare the european immigrants coming in to canada they are futile in competing with established networks of indians, arabs, chinese...

Any Europeans I have seen come over have done very well, but we ARE different--we are individuals--not group oriented.

Affirmative action programs work against Whites too, even though we are minorities or close to it in many large cities.

well, the most affluent group in:
-US and UK are Indians
-Canada are Chinese

an Indian from 3rd world has a better chance at becoming rich than a Romanian from the 2nd world

thats the situation in Fiji, South Africa, Guyana, Trinidad, Australia, UK

but Romanians just work in brothels anyway...

My uncle was for several years working as an administrator for chineses here in chile
It was the fucking mafia. He had to lead to broke about 5 restorants because of the chinks and was almost involucrated in a case of murdering. I'm glad he could leave that shit

I would say that, culturally, the Asiatics mentioned have a more communal outlook. The Western Euros tend to be more individualistic. The Westerners likely wont migrate in exchange for an arranged marriage, arranged careers as doctors/engineers/etc because of profit/prestige.

Each has pro/con. But the West is suffering from an imposed lack of education to stymie the once better educated former middle class.

The real tell will be if/when the Asiatics catch on like the Zionists and start populating the banking and upper-government sectors.